PSP2, NGP, Vita…call it whatever you want; it still needs great games in order to succeed.
Most importantly, Sony's new portable will require a solid assortment of launch titles when the fancy new handheld arrives. We've heard multiple rumors supposedly confirming the NGP launch lineup and while this isn't official, it's encouraging to see more evidence . If true, this list is pretty damn good:
I've often said it in the past: hardware turns into a really expensive paperweight with no software. Of course, in this sense, the super light NGP doesn't really fit the analogy but you get the point. It won't be cheap and it'll need to compete against the likes of the Nintendo 3DS; hence, it really needs a great start.
Would this lineup convince you to nab the new portable on launch day?
Rumor: Titles Confirmed 😛 I like this article
Lumines and Uncharted!
No rpgs. :_(
What's Lumines about?
Music puzzle game, like Tetris. Look it up on YouTube. Love it. =)
It's probably a bit more fancy than Lumines on psp but still… Not what I would buy a new psp for.
Made by the same team that's doing the very promising looking Child of Eden. Haven't played it on PSP, but I'd probably pick it up on the PSV to pad out the initial launch games that I'll have alongside the device.
Yes Child of Eden looks promising indeed – my best bet for a Move flagship so far!
really want uncharted life (vita) it's suppose to be called uncharted: golden abyss. It takes place between 1 and 2. also,i think it's awesome that mk is on there
Another source said it's set before U:DF.
Heh… I keep reading your name as Platypus. Also, maybe it'll be a bit of both, serving to introduce Chloe in the pre-DF section, then skipping forward to show how Drake and Elena broke up. I just hope that it'll be looong.
Last edited by Lawless SXE on 6/1/2011 2:11:57 AM
Uncharted, mortal kombat, and id have to check out the portable cod!
No that list wouldn't convince me, it's gonna take a low price. And also I hope Sony has had time to digest all the hate over the Vita name in time to change it for E3.
I like Vita!
I think it's kinda cute sounding. It sounds to be something small and good looking, charming even.
– "I'll bring my Vita with me", I can definitely picture myself saying that.
Sounds all good to me!
Makes sense for a Japanese audience, not so much a western one.
"sense", does Vita mean anything?
There's plenty of car models (as an example) that has names like that, and not only japanese ones?
I actually havent seen as much hate as i did for ngp
All I see is hate
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/31/2011 10:18:10 PM
That's just because it's "cool" to hate the psp, and now with the psp2 people are trying to find anything at all to hate. "pfff, I'll have to wait to see price, They gonna make me play games with touch screen? LOL!!! touchscreen on back? sony is just ripping off apple, but with back touch screen!"
mmmmnahhh I think the name just sucks balls.
If I were to get this, it would be more for the non-gaming features than anything else. I'm not into portable gaming that much, but I like little hi-tech devices. Playing Playstation games would be a bonus.
What non-gaming features do you have in mind?
No Riiiiiiiiiiddddgggee Racer?!! It's not a PlayStation launch without Ridge Racer!!
Oh, it'll be there, It will be the big surprise at the end of the show.
Dude that really made me LOL. Good one.
No Battlefield 3 :'(
Great games would definitely have me supporting the NGP. I purchased the Nintendo 3DS when it launched and having to wait until June 7th to see exactly what it can offer is an excitement kill.
Yep give me Ridge Racer, an RPG, Uncharted and a new MGS game on the horizon and I'd be tempted.
I'm going to get it for sure, uncharted seems cool. I would really love an ape escape game though. Oh, also a big action rpg would be nice.
Ahhhh…I was hoping that "Gravity Daze" would appear on that list. That looks hella fun, based on the little preview we saw of it on the NGP trailer.
I think the integrated reality function (or whatever it's called) is going to be hella fun!
This generation I learned to never buy a game console at launch. I'll wait for the first hardware revisÃon and price drop. I can wait.
those yellow boobs freak me out man, what gives?
if thats the line up, this will be great.
I for one think the great list of games is really just a HUGE bonus. I mean yeah it's the PSP at heart but really this is an all in one media machine we're looking at here that beats the iPod Touch in quality, look, feel, power, connectivity, integration, PRICE, and after all that… games. I really hope this will be priced lower than the i-Pod Touch, that will be the sweet spot. SONY has a potential KO on their hands if they play their cards right. I f you couldn't tell I believe SONY's real opponent here is not the DS anymore but the i-Pod demographic.
Wow, am I the only one psyched about WipEout? Lumines got me hooked on the original PSP as well. I suddenly feel like I'm experiencing deja vu, in a good way. It's like the original PSP launch all over again! And in that case, yeah, I'd be needing Ridge Racer.
And LOL @ KabutoHunter. That was nice.
No SE rpgs? C'mon, the best games this generation from them are arguably portable, its only natural that they support the NGP.
I still want it but the price might hold me back for a few years n I hope u could remote play with it playing any game
I told you before: change the avatar.
I am deeply offended by that avatar and give Ben my full support. SXE!
I think you mean "largely" offended. That avatar is jinormous! Also, it lacks wit.
At least it's not Mau Zedong LOL, and besides I only take offence to the In God We Trust part everything else is all good haha
At least it's not Mau Zedong LOL, and besides I only take offence to the In God We Trust part everything else is all good haha
Not a single game on that list that impressed me. I mean, Lumines and Wipeout AGAIN? I don't know what "Little Deviants" is so can't say anything about that one, but the rest are uninteresting to me. They are well known brands though, so I guess they will sell.
I will not start a Uncharted rant again, let's just say that I won't buy it and leave it at that.
In addition to big games (like Mass Effect or even Burnout Paradise, how awsome would that be) I was hoping for more unique NGP titles, like Crush on the PSP. Games that are not just watered down versions of console games, but unique IPs for that platform.
I hate to admit it, but all in all I am disappointed. I was expecting at least *one* big surprise on that list. Something that made me go "omg, ok, I *want* this".
If this is the final list then I will definitely put the NGP on hold until further notice.
Last edited by Beamboom on 6/1/2011 12:59:33 AM
yo, e3 isnt hear yet bro…there could be more surprises
I say let's leave all the surprises for E3, right where they should be.
Ahaaaaa… I see. Of course! These are just the "warm up", sort of. The support bands. Makes perfect sense.
Thanks guys – my enthusiasm is restored!
Last edited by Beamboom on 6/1/2011 3:54:16 AM
Beside uncharted that list of games is very…Blah !! Well its
still very early. NGP > Vita
os life all day…i'd play that catherine game on this…
Off topic for a sec…..
Hey Baseballedude or Ben,
Can you fix this demonic "toggle scrolling button" to stay exactly how I've set it to off mode forever? It's driving me nucking futs!
FYI, I'm not sure if you guys are aware of it but, if I post something, it keeps resetting itself back to "scrolling" mode, & then I have to make up to 5 more clicks just to get back to the main page afterwards.
And if I have a lot of posts to do, it get so bad, it makes me not even want to post anything at all.
Please, help a brother out
Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/1/2011 2:05:23 AM
I say, I say, I say get used to it boy. Nah, it's the bane of PSXE, and it must be eradicated. A bunch of us were just talking about old cartoons at work today and we all ended up talking like Foghorn Leghorn for the last hour or so. And then I just couldn't resist your avatar.