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Rumor: Xperia Play Priced At $400

Smartphones aren't cheap. And you might be able to guess the price of the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play; i.e., the "PlayStation Phone."

We know it's coming out next month but we have yet to see a confirmed price tag. However, recent evidence has come to light that may have spilled the beans before Sony Ericsson was ready: according to theGamerBuzz , there seems to be a Facebook contest where the prize is the Xperia Play. Among the contest rules, it seems plain as day:

"WINNER DETERMINATION/PRIZES: A prize will be awarded to each of the 10 entrants with the highest point total at the end of the Promotion Period. Each prize will consist of a Sony Ericsson Xperia™ PLAY Phone. In case of a tie, the tie will be broken among the tied Entrants by the Entrant who attained the score first as determined by the Contest Administrator’s time clock.

The Approximate Retail Value (ARV) of the Prize is $400.00 US/$397.36 CDN. ARV is as of date of printing of these Official Rules."

Well, that seems pretty concrete, unless the contest organizers are guesstimating. Smartphones can be in this range, especially if they're new, but does this price sound agreeable to you? If it does turn out to be $400, will that influence your decision? Are you just saying to yourself, "eh, I like my iPhone" right about now?

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mike rlz
mike rlz
13 years ago

r u serious bro?

13 years ago

Mmmm, that's real pricey, and if that's the case, that doesn't bode well for the NGP.

13 years ago

Yeah maybe. But I think they'll make more back from game sales with the psp2, so they should be able to sell it at a loss.

13 years ago

For a phone that is about right. The Bionic and the Thunderbolt are around the same, or are said that they will be when they come out.

That is standard pricing for a smart phone.

Most people here will probably see it as over priced because it is so far outside of the pricing for a game system but you have to remember this is a phone.

Plus when it comes to a contract the price will fall to about 299

13 years ago

yeah, it is pretty standard, but it scares people when they figure the NGP is gonna be thrice as advanced for gaming and the two keep butting heads.

13 years ago

Yeah, I understand. People see them pretty much as equal and kind of expect an equal price even though they aren't. Probably can't be helped

13 years ago

Not really, on contract those phones will be $250 off contract the thunderbolt is approximately $750 usd. I really hope the xperia play isnt $400 then nobody will buy it.

Last edited by dkmrules on 2/17/2011 12:24:33 AM

13 years ago

When you read thru the link it gets into details regarding issues the winner may experience if their carrier does not provide network service for the device. A clear indicator that this is an off contract price.

13 years ago

In Canada, a $500 phone would typically fall to around the $100 mark with a contract. With a contract, I got my iPhone for $70. Full retail without contract was like $429 or $439. Something like that.

But yeah, $400 is pretty typical of a phone. I had thought they'd price this one closer to $500.

13 years ago

Wow… as a Canadian, it's really strange for me to see a Canadian price lower than the U.S. price. Even though our dollar is higher right now, we still have to pay extra through the butthole on almost everything! Case in point… compare prices on to that of MAJOR difference!

13 years ago

Tridon, As a Canadian do you take issue with the last few sentences of the conditions?

"If the Potential Winner is from Canada, he/she must correctly answer a time-limited mathematical skill testing question in order to receive the prize.”

WTF is that and why must a Canadian do this to receive the prize? Can someone explain this?

13 years ago

@Fathasun. The skill testing question is actually part of Canadian Sweepstakes Law. Without it, by Canadian Law this would be considered an illegal contest for us Canadians to participate in and any winnings would be denied…

13 years ago

Prices are usually lower on Amazon-dot-com than Amazon-dot-ca because there is more supply than demand in the US. Canada has much less supply for the demand on nearly every commercial item out there (except items made in Canada), so it's usually more expensive for us.

The reason the phone is cheaper for Canadians is because Sony, and many other major manufacturing companies, have a manufacturing plant out of many countries. For us, most manufacturing for companies like Sony come from Mississauga (just outside of Toronto). Since there is an equal supply/demand ratio, prices are at base, the same. The reason for the few buck difference in our favor is because right now, Canada has a stronger dollar than the US.

Gumbi's right about the Canadian sweepstakes law. Every sweepstakes you enter here usually has a skill testing question at the bottom of the form or submission.

Win a car and get the arithmetic wrong? No car for you.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/17/2011 9:52:53 AM

13 years ago

well the Droid phones are $400 to $600 depending on what one you get. remember that these prices are without the contract so this looks like a good price for what it can do.

13 years ago

eh, i love my iphone!

sorry xperia play!

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

For a new phone unlocked without any contract,400 bucks sounds about right.

