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E3 2011: Wii U May Inspire Vita/PS3 Connectivity Ideas

Nintendo has revealed their new system – the Wii U – and Sony finds it to be a very interesting product.

SCE Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida finds it intriguing, and tells Develop it'll inspire PlayStation Vita developers to "carry out experiments." After saying he was surprised the Wii U "wasn't exactly as it had been rumored," Yoshida talked about how Nintendo's unveiling has prompted some Vita/PlayStation 3 questions:

"Already people are starting to ask about linking Vita and PS3 to do something similar, in terms of using two screens, and having controls on the screen. That's very interesting, and we will have to experiment. Lots of the things that developers of Vita games are doing, as you may have seen, is experimenting with connectivities between Vita and PS3.

The Wipeout [2048] team came up with their cross play ideas, and the other Vita teams have come up with ways of playing with two systems. It's just a matter of time, as we provide the SDKs to developers so they can make use of both PS3 and Vita, and they might come up with something interesting."

Gaming really isn't what it used to be, is it? And it's nice to see manufacturers and hardware developers inspiring others to try new things.

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13 years ago

What I hope for is a GT5 (Spec II perhaps) PS Vita game that can transfer saves between the PS3.

That way, I could continue my climb to level 40!

13 years ago

Indeed that would be great.

13 years ago

Um…OK, before anyone jumps on the Sony is copying Nintendo omnibus, I'd like to point out that the PSP already acts as a companion for the PS3 including remote play. I'd also like to point out that in the early days of PS3, the F1 game that was launched was demonstrated using the PSP as a rear view mirror during game play. the actual feature did not make it to the retail release, but it was demonstrated. I believe that the Polyphony team did something similar with the PSP in the early stages of GT5 as well.

I'll also point outthat using the PSP as a controller for the PS3 and viewing content from the PS3 elsewhere (including across the internet) has been a feature since day *one* – it's called Remote Play. You can even remotely turn on your PS3 from your PSP via the internet.

Vita can only serve to deepen that functionality. I would imagine that Vita can use BlueTooth to act as a PS3 controller – for example.

I simply refuse to start giving credit to nintendo for anything like this since Sony's PS3/PSP combination has had much the same functionality since it arrived.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/8/2011 10:59:17 AM

13 years ago

I'm not in the 3rd grade so I'm not going to say Sony is copying Nintendo, but the Gameboy Advance and Gamecube connected to each other almost a decade ago.

13 years ago

Thank you, that actually makes the point. If you want to you can mention other examples too. There was at least one prior example of Sony producing a handheld game product that specifically interfaced with a PlayStation game. The word Tamogochi is coming to mind for some reason.

However, the more advanced capabilities of remote play and control from the handheld – of the console – is what is at issue here.

13 years ago

The only real issue I see is that remote play is only a fraction of what it could have been. Why can't remote play do something now similar to what the Wii U will be able to do? I've used my PSP to connect Assassin's Creed Bloodlines with Assassin's Creed 2 to transfer weapons and that's pretty much it. It's been very "meh" since it started.

13 years ago

Ah, found it. I couldn't remember the name of this thing, but it always reminded me of the Tamogochi craze.

Google the Sony PocketStation. It was a product that linked to the original PlayStation via infrared, or could act as a memory card.

13 years ago

I have a working PocketStation. I used it for FFVIII (one of the only US games compatible with it). It was definitely innovative for it's time, but no more innovative than the N64 transfer pack that came out around the exact same time.

13 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the transfer pack was a way to move game save data between the 64 and the Gameboy. As I'm certain you know, PocketStation has it's own screen and functionality. Of course, that makes it very much like a Gameboy – only without the games.

13 years ago

I compare the two because the Pocketstation is literally terrible. It's essentially an Atari 2600 on a 1" screen. I own it, so I speak from experience.

The transfer pack let you use gameboy games to affect N64 games. Isn't that what the whole topic is about anyway? Connecting a portable device to a console? The transfer pack essentially did that.

The Transfer Pack, GBA>GC, and DS>Wii connectivity are something Nintendo need to improve, and it looks like they're doing that with the Wii U. Sony could still improve now. They've had the technology to do it for a few years.

