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GameStop Prices NGP At $299

This is one of those times when you ask yourself, "does the retailer know something I don't?"

Well, sometimes yes, sometimes no. After much speculation concerning the price – including EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich's claim that the NGP can't cost more than $400 – it seems a tentative price is already floating around out there. It comes from GameStop:

According to a reader citing a retailer source, GameStop is now taking pre-orders for Sony's snazzy new Next Generation Portable; you just have to put $50 down. The price in their system? $299. This may be significant because normally, if they don't know the price of the hardware, they'll just use the absurd placeholder amount of $999. Evidently, the Nintendo 3DS had that price in GameStop's database before the official cost came down the pike. So what do you think? Might it be possible for the NGP to hit at $299? Considering the technology involved, many would say that's agreeable, and let's not forget that the original PSP launched with a $249.99 price tag. Oh, and for those seeking to compare the price to the PS3, remember the console will have been out for 5 years when the NGP hits shelves. That's a significant point.

$299 isn't a bad price for that thing, although some may disagree. Of course, this is all assuming GameStop knows what they're talking about. …and you know what happens you assume…

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Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

Well, obviously this begs the question of legitimacy. But something else I'm curious about is if this speculative price refers to the 3G or non-3G SKU.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 1/29/2011 10:15:19 AM

13 years ago

It was said that all psp2s would have 3G the different skus are for different regions.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
13 years ago

will there be an additional monthly charge for 3G access??

13 years ago

no, not all NGPs come with 3G there will be 2 SKUs one with 3G and one without.
and yes there is additional charges to 3G networking, monthly more likely.
i just hope they dont force you into a 24 month contract like what apple do with the Ipad.

13 years ago

It's about a 50/50 chance it will have that price and if it does it would surprise the hell out of me I was expecting it to be well over $300 price tag, BUT if it does in fact turnout that this price is correct I tell you people now that this will be my 1st handheld since the original 4 battery powered gameboy. It would be a day 1 purchase for me (ONLY IF IT'S $300) & I never buy anything as soon as it comes out I usually wait a year or two for price drop.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 1/29/2011 10:18:14 AM

13 years ago

I've stated before that Handheld gaming has really never appealed to, but the more read about this thing the more I actually want to give it a try.

13 years ago

I would definitely buy it for that price. I'll most likely buy one anyways but the cheaper the better. I also hope Gamestop has a good trade in deal on the old PSP.

13 years ago

The last time I cared about handheld gaming was when I had the orignal gameboy but I have to admit this does look cool.

At 299 that's not bad if gamestop knows the truth.

13 years ago

In this case, I'll either get this late 2012 or early 2013.

13 years ago

ahh the end of the world

13 years ago

As will I. The PSP2 is $300 and the games will be around $40. I can't let myself drop that money otherwise I won't be able to buy PS3 games for a year. I've already upgraded my TV and sound so I need to pay that off first. Oh well..

13 years ago

day 1 purchase for me

13 years ago

Do anybody know how much the ps2 was when the psp came out?

13 years ago

I think it was around $150 because isn't that when the ps2 slim was released? Ahh i dont really remeber, i was young then.

13 years ago

I believe the PS2 was $199 at the time, though it may even have still been $229. I'm fairly certain it wasn't anywhere near $149 (though the GameCube was).

The slim was available at the time.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 1/29/2011 3:50:54 PM

13 years ago

Okay, like i said i don't really remember that.

13 years ago

Well, if I was gonna put my $50 down I'd ask if they were 100% certain on that 299 price. Someone should call Gamestop and ask.

13 years ago

but doesnt gamestop specify in their preorders that youll get the lowest price?

13 years ago

compared to what?

13 years ago

well when they list pre-order items they state: Pre-order any product and if the price drops before the release date, you will be charged the lower price…

13 years ago

anything more than £180 and i'm waiting for a price drop.
(and any people from the UK wondering, 299 dollars at today's exhange rate comes at EXACTLY at 188.49)
either meaning exactly 180 quid, or more. perhaps £150 and i'd be reeeally happy.

Last edited by Zorigo on 1/29/2011 11:01:27 AM

13 years ago

Well the original psp was £180 at release but the UK generally get screwed over so i'd say around the same price as the 3ds £230…thats if $300 is the true ammount

13 years ago

Yes, but isn't the VAT at 20%?

So $299 = 188.49 pounds (don't have the symbol)

188.49 pounds x 120% = 226.19 pounds

If I were to buy a NGP here at $299, I pay a total of $334.88.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 1/29/2011 3:59:54 PM

13 years ago

$300 sounds a bit low, but they might have to take a hit on the hardware in order to keep up with the 3DS. Assuming they can make it all back with SDK licenses (shouldnt be a problem with how excited everyone is to work on NGP games) they should do alright with a $300 price tag.

13 years ago

A $299 launch price has gotten my attention. I don't want to pre-order it because I want to hold a display model in my hands to see how it feels. I don't play my PSP because it cramps my hands. My hands aren't big but I have long fingers that make the PSP uncomfortable to play with after a short amount of time.

13 years ago

How much are the games going to cost? Hopefully it won't be $60.

13 years ago

probably the standard 50

13 years ago

If the price stays at $299, this is a guaranteed day one purchase for me. Otherwise, have to wait and make sure the launch lineup is solid and future support for the system won't dwindle before hopping on board.

13 years ago

That doesn't seem too much. That's what I think the wifi one will be.

