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Sony Explains Why The NGP Won’t Feature 3D

Now that Sony has upped the ante with the Next Generation Portable, many wonder if it might offer 3D functionality…thereby dealing a specific blow to the competition (the Nintendo 3DS).

However, while Sony continues to promote 3D technology, they have stated that 3D just "just isn't right" for portable devices. Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss Andrew House spoke about why Sony decided to omit 3D for the NGP, and he said they see 3D as being centered in the home, around the television in the living room. In other words, they see it as a "shared experience" and that really can't happen with a handheld. Added House:

"In the development process, we had studied the possibility of introducing stereoscopic 3D feature to NGP, but decided not to install it. After careful consideration of our goal of offering users the ultimate portable entertainment experience with a revolutionary user interface we have decided to focus on the features and specs announced today first.

SCE will continue to play an important role within Sony group by promoting 3D in tandem with Sony Corporation's 3D compatible BRAVIA LCD TVs to deliver the sublime 3D entertainment in the living room and without having to go to the cinema. We will continue our effort to provide users with true 3D entertainment experience that only Sony can deliver."

So the 3DS will still have one major feature the NGP will not have, but if you hadn't noticed, Sony's new portable is quite advanced in a number of different areas. House believes those other features will stand out in contrast, and they are "confident" they have something special. Finished House:

"We feel very confident that we have very sufficiently differentiated ourselves from the competition with spec, and in particular the connectivity and network features and interfaces that are all pretty revolutionary. That will set this device apart."

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13 years ago

Well, at least they thought about it. I'm still undecided as to why handheld consoles need 3D anyways (we already are really close to the screen when we're holding it in our hands, why do we need it to bulge out a couple more inches?).

13 years ago

Don't ever pose that question to your girlfriend.

13 years ago

@world hah that's awesome^^

13 years ago

I'm not sold on 3d fullstop so this is fine for me.

A great article/ letter that Ebert received on this topic from a well respected editor in the industry. Basically the principles behind what 3d forces our brains to do gives it troubles in the technology which will never be able to be overcome.

13 years ago

The thing is that he 3D in the 3DS is done using an optical filter to split the image. You have to be right in the sweetspot for it to work. Move your head out of the sweetspot just a smidge and the effect is destroyed. That can be very disorienting.

To me, the 3DS is like one of those old Viewmaster toys that let you look at supposedly 3D images. They were popular for a while, but not so much now. Viewmasters were just a gimmicky toy, nothing more. I think that the 3DS risks that fate.

The worst thing for the DS is either the fact that they have to warn consumers not to let children 6 years and younger use the 3DS, and the battery life is pretty terrible.

By avoiding the gimmick of 3D, I think Sony is producing a far more mainstream and integrated device. With the 3DS, the entire experience is predicated on the 3D optical filter. It's a one trick pony.

13 years ago

the battery life is not half bad, 4-5 hours thats longer than my PSP go lasts!
your forgetting one thing though, the 3Ds is not relying on 3D to sell it.
its BC with other DS games, so when the masses wake up and smell the beans they can still use the device to play normal DS games.
unlike the wii, i cant see this dying down.
the wii had a fad, and no backup, once the novelty of motion controls died off that was it the system offers nothing.
3Ds however still has the advantage of being able to play all the DS games kids love, cant understand how these people can play the same game over and over and over again but they cant lap enough of it up!

13 years ago


Playing DS games? Isn't that a bit like saying the PS3 could have survived on PS2 backwards compatibility? Seriously though, why would anyone pay for a 3DS only to play DS games when they can buy a perfectly good DS for less than half the cost? I think you're missing the point here. the 3DS exists to do one thing, play in 3D in a handheld format.

It's a gimmick, and an expensive one at that.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

I think Highlander has got a point. I'm pretty sure this was one of the main reasons the PSP Go was a dud. There just wasn't enough reason to buy it as far as software was concerned. People could just buy a much cheaper PSP and still get all of the same games.