13 years ago

No, I don't think it's about being able to port game saves back and forth, PSP games will be doing that soon with the PS3. I though we were talking more about using the handheld device to supplement the Console's capabilities and essentially put the handheld into the game as well. Sony already talked up the ability with vita to be able to start a game on Vita, save to the cloud and continue on PS3, and then save to the cloud and go back to the Vita to carry on. So, they're talking about features other than basic linkage for save files.

I totally get your point about the PocketStation, that's why I said it was "like a Gameboy – only without the games".

13 years ago

You know the VMU on the dreamcast wasn't quite as advanced or anything but you could call your plays in football off the VMU so as your friends can't watch your screen. Also some games had mini games that were transferable to the VMU and then you could play them and bring back rewards from playing on it. Also the PSP had some connectivity with the PS2 as well. I don't know how much but I remember playing Madden 06 and it had an option to probably just pull up saved data from your PSP to load your roster or something, but it was connectible.

13 years ago

Figured I'd add this one: the Nintendo Powerglove back in '89.


I'm not saying Sony stole motion sensing from Nintendo, because there are too many years difference between the PowerGlove and the Move. But I do think Nintendo was ahead of it's time at that moment, and finally found a viable timeframe (our current gen) to release motion sensitive gameplay, considering that Sony had given it a shot in the previous gen with the PS2, and was moderately successful.

13 years ago

The Wii Ugh.

With it's graphics capabilities matching five and six year old consoles, it feels like 2005 all over again.

13 years ago

Dejavu exactly!
On topic:Whatever…Kojima mentioned this capability back in January and if he works exclusively with PSVita/PS3 it's game over for WiiU(what a lame name)

Last edited by nilos95 on 6/8/2011 2:54:00 PM

13 years ago

Have to admit, WiiU is pretty lame… but so is Vita!



13 years ago

I'm not to keen with them thinking about copying ANOTHER idea from Nintendo and slapping an PS brand on it like they did with move (yes there I said it)

They doing fine with the regular connectivity between the PSV and PS3. I'm satisfied by what they've given us so far.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 6/8/2011 11:13:40 AM

13 years ago

Please. Nothing (and I mean *nothing*) about Move was copied from Nintendo.

The PS2's Eyetoy pioneered motion controls on the current generations of console. There were also motion sensing controllers for the PS2 as well. PS3 formalized the motion controls into the standard controller and Move adds a single element to the mix – the motion tracking ball.

Move, is not a Wii copycat in the least. and don't even get me started about Kinect's supposed innovations such as gestural control or voice commands. The Eyetoy games on PS2 had gesture based control, and you've had voice command capabilities in console games since the PS2 generation. Years prior to the release of Kinect, the PS3 also enabled voice control in games such as SingStar.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/8/2011 11:20:21 AM

13 years ago

Please. Nothing (and I mean *nothing*) about Move was copied from Nintendo.

I find that quite laughable they both have the pointer controller thingy you hold in one hand and they both have the other controller to move around the character and stuff the only differences I is that one is black one is white, one has a controller that looks like a tv remote the other looks like some kinda of stick thing with a glowing ball on top.

I don't care what you say, you can sugar coat it all you want , but TO ME move is an exact copycat… a more advance version of what the Wii motion controller does with prettier graphics.

I don't care for this whole motion gaming stuff Sony, MS and Nintendo got going and I never will this is my opinion and how I feel about it.

13 years ago

The move can hardly be described sometimes as "motion" gaming though. just a great interface to augment what we already have. Like a mouse with no pad. I've loved playing flight control for instance and 1st person games have been tremendously engrossing with it. I'm not moving much at all with them.

13 years ago

At the core of it it's still motion gaming?

Don't mean to come off as a bit of a douche that just how I see move I tried it, I've tried the wii and that Kinect thing and I didn't like them. I'm not saying motion gaming is bad or terrible or anything like that, although I might have come off that way.

I just can't get into this new kind of gaming with the motion

Last edited by GuyverLT on 6/8/2011 11:50:02 AM

13 years ago

So, the fact that you're completely wrong in respect to this is of no consequence to you Guyver? Excellent. Top drawer old man, you continue in your own little world of opinion over fact.

God I hate it when people think that their opinion is somehow more valid than simple fact.

13 years ago


I'm 21!!!

13 years ago

God I hate it when people think that their opinion is somehow more valid than simple fact.

And another thing I'm not saying my opinion is more valid than simple fact. I clearly say in all my comments that this is what it is TO ME it is how I feel and again I state that it is MY OPINION.

