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Rumor: PSP Go A Permanent No-Go?

It's really not a matter of "if;" it's a matter of "when."

Sony's next-generation portable is…well, exactly that- the Next Generation Portable, which is scheduled to launch later this year. The future is not the PSP Go, which Sony has admitted was more of an experiment than anything else.

The handheld unit that subsisted entirely on digital software will soon go the way of the dodo, but perhaps it has already happened: according to a blog post by a Japanese Sony Shop employee (as reported by Andriasang ), Sony has halted production of the PSP Go. On top of which, it seems the Japanese Sony Style store doesn't stock the portable gaming unit anymore, although the American branch still has it listed for $200. From the start, the $250 price tag was questioned by those who wondered what the PSP Go had to offer.

As for the NGP, it has been receiving much rosier feedback from gamers, analysts and developers. Good thing, too; it is the future, after all.

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13 years ago

I still had fun with it, no matter what people say, and it was a solid piece of hardware and the white version was a very nice looking item. It' wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. I will admit I did pirate the games I had as UMDs but other than that I spent over $250 on digital games on since the first entry of my PSP-1000. It was my way of getting the Backwards compatibility since SONY wouldn't provide us with a service, I didn't steal what I hadn't already bought.

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 4/19/2011 9:27:30 PM

13 years ago

What an unceremonious demise… it was DOA!

PSPGo's will probably go up in value from here on as their scarcity increases 🙂



13 years ago

That's one expensive experiment, but then again so was Frankenstein's monster.

13 years ago

I never interested a bit in the psp go for incredibly tiny size, uncomfortable to hold and no hard copy, I will never buy digital copy of games, to me Ask me to pay 40 bucks on a intangible media is no way. I said before the day they stopped making hard copy wih beautiful case is the day I stopped buying any games.

On sth off the topic, as we are voting for the next gen console available time, I would say I don't see any point to make a ps4 until we have sth better than a blu Ray disc, I just don't see any point to have a ps4 running the same blu Ray disc, not sth higher.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 4/19/2011 10:23:02 PM

13 years ago

You nailed it about the Go. More expensive for less — how very odd. I also agree about digital, except on some things like PSX classics. I like being able to have FFVII or IX, or Xenogears(which I've never owned or played), or others on both my PSP and PS3.

13 years ago

@ Wreckless

Yes, when it comes to physical copies that are pretty much extinct, having these types of games still exist in digital form is where I think it benefits us. I got irritated when PSN had Agarest War for 50 bucks for 9GB download. No thank you. Even though the price is reduced to 30 bucks I'm not sold.

It seems that they are going to release a physical copy of the game later this year but how much do you want to bet we're going to see a 59.99 price tag on it?

13 years ago

@ Big Boss

I agree with you. I've always felt that the original PSP was a better value. There's just something about having that tangible product in your hands while saying its your own.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It was only a matter of time. Unless I'm mistaken, sales of the device were pretty much stagnant from the get-go, and I'm glad that Sony realised that it was a failed experiment and has included physical media in the NGP. Farewell, PSPGo! we hardly knew ye.
And by the end of next year, I shall similarly be bidding the PSP adieu. Can't wait to see what Sony has in store for the NGP at E3, or maybe we'll have to wait until TGS?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

This rumour seems now to be confirmed (though not by Sony). It seems like the Go is officially gone.

13 years ago

The Go has great features though, extra portability, Drop in out game, bluetooth. It just didnt hit it's mark. I'm still thinking of picking up a go.

There's also nothing wrong with a digital model for portable gaming. Even with my 3000 I only use digital really now. I just rarely carry around my umds and prefer to use my 32g stick. Games load faster too and increase battery length.

13 years ago

Not surprised, it's more expensive and has less to offer in my opinion than a psp 3000. If you are one of those that doesn't want to carry around disks, just buy a large memory stick and download your games anyway.

I never really saw the point in the go.

13 years ago

I've enjoyed playing old PlayStation 1 games on my white PSP go. I could actually put the little thing in my pocket, but recently i lost one of the cables to charge it. And now i can't find any cables for it in Best Buy. I guess i'll check GameStop fot it.

13 years ago

Frankly I think the PSP's are better for PS1 games. I'm actually not that fond of playing PSone games on my PS3.

13 years ago

Isn't the new mobile Sony Ericsson Play in effect the Go? At least they look extremely similar…

13 years ago

Not surprising. Sony has the hardware to back up it's goal but not even close to matching it with the software. Releasing a system that can only play downloaded games but not having the network in place to provide all the games doomed it from the beginning.

Bring on the NGP and along with it the software backing.

13 years ago

My acqaintance, you are right. Ben just asked us if its the price what drives us to buy our gadgets. I say its not, it never is. Is the amount of support these little devices get from the beggining, that makes it worth the purchase.

13 years ago

like world said that's one expensive experiment. the market rejected that overpriced nonsense. sony should have known a download only system would not have worked. the network did not even have a lot of popular titles. the prices for the games were also ridiculous. you couild find a lot of games on umd cheaper.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/20/2011 6:10:28 AM

13 years ago

Madness isn't it. I went into GAME the otherday and they did not even have a section for PSP games anymore, I can't see why not when Square has dropped a bombshell of titles on the system. I really can't wait to get Final Fantasy IV tomorrow 😀

As for the PSP-GO in general, i'm not to fussed, I like my original PSP as i like to have UMD discs over pure downloads.

13 years ago

what for?
they just dropped the price of the bloody thing!

13 years ago

Hopefully the used prices will come down even more now too, as I need both, a black one & a white one, to add into my collections.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/20/2011 1:41:54 PM

13 years ago

If anything the price will go up.

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