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Uncharted NGP: A New Story, More Details On June 2

When we first saw Uncharted running on Sony's new portable (the NGP), we were excited.

But details besides the working title of "Uncharted" were few and far between. Now, thanks to a recent interview with French site (as cited by Joystiq ) and a clarification by Sony, we've got the baseline info: Naughty Dog co-president Christophe Balestra first said the game's setting is "between the first and second Uncharted games." But in truth, according to Sony, the title features an "all-new story" that actually takes place before Uncharted: Drake's Fortune . As for more details, we don't have much longer to wait- Sony says to expect more confirmed details to arrive next week on June 2.

It's also worth noting that Balestra said the Uncharted NGP title will have more of an emphasis on exploration rather than gunfighting. Maybe it's easier to control platforming mechanics with a touch pad…

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13 years ago

Sounds good to me, a pre-se-prequel…or something.

All I know is, I can't wait until NGP lands…

13 years ago

This is fantastic! Now I can have an Uncharted to play at home, and one to take with me where I go, and before next summer too!


13 years ago

Hopefully this will be a launch title.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Sony Bend certainly have the PSP experience to be able to hammer this one out quickly, especially if they got working on it immediately following the release of Resistance: Retribution (now over two years ago). It only took the team a year a half to develop that title, and by the time the NGP is released, it'll have come close to three years. It may just be me, but I think that that is plenty of time to develop a new engine, or perhaps trim down ND's engine (wouldn't that be heavenly?!) to NGP specs, as well as get cracking on a compelling new entry to the series.

13 years ago

Before U:DF means no Elena.


13 years ago

Hope they show the meeting of Drake and Raja

13 years ago

Whole new story, that alone makes it D1P for me.

The NGP looks just like a current-gen console graphics wise…This will really make the NGP THE handheld to get.

Feel sorry for Nintendo right now, but the NGP just has the edge.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Does this mean more Eddie Raja? Cos that lad was MADAWESOME! Shame that there's little chance of Elena returning, but maybe this will actually span Drake's Fortune and be both a prequel to it, and as well as an interquel between DF and AT.

Maybe it'll elucidate on the Drake's relationship with Chloe and Flynn, or perhaps his early work with Sully. Oh GOD! The possibilities?! And blasting this one open less than a week before E3? Imma be bouncing ALL that week. NGP is a Day 1 for me, I don't care what is released alongside it.

13 years ago

not a prequel but before drakes fortune.
looking good, hopefully we can get a uncharted origins detailing the characters, and how they met and so on.
thats one thing ive always wanted in uncharted, a little history!
background info goes a long way for storytelling!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Mystery makes good fodder for fan fiction. Just sayin'

13 years ago

mystery is fine, but you cant throw a bunch of characters together and act like there best friends since preschool!
uncharted 2s constantly hinting between the history of drake and chloe, the history of drake and flyn, but you never discover anything about them!
you have all these characters but have no idea there history, back story, and why there sticking together.
one thing im really looking forward to in uncharted 3 is the relationship between drake and sully will be explained, now all they need is to do the same with the rest of the crew!

13 years ago

They leave these relationships unexplored in pulp (aka treasure-hunting) genre because that's the style of the genre.

Of course, they can go back and reveal the origins of those relationships (as they are doing with Drake and Sully in UC3), and that's fine and dandy. However, I'm going to warn you now, but you're never gonna get rid of the mystery of the characters' relationships and the history that you can see but don't fully know (mostly because leaves out a lot of pointless expository sequences).

13 years ago

and that is why the series will always have a sub par story!
look at ME, its got the most overused generic story out there!
what makes it so incredible is everyone knows you, you get a sense theres real history behind the game.
it makes the game feel like if you explored space you might run into the normandy.
uncharted though could not feel more fake if its life depended on it!

13 years ago

I want to get an NGP but I can only see myself using it on vacations. I hope they will be some sort of way with this NGP built in games in memory cards, that can allow u to play on the PS3.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Maybe an NVG card/Memory Stick adaptor *oh sh't, new PS3's got no card readers ;P*

I'd say that Sony will be working something out. Why else would they be incorporating saves onto the NVG cards? Besides, game distribution should be split evenly between physical and digital, leaning more towards the latter, and it really shouldn't be overy difficult for developers to get the games capable of running on the PS3 also. HOWEVER, doing so runs the risk of nullifying the existence of the NGP from day 1, so perhaps they'll expand on this PSP Remaster idea? Maybe playing the game on the NGP will grant extra content?