For so reason you can't seem to understand that.

13 years ago

I understand it perfectly Guyver, but your opinion is contrary to fact. and you re-iterated your attitude that your opinion matters more to you than fact when you said this "I clearly say in all my comments that this is what it is TO ME it is how I feel and again I state that it is MY OPINION. "

That's fine Guyver, really, but you really are saying that to you your own opinion matters more than fact.

13 years ago

If something that was developed years before the wii u was announced, and something that has been in development for a while are each already capable of doing what the wii u can do, what's wrong with implementing it? And besides, this sony guy is saying that people are asking him about it, it is his consumers who are interested, and he says it is really up to the developers of the games. That is what I got out of the article, so how is sony ripping nintendo off? I can see that if sony saw the wii u and then decided, after seeing it, to create the ngp to copy the wii u's controller, then you might have a valid point. But as far as I can tell, the ngp and ps3 are already capable of doing what the wii u does, as well as each being their own product.

But sorry for going off topic, but nintendo consoles have always been a hot kids item. How much are one of these controllers going to cost? It would seem that they would be expensive, leading to abuse of children once one is broken. Nintendo is supporting child abuse! Just kidding, but geeze these controllers might cost as much as a 3ds.

13 years ago

Sorry Guyver, but you're out of step here (and I'm not surprised you're 21, as that'd explain your relatively limited knowledge of the history of how these things have developed). To give you a bit of a primer, check out:

I'd be very surprised it Sony wasn't at least partly influenced by the Wii nunchuk, but that's not actually the motion side of things – the actual motion control was most definitely pioneered by Sony, it's just that most of the uneducated masses in the gaming world are clueless about it ;).

13 years ago

I was born the same year the PS1 came out and I was gaming on it when I was 4 in 1998. I grew up playing the PS brand and of course at about the age of 7 I got my first PS2 in 2001. Ever since I've first handily witnessed the innovation of the PS2 and what the EyeToy brought to the table and when I first saw the Wii for the first time I immediatley realized that the Wii had obviously been influenced bye the EyeToy. I could easily say it was DeJaVu when I saw the Kinect for the first time.

13 years ago

As for saying Sony copied the Wiimote, have a look at this patent from 2004:

There's a tech demo Sony showed off in 2001, called Magic Duel, which used a wand that Move resembles, running on PlayStation 2 hardware. Unfortunately I can't find the link, but I remember it was very accurate. I recall reading a PowerPoint presentation from 2000 or 01 about motion control on PlayStation 2 as well; that might actually be on one of my hard drives. If I find it, I'll post it.

13 years ago

I just read this article on develop. I like that site. Not as much as this one, but it's alright.

When I saw the unveiling of the Wii U the first thing that came to my mind was the remote play as well as Invisamals (no spell check on that one).

13 years ago

I'll say. I think this newer technology and innovation will help develop the industry even further, catering to newer demographics without losing the old ones.

I have to say that Wii U was amazing. A true next generation console for Nintendo. Now we just have to see how Micro and Sony will stack up.

13 years ago

To be honest, I was really underwhelmed, I don't know why. It didn't help that the console itself just looked alittle like a 360 at first glance, and the controller looked like a oversized, uncomfortable vita.

I'm reserving judgement for the games themselves. That's what Nintendo might bring me back with.

13 years ago

How will they "stack up"? Pretty well so far, since both companies released comparable hardware over 4 years ago.

No one will need to play catch-up with Nintendo hardware until Nintendo produces hardware that isn't a generation behind the curve (that's both consoles and handhelds BTW).

"A true next generation console for Nintendo." LOL…yeah, if by "next generation", you mean the one that was upcoming in 2005.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 6/8/2011 10:22:23 PM

13 years ago

I actually thought the opposite here, When I first saw the Nintendo controller I immediately just thought, it's kindof like the Vita. Only instead the Vita actually goes places with you. Why didn't they just make a normal controller for once and make a similar interconnecting portable, instead of the crappy 3ds.

13 years ago

Why didn't they just add some functionality to the DS and 3DS to allow either of them to be used with the Wii and WiiU? Both have wi-fi built in, both could easily communicate with the main console, both could fulfill many of the same tasks as this 'thing'.

