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SCE Cambridge Handling Creation Of Killzone For NGP

Naughty Dog is only assisting in the Uncharted production for Sony's Next Generation Portable; Sony Bend ( Resistance: Retribution ) is handling the actual development.

In that same vein, Guerrilla Games isn't developing the NGP iteration of Killzone , either; according to GamerZines , Guerrilla senior producer Steven Ter Heide confirmed that SCE Cambridge Studios is actually handling development for the next-gen handheld Killzone . But also like Naughty Dog and Sony Bend, Guerrilla will lend a hand. Said Ter Heide:

"Our sister studio in Cambridge is doing that. We've been working with them very closely for a couple of years now. They've been helping us develop actual Killzone content for all the games.

We feel like the game is in good hands. We'll still oversee it because the universe is something we've built up, we know the war and the rules that have been established, but they're driving the development."

It's interesting to learn that Sony Cambridge helped Guerrilla in the past; it's also quite encouraging, wouldn't you say? The sister studio created the PSP version of LittleBigPlanet , and let's not forget about the PS1 classic, Medieval . It's probably a good idea; Guerrilla will want to start development on Killzone 4 , right? Or maybe a whole new IP of some kind…

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13 years ago

That's a pretty good track record of games SCE Cambridge has. And now that I know they've helped make the actual Killzone games, I have a lot of faith in them.

As for the whole Guerrilla Games new IP thing, I definitely hope they make a new IP before KZ4. Trying new things usually comes out pretty good for devs and players, and besides, I don't want too much KZ this gen. Two games in two years is just enough to satisfy me.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

I'm actually glad to hear this. When it comes to software development the people at Guerilla Games are among the best in the industry. However as much as it pains me to say this they have been notably lacking when it comes to story and characters. This is a shame because I've read the background story of the Killzone universe and it's actually very interesting and could easily spawn a great video game story. But thus far the people at Guerilla Games just haven't made the most of it or even really taken advantage of it. However SCE Cambridge appears to have a better reputation in terms of story and characters. I look forward to seeing what they might do with the Killzone material.

And I am hoping that there will indeed be a Killzone 4. Obviously I haven't played through the story of Killzone 3 but from what I've heard it does leave the door wide open for another installment in the series.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 2/6/2011 9:49:14 PM

13 years ago

I have a mixed feeling bout this. I feel bad for the ngp getting all these games but not the right devs. But good that gurilla can work on a new ip. Maybe it'll be a non fps, not that there not champs of the genre, I just feel they can put magic into whatever they want. I feel tps are the cream of the crop this gen, maybe they'll try that out. It'd be good. I cant get over how many great devs work on playstation and only playstation, it'd be great to work for any of them(if I was smart enough :[ ) ill count on gurila for my fps' in the future.

See ya guys, the superbowl was great this year, packers ftw.

Peace, wrote

13 years ago

well they did make LBP psp and that was good so im still excited

13 years ago

The console devs never handle the portable ones but if it's gonna be in someone else's hands you can't do much better. In fact it could conceivably score higher in some circles than KZ3 since there aren't any fanboys to kowtow to on the other side of the portable aisle.

Makes you wonder how long portable versions of KZ, Resistance, and Uncharted have been under development before we began to suspect the emergence of the NGP.

13 years ago

As long as GG is still helping out and watching what they're doing it sounds like Cambridge can handle it. Sounds like they have the experience at least.

13 years ago

well i guess that puts the rumors of them making a new medieval to bed!
god dam it sony why do you refuse to revive the series that MADE you?
syphon filter, medieval, 2 of the best series to ever grace the industry!!!!!

13 years ago

Medievil made Sony? (laugh suppression)

13 years ago

I'm not the biggest fan of _____; but to be fair World, he does have a point.

Sony, in general, has a lot of great old franchises (not just MediEvil) that it just won't do sequels for… outside of TM and Warhawk and GOW.

I appreciate the new IPs Sony creates gen after gen; but I'd still like to see Ps3 iterations of games like MediEvil, Syphon Filter, Omega Boost, Legend of Dragoon, Colony Wars, Destruction Derby, pretty much any Psygnosis game, and many more.

Sony needs to borrow a page from Ninty and do some sequels for these classics but still keep the new IPs coming. Sony, however, doesn't want to become too much like Ninty and do pretty much nothing but sequel after sequel. It's a balancing act.

13 years ago

When i saw the way u activate the ion cannon i was dazzled

13 years ago

so these are the guys who made medieval that weird ps1 game I played in the olden days? Lol well cool, but id rather have the real guys doin it, but oh well, I bwt there competent.

So ben, why is all this ngp news filed under psp news and not the new psp2 section? And why are there dq6 adds on the site? I mean I want it but usually there's PlayStation adds or stuff that can be had on a ps3/p. Speaking of ds radiant historia is one of the games im lookin out for lol.

13 years ago

Perhaps they're waiting until the official name before making a new category.

Also, John wrote this article.

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