13 years ago

took the words right of out my mouth contraband. they have to show the full retail for any contest. my mom plays sweep sheets, an advanced contest system that gives you a month+ edge on the public for huge prizes. its part of the legalese that they tell you how much its worth, in some cases its for tax forms…many reasons.

13 years ago

I was gonna buy both Xperia and NGP, but looks like I should just keep my money for NGP…

13 years ago


13 years ago

now the npg is looking a lot beter

13 years ago

yeah? What about with a plan?

And does this mean the NGP will be $600?

13 years ago

NOOOOOO! This a a lot more then I expected, way to much. I was going to get this the month it came out but not for this much… 🙁

13 years ago

If you sign a contract you probably get if for 150 or 200 maybe.

13 years ago

Probably less, cause iPhone 4 no contract is 650$ and with contract its 150$.

13 years ago

there is no way the xperia play is $400 off contract

13 years ago

I don't see why not, it's little more cost wise than a psp go with a built in phone and android.

13 years ago

NGP initially priced at 450$ think

13 years ago

seeing as you can buy a 16gig iPhone 4 for £510 thats $821, so $400 is amazing if its correct.

now im not comparing an iPhone to the psp phone, but I know which I would rather have in my pocket!

heres a clue… it doesn't run Nazi tunes.

Last edited by dillonthebunny on 2/17/2011 12:32:58 AM

13 years ago

nazi tunes? I don't use itunes, are they Nazis-types?

13 years ago

If this is the off contract price then that is excellent. I would then expect it to be no more than $300 with contract and maybe even as low as $200. I just hope they announce other carriers sooner than later.

This makes me wonder what the price range may be for the Playstation Tablet that is also on the horizon. Like I said… Sony is on a roll.

Last edited by FatherSun on 2/17/2011 1:09:26 AM

13 years ago

Off topic,

An update for those who may have read my issue regarding my pre-ordered Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Special Edition debacle at Best Buy.

It was Best Buy that had to deal with me. I am getting my copy and it will not cost me a dime. I had a Regional District Manager get involved and my copy is on the way along with a $60 gift card and 500 Reward points/$10. No shipping or tax. They have made this customer whole.

Customers should never allow their rights to be violated. If you let it happen then it will.

13 years ago

Playstation Tablet?

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 2/17/2011 1:07:37 PM

13 years ago

400 USD?
that means in sonys currency converter 800 AUD!
thats more than the freaking iphone 4!!!!!!!
this things a pile of bolts, so if sony has any chance of raking in the slightest bit of cash on it its going to need to be dirt cheap!
cant understand why sony are doing this there shooting themselves in the foot!
only way you can compete in the smart phone market these days is to out muscle everyone, this thing could not out muscle a freaking LG!
looks like the titanic is going to be getting some company……….

13 years ago

Is there no way for you to have someone make a purchase for you in the US and have them ship it to you? I am sure that would be a much cheaper alternative than paying the prices you always mention. If it is even an option for you that is. Or are there specific laws that keep you from doing that? Or regional issues for merchandise? I know if it were me and it were a possibility I would have everything shipped to me that way. Prices in AU seem ridiculous.

Last edited by FatherSun on 2/17/2011 1:23:33 AM

13 years ago

its not that easy.
1 its a phone, there delicate so theres risk of damage.
2 it will be locked to a US network, so getting it unlocked will be expensive and sometimes you cant get them unlocked for a certain amount of time.
would still be allot cheaper but its not worth all the risks and hassles.
technically anything over 200 bucks you import you have to pay tax on it so that would eat into the money saved too.
well, your suppose to declare prices of things but no one does they just take the price tags off and pretend they bought it ages ago.

13 years ago

I have family members who live in England, and I have a co-worker who has a lot of family in Poland. Also, my brother-in-law is a musician (recently nominated for a Juno, btw for his second time), and he usually does a tour in Australia each year.

According to ALL of them, you just need a localized sim card. In fact, I know there are phones out there that can house 2 sim cards that will kick in the right one depending on the area you are in. My Uncle lives in Liverpool. He has a double sim card phone. He's got a PhD in Law and often does talks at various universities in the US. Depending on the country he's in, he just uses the same phone but different sim card.

All you need to do, no name, is ensure that the size of sim card your phone carrier uses will fit into your American bought phone. The phone's themselves are not region locked.

13 years ago

Underdog, the cell phone vendor/operator lock-in in the US and the lack of compatibility between networks is one of the reasons that the US cellular market is so backwards technologically. I had a GSM phone for years before coming to the US, I still don't have a true GSM phone here. When I was with AT&T that was the closest I got to European style service because I had a Motorols RAZR v3 worldphone, it was unlocked and would function on any GSM network with an appropriate SIM card. That's the only time I've been able to say that, the non-GSM phones and locked GSM phones from AT&T and all the other vendors are basically crippled pieces of crap outside their network. It's allows vendors to have captive customer bases for years because to change network you change phone, and that's not always very convenient. Of course there are all the contract penalties and other elements to the lock in here too.