Sorry, it's midnight, I'm supposed to wake up in less than four hours and I'm unable to sleep for some reason. I'm going to regret this tomorrow (later?).

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 5/24/2011 8:59:58 AM

13 years ago

theres no risk of NGP games being on ps3 nullifying the existence of the NGP.
everyone goes out daily, you cant tell me theres no place you go out where you would not want to play ps3 games on a small device.
exactly like what project cafe is suppose to do, home use the console, out use the controller.
as long as its seamless, easy to transfer games and save files across, and only have to buy 1 version of the game not 1 for ps3 and 1 for NGP, then it will be a MASSIVE hit!
allot of people are saying is it worth buying a NGP just for better looking games?
this will help convince them, because not only do you get better looking games, but you have game progress transferable between the two!
thats priceless!
in fact i cant think of a better feature to add to increase sales!

13 years ago

Anon Cowkerder,

The difference between Nintendo's concept and Sony's is that Nintendo are trying to make a single product serve two purposes. The controller/gamepad that Nintendo is apparently pushing appears to bring with it some limitations in terms of it's use as a traditional controller. Anyone who has gamed extensively with a PSP or DS knows of the cramp that only comes from using those things for long periods of time.

Sony on the other hand is integrating two separate platforms at the application level so that you can pass game save data back and forth to continue your game. The NGP and the presumed PS4 of the future (PS3 for now) are both fully realized products of their own. Plus the home console has a proper controller which is more comfortable to use for extended periods of time.

What Nintendo is doing is interesting, but at the end of the day, I think that they are trying to put too much into the controller of their upcoming system and should instead have gone with a proper update to the DS including it's physical shape to make it more like their controller/gamepad concept, while at the same time allowing the new home console to focus on being a home video game console.

13 years ago

OK, horrible typing error right there in the first line, why didn't I see that in time to edit?

…Anonymous Cowherder…

Somehow a 'k' got in as I was typing.

13 years ago

dunno what your talking about i played my psp 3000 for 3 hours and my go for another 3 hours on my flight and my hands were fine!
only thing that makes my hand cramp is the poorly designed DS3, tis why i prefer playing MP games on the 360 controller.
it feels like some engineering went into it!
its really nicely shaped to fit into your hand, the sticks have a smooth soft rubber with concave in them, instead of the harsh rough rubber on the button sticks of the DS3.
same with the shoulder buttons the 360s ones are soft and smooth, the ps3s ones feel like im rubbing my hand on a emery board!

hows that a bad thing?
there trying to give you a handheld FOR FREE as the controller of the console you bought!
NGP included with the price of a ps3?
yes please!
maybe they will have the handheld controller as a accessory, im sure something like the wii mote will be back in some form.

13 years ago

This is so awesome! OMG,
Eddy Raja returns? He was my favorite villain in the series. Hopefully the story is centered around him and drake working together to find some epic artifact. One of my most anticipated title for ngp. 🙂

13 years ago

Hey guys, I know that this isn't related to this article, but I can't seem to connect to my ps3. Its a day after a storm here in Fairbanks, AL and all the power went out. The next morning I can't seem to connect my ps3 to the internet. It keep giving me this dns error? What should I do. Any suggestions would be helpful. 🙂

13 years ago

Nevermind, I just figured it out. All I did was reset my router and waited for 5 minutes. Lol, that was quick. Disregard my last msg. 🙂

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

I'm hoping that this game will cover the origin story of Nathan Drake.

13 years ago

Hmm…whilst I'm not sure what exactly the story's supposed to be (prequel, interquel, pre-interquel?), I have no doubt that the game'll be good.

My only problem with this info is that we've had more than enough UDF prequels as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, they've all been awesome, like the Eye of Indra comics, but I think we've had enough "before UDF" stories for now. Plus, I would really like to see what the hell happened with Nate's promise to Elena at the end of UDF. The only thing that would change my mind about this is if the game is about how Nate got into the fortune-hunting business, which would be really interesting IMO.

13 years ago

I can't wait for this portable and the Kevin B. commercials that will come with it.

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