13 years ago

300 bing bings, definitely a release day purchase. Also for $300, why would you buy a 3DS with old tech and mediocre hologram images for $250

13 years ago

Well $300 isn't bad but considering that the 3ds can do 3d without glasses, for only $250 is quite the win. I don't know how many people are hyped about this thing, but I know I definatly want one of these things!!!!!! THis thing has so much to offer and $300 won't be a bad start. I wonder how much memory the NGP has without the cards?

13 years ago

Everyone I've heard who has actually used the 3DS says that they expect to turn off the 3D effect almost immediately.

Which isn't to say that it won't hook a lot of people.

13 years ago

I think the 3D on the 3DS is unimpressive if it's releasing in a few months and still no showing of the 3D power

13 years ago

thats the same price as a ps3, I wonder what people would rather have a ps3 or psp2???

13 years ago

i think its about a normal price sorta. its only 50 dollars more than original psp was. the only thing that could be the ngp without 3g only the wifi. i don't see how gamestop is the only one that has a price on it. i get my games on amazon they don't even have the pricing yet. so either full of crap and sleezing people money into putting the $50 down or their right.

13 years ago

Good price, isn't the 3DS going to be $250?

13 years ago

I was expecting to pay somewhere around $349, so if it cost $299 then I will be VERY happy.

13 years ago

Sounds like a good price. Too bad I just don't have the money for it this year. Maybe next year or 2013. I wonder when a price drop will happen.

I am kind of scared to buy it though, I never really get into the handheld stuff anymore, even if it does look very advanced. =/

13 years ago

Not bad since I think I paid that much for a 30GB iPod 5 years ago. Sony, I will gladly be giving you my money for this.

Last edited by Culoslap on 1/29/2011 4:13:00 PM

13 years ago

yeah my ipod touch was $300, so thats very smart pricing on Sony's part if its true. who would by an ipod touch when they could have this sexy thing that does everything that ipod can do plus like actual games and good looking fun ones too. if this thing has a 16 gb internal memory like the psp go or even more like my ipod then this thing has the power to set the market ablaze and steal a lot of the ipods potential sales. the 3ds will sell regardless of anything. it coulda been 599 like the 1st ps3 and it'd still sell 10 million in a week. so sony just needs to sell as much as possible. I still have a gut feeling that it'll be more then 300, the wifi only ipad is like 400 isnt it? this thing is way better then the ipad, I bet apple will reduce all of the prices on there ipad/pod once this thing hits. I predict that if the wifi only ngp is 300, the 3g one will be 400 + the monthly plan or 500 and have lifetime 3g. idk its all speculation at this point but its still really fun. but I might have to wait for a slim or lite model of this thing. it might be cheaper then too.

thats my rant. im wrote, I've been viewing this sight for a couple years now but finally just now made an account. I really like this sight and all the users too. your opinions are all great to read about


Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Welcome to the site, Wrote.

13 years ago

Gamestop is probably just trying to take some people's money as early as they can for any reason, so why not throw this out there and hope people bite.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is accurate tho, it's the price I would expect it to be.

13 years ago

eh, I don't know. Then people would be pissed when they went in to pay for the rest of it. I would.

13 years ago

Everything I have ever pre-ordered from gamestop has not been what I got upon release. I stopped pre-ordering from there because I never got what I was promised, that is why I don't doubt that they would do it.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Well, if that's the case, then we'll likely end up paying $500AUD for it, or $550 after they add GST. I don't doubt that it'll be worth it, but that might be a tad steep for me. Price it under $450 and I'll pick it up though.

EDIT: Y'know actually, it depends how much money I have at year's end, and the launch line-up. I'll wait and see.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 1/29/2011 4:52:56 PM

13 years ago

That seems expensive considering there's no phone involved. Maybe signing up for the monthly 3G service will reduce the overall price.

And I do NOT want to be rubbing the back of this thing to make Drake climb a rope.

13 years ago

All this money for phones, handheld devices, etc…people seem to spend money on items I would never consider purchasing like a iphone and such. Things like that are a waste of money, but marketing convinces people they need it. I'm not saying these products aren't worth the money, but when you think about it…do you actually need some of these devices as they cost a pretty penny and anyone who doesn't have money to spend like that shouldn't be going crazy to pick such items up. I say this because my GF does dumb shit like this all the time and I can see my friend buying this thing even though he will never play it as much as his Wii or PS3.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Well, no doubt. Most people should be able to comfortably live without all of the modern conveniences, such as mobile phones, tablet computers, games consoles, mp3 players and such as. But it ultimately comes down to perception. If there is a massive fad, then people are more likely to buy into it to feel as if they are a part of the herd. If it's more niche, then people are less likely to get it.

But ultimately, one thing the people need to remember is that pretty much all of these items are little more than luxury expenses. They are not necessary to live their lives, and as such should take an extremely low priority, while vital things like food and clothes, rent, debts, etc. should come first.

13 years ago

"Things like that are a waste of money" then…"I'm not saying these products aren't worth the money,"


Really though, they aren't a waste of money. My phone gets a ton of stuff done for me and allows me to do what ever I need to do when ever I need it done, especially since I am moving around more now for work. Very convenient. As for the handhelds, I just like games…and the PSP and DSi have their fair share of good games. Very much worth it you like games.

13 years ago

Their worth the money because alot of man labor goes into them, but their a waste because in my opinion they are unnecassary. I have never once used my phone to handle business except calls and thats it. I know people live off their phone, my GF is one of them and for them these things are not a waste of money. For me, it is. I'm only speaking for myself, not others.

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