I'd prefer it to be open more like the European model. If I buy a phone, then as long as I am using it on a GSM network with an appropriate SIM, I should have no trouble. I remember being able to buy pre-paid SIMs in the US, as well as being able to change networks simply by getting another SIM. Seems like luxury now.

13 years ago

its not that simple, allot of the phones in the US are locked to a certain provider which we dont have here.
what am i suppose to do if the phone i want to buy is locked to AT&T?
no one buys phones outright anymore because its not worth it.
the iphone 4 for example is 800 bucks outright, or i could get the phone for free on a $50 a month contract for a 24 months.
so you can spend 800 bucks on the phone + 30 bucks a month say on phone bills and that 30 does not include 3G networking thats extra.
thats $720 just on bills, plus the 800 i spent on the phone thats $1520 for outright.
or i can stick to the contract and spend $1200.
thats a saving of $320, not to mention with the contract i get 1GB of 3G no contract i get 0.
plus since i was a long time optus customer i got 6 months of my contract fee waved, so i saved another $300.
buying a phone outright is just stupid, you end up spending so much more and get so much less in return!
a few years ago telecoms had pay as you go, which meant you make calls and you pay for what you make, now they dont have that, they have credit so you pay a certain amount if you dont spend before the month is up tough cookies!
just not worth it!

13 years ago

$400 for it is IMO perfect pricing. Considering that I dropped $600+ for the N95, and $700+ for the N97, $400 is a steal…..that's why I'm getting the N8 because it's priced at $400(yessssss)

And anybody who paid more than $200 for any iPhone should be slapped. Because all you're getting is UI and old tech

13 years ago

I'm getting the N8 because of it's price and it's time for me to upgrade(had the N97 when it first came out)

Even though Nokia is ditching Symbian, I'm cool with it. I loved the OS, but it was time for a new system and having Windows as the OS is a step in the right direction. The learning curve will be little to none

You hated the N97!? Wut lol. I love it. Would have got the N900 instead if it did 3G on AT&T network. The only problem I have with the N97 is that it could have been so much more than what it is, looking at how advanced the N95 was at its time

13 years ago

I did have problems with the camera flash but I think a update fix that. The GPS is slow and fast at times but I don't really have trouble with it. Never been an app guy because 95% of it is useless, so I can really care less about it.

The people who knock the N8 are iPhone fanboys who won't give another OS a chance. N8 is a beast of a phone and will always be in the top 3 or 5 until Nokia release a new flagship phone. Pound from pound the N8 can go up against any phone and win, the only thing holding it back was the UI and app(don't care about it). The UI needed to be more responsive and faster. The OS was fine, just needed a tweakin(Meemo looked very promising)

Out of the box features, N8 win hands down against the iPhone 4. The saving grace for iPhone is UI and apps

13 years ago

Well $400 doesn't hurt me. Still getting it for sure. I've payed over $600 for phones before, so yea cheap phone from Sony Ericsson. Here is norway it will probably be around $600 USD anyway.

13 years ago

Well I'm sure it will be considerably cheaper when you throw down on a 2-year plan to go along with it. Of course for me, I think the deal was broken when they said you'd have to repurchase PSN content. I've already got Angry Birds and Sonic 2 on my iPhone and that about covers my portable gaming needs for now. I'd rather get the NGP anyway.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
13 years ago

Contract price will be $199, if not less. Anything more is suicide.

13 years ago

I'd bet that the phone will be less than that because of the spec. Comparative Andoroids are $99.99 or less with a 2 year contract.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
13 years ago

Made the edit to the title and subject line.

13 years ago

Pricy, but if thats meant to be a top end smartphone, that seems about right, on NO contract to me.
Its just less than £250 btw, so in fairness comparing that to top end smart phones seems fair.
I mean the Nexus S is £430!! so….

13 years ago

My guess would be $99 with 2 year contract or $400 without. Seeing as how most new smartphones are priced at $500 to $700 without contract, the $400 price point is encouraging.

13 years ago

Having to repurchase content has influenced my purchase decision, I won't be getting it.

I'd much rather save my money for the NGP or for when the PS4 comes out in 2014.

13 years ago

Well, it won't play PSP games at all, so it's only PS1 titles. I am still hopeful that a transfer utility for PS3 owners may come along so that if you have downloaded your PS1 titles to your PS3 you can transfer them to the phone just like the PSP. We'll see though, that may be to ideal of a concept.

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