13 years ago

"When I first saw the Nintendo controller I immediately just thought, it's kindof like the Vita"… kind of, but the WiiU control can also use a stylus… don't know if it makes a huge difference when it comes to playing games, navigating on the screen, or drawing/sketching on etc… surely there will be some difference that will be become very apparent when software is released for it.

You know what though… I actually keeping my gaming minimal. I don't want to spend money on these extra items for the console. I just want the traditional controller and some good games.

I won't waste a penny on move, nunchuks, WiiU's etc, magic wands and plastic light-sabers, or anything else for that matter. I am happy with the basics, I get more than enough fun from it…



13 years ago

I still do not want a controller like the WiiU has. I mean, seriously! I dread the day that a home console from Sony would ship with such controllers. There's a very good reason why the DualShock has been around for as long as it has. I only have one pair of eyes. I don't want to keep switching my attention between my TV and the stupid screen on my controller.

13 years ago

I agree. I want to play and veiw home console games on my large screen HD TV. I do not want to keep taking my eyes off the TV to look at a small screen on the controller. In a way, Nintendo mimicked the DS for a home console, but now the two screens will be feet apart. Not sure how well this will work. Won't know until they show actual games.

I like the idea of sharing saves between the PS3 and PSV like was shown with Ruin.

13 years ago

I seriously have no idea why my posts keep double-posting sometimes, but I'm just going to use this space to say that the only thing I hope the WiiU would inspire Sony (and other devs) to do is to enable good crossplay between the PS3 and the PSVita.

Last edited by ZettaiSeigi on 6/8/2011 12:02:00 PM

13 years ago

There's some kind of scripting thing I think. I had that happen for the longest time with Firefox, and made a change (can't remember what) and it stopped.

13 years ago

I see. Thanks Highlander! Good to know it's not me actually causing it. LOL

13 years ago

I've recently had this happen a few times. First time I left it not knowing what to do and poor Ben had to delete it. So next time I did as you and edited it with an afterthought lol.

13 years ago

If you can still Edit your extra comment, you should also be able to delete it by clicking on the trash can icon next to the Edit one.

13 years ago

There could be some interesting ideas with the Vita/PS3, for sure. But that will only go so far for me if I need to buy the same game for 2 different systems for it to be a seamless experience.

13 years ago

I completely agree. If they require you to buy the same game, or precisely 2 full-priced games that connect to each other, they're taking a step in the wrong direction.

Let's say they make God of War 4. On the disc they could have a minigame that you transfer to your Vita. Once you finish the minigame you send the data from the minigame back to your PS3 and it unlocks a skin or something else cosmetic.

To me, that would be a good use of the technology. If developers would rather see dollar signs, they could put the minigame on the Playstation Store. This could happen now with the PSP, but maybe I'm crazy and no one would have any interest in it. The only games I know of that do something similar are Assassin's Creed 2/Bloodlines and Resistance 2/Retribution.

13 years ago

im sure theyll come up with something interesting, making us buy the game 2 times would be completely irrational. I dont know much about WiiU, do you need to buy a game 2 times? if not, i dont know why sony would make it different, I dont know, using wifi connection or something…

Last edited by AugustoDeItalia on 6/8/2011 5:29:32 PM

13 years ago

The Nintendo E3 conference used Xbox and PS3 HD game footage in their video presentation to show what the games are going to look like.


Replace @ with . to see the article if interested.

Hilarious but to get back on topic, I did find some of the features worth reviewing. IMO, the idea of playing your game on the controller if someone wants the tv is the coolest feature but using something like that new 3D set as picture in picture would be something I would be more interested in.

Last edited by vicious54 on 6/8/2011 1:15:14 PM

13 years ago

This is exactly what I thought. The availability to play games with an extra option. for example, different controls, extra maps, or things like that in the screen. Or maybe this time they finally put the rear view mirror of GT5 or Formula 1 games. Things like that, extra stuff that make integration more interesting and appealing to public. Or simply, the fact that if you purchase PSVita you can have a boosted (better, different, overhauled, etc.) dualshock3. I fact, they can sell or give add-ons where you have extra stuff on screen or different kind of features in certain games. Just hope they don't make us buy 2 games or something, it has to be more like peripheral features.

Last edited by godsdream on 6/8/2011 1:26:49 PM

13 years ago

I remember that I could transfer the save game of FIFA 07 from the PS2 to the PSP and the other way around. 🙂

13 years ago

I love your avatar!

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