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Dead Space 2 Portable Wouldn’t Be A “Shabby Port”

So Dead Space 2 is a pretty freaky game, huh? How would you like to take that freakiness (not a word) with you?

Well, developer Visceral seems anxious to bring the Dead Space experience to portable gamers, and they've talked about making it for the PSP or possibly even for the PSP2 (the NGP). However, if they do decide to embark on such an endeavor, don't think they'll make any sacrifices. Art director Ian Milham told CVG that a "shabby port" is out of the question:

"I'm absolutely interested in bringing Dead Space 2 to other platforms in the future, what's key to us though is that we don't do ports. We don't do shabby conversions onto whatever platform it may be. When we did Dead Space Extraction it was a quality game that uses and plays to the Wii's strengths, which is the same as the movies and comic books.

They're not just tie-ins, they do a great job at whatever that particular media does. When it comes to the [PSP2] or any other future platforms I'd be into it but I'd want to do something that plays to that platforms strengths rather than just a feeble version of a port."

With the latest top-notch sequel, Visceral has proven themselves to be top-tier developers, and we trust their judgment and their talent. So you shouldn't ever expect anything "shabby" from these guys; when and if Dead Space comes to one of Sony's handhelds, you can bet on it being a quality experience.

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13 years ago

Good to hear! Of course, I'll need to beat the first installment, Extraction, and the sequel before this comes out. (The game gives me the heeby jeebies!)

13 years ago

Sounds promising. DS2 is incredible, so hopefully a NGP version will turn out just as good.

13 years ago

That's great, I would love to play a portable DS and it be awesome, the second one is amazing its already one of my favorite game sequels and I haven't even beaten it yet. I don't want it to end.

13 years ago

Hmmm I would prefer a spinoff.

Last edited by Oxvial on 1/28/2011 12:49:43 PM

13 years ago

Good to hear, the Dante's Inferno port to PSP was pretty good but some of the best stuff was still cut. Visceral didn't do it though so I can't blame them for that.

Oxvial brings up a good point, if we are to purchase a PSP2 then we're gonna want a different library of games. Some ports are okay, but if those dominate the line up then there won't be much reason to get one software wise. Portables are best for spinoffs.

Speaking of portable spinoffs, at the rate Final Fantasy Agito (Type-0)is developing SE might as well just go ahead and add five more years dev time and make it for the PSP2.

13 years ago

I'm really glad I bought Dead Space 2. It turned out to be really fun.

Last edited by Danny007 on 1/28/2011 3:32:42 PM

13 years ago

at this level with the great specifications for NGP , ALL Sony's device will be able to run all games with all features available for both the PS3 and the NGP as any other advanced console at the market , with the release of the NGP there will be games for the portable devices that can be long enough as games will be released for the PS3 ,

but the only downside for this feature that Sony may need a bigger storage capabilities , maybe as big as 8 GB as most games for the current PSP are all nearly about 1-2 GB

so if Sony is trying to provide games in hard copies as memory sticks they have to drop its prices along with providing bigger sizes .

I like the idea of removing the UMD as any mechanical parts at any console would consume more energy when compared as games being provided as a digital download or in a Memory stick

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It'd have to be like Extraction, a spin-off rather than a direct port to get me interested. Don't get me wrong, I'd love PS3 gaming on the go, but a line has to be drawn somewhere, and that line is that the biggest and best games on the system are ports. They need to be different and take advantage of all of (or at least many of) the unique features of the device. I think that Extraction proved that Visceral will be willing to do this, and so, if this becomes a reality, I will be interested.

Now, speaking of portable survival horror, does anyone think that development of REPortable might be moved over to the NGP considering we've had no other information other than that it's coming, or does everyone expect it to be cancelled, as Capcom also did to DMC: Dance of Sparda?

13 years ago

Smart of him to use the opportunity to defend their Wii game. By all accounts it was brilliant. Alas, brilliance is often wasted on the bowling/dancing Wii crowd.

13 years ago

i love this game!
id jump at the idea of being able to play this on the NGP.
has to have NGP features though, like touchscreen compat.
i remember reading about being able to play games on your ps3, than save the game copy it to your NGP and continue where you left off on your NGP!
now how cool is that!?
its about bloody time sony gave us a proper next gen handheld!

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