If the NGP is going to be a success then I believe that a strong lineup of exclusive launch titles is probably going to be a necessity.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 1/28/2011 7:04:46 AM

13 years ago

@ immature prick

no, simply because as ive stated many times sony and ninty cater to different crowds.
people buy a ps3 to enjoy the enhanced graphics it offers over the ps2, yes theres other reasons but thats the main one.
nintys crowd do not care about graphics, which is why there games tend to be way more fun!
the developers are not all heffed up on making the game look so good, so they have more time making sure the games not repetitive and boring.

3D on the 3Ds is most definitely a fad, but when the fad wears off your still left with a system which can play both new and old games.
the price difference is not much either, here the 3Ds is only 50 bucks more than the DS.
so why save the extra 50 bucks when you can enjoy the 3D fad for a few months?
if it was a 100 bucks or more than ok, but 50 bucks?
that wont even buy you 1 game!

13 years ago

nintendo is a toy company.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

Based on your track record no-name you hardly seem to be in a position to call anyone an immature prick.

13 years ago


Since you give us no name to call you by, we call you whatever we want, I've called you this pretty consistently since whenever. You are anonymous, and for all we know you do herd cows. But if you want to start that kind of stupid name calling stuff, go for it, I'm not going to bother reciprocating. Your own record of posts here is sufficient reply to your name calling.

13 years ago

Don't be hating on Viewmaster!!

I do believe kids will be bugging their parents for the newest DS system (in 3D!) so they can play the 10 new 3D Pokemon games that will come out this year. Plus it will be quite convenient that they will still be able to play all their old DS Pokemon titles too. Now it may not be this year, or next, but those kids will have their 3DS. I agree that the 3D in 3DS, like Kinect, is quite gimmicky and Nintendo's target audience (kids and non-gamers) will soak it up.

Whether or not it's a fad or gimmick is irrelevant in the business world, as long as they can make a buck (the faster the better) they'll do it.

Regarding your viewmaster example, I don't believe that they guy who invented the Viewmaster back in the 30's ever sat in the poor house after it was released? How many decades, with very little design change, did his gimmick last? He had a good product and brought awesome content to his device.

The reason why people will buy a 3DS is the same reason why people buy a new iPhone every one or two years: they change one or two things. Seems that people today, are perfectly content with throwing away something that is only a few years old, even though it still works perfectly fine.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

I have one question, when thay say 3G what do they mean? Are we going to have to like pay a monthly fee to connect online using 3G or is it all free with 3G?

13 years ago

You don't need 3D, especially on a hand held. The 3DS is just another way for Nintendo to keep milking there cows.
The NGP has a tone of features, it is epic! even the next "DS" wont be able to do what this bad boy can do.
oh yeah by the way, NGP actually means 'Nintendo, Got, Pawned'

13 years ago

pawned or pwned?

13 years ago

What World said.

13 years ago

All that may be true, but Nintendo can boast that they have 3D.
NGP may be better in every single way but the uninformed will think that the 3DS is better just because it has 3D.

13 years ago

Sony should have just tacked on 3D so they could say they have it and Nintendo would have nothing.

13 years ago

Hmmm…this is a very good point. With the mass of casual gamers out there now and how uninformed they are nintendo will kill the 3D word more than Sony could with their TV's. It's a shame really because I do believe this will be the argument come the release of the NGP.
Much like MS fans arguing with Sony fans…
We have Halo.
So? Have you seen or played Killzone 2?
We have Perfect Dark Now.
Nintendo had it years ago. Lets move on.
Alan Wake?
HA! Flashlights.
Gears of…
Just STOP already!

13 years ago

No, the Viewmaster had 3D, still popular? How content will you be riding a bus and playing a game and with every bump in the road you have to adjust your view because your head moved out of the position needed to continue seeing the 3D in the game?

3D on a handheld is a distraction.

13 years ago

Highlander, not all are aware of that.
If we're talking about sales, obviously the 3DS has 3D driving it.

People will go like," OOOH! 3D! SCREW NGP!"

13 years ago

The 3D screen on the 3DS is amazing. The viewing centre is also a lot bigger than your letting on highlander…

13 years ago

I agree w snaaaake, I think without 3d is a bad move in terms of marketing strategy and sales as 3d is a catchy word these days. However, don't get me wrong, for me 3d is not even on my top feature list, either for handheld or tv, I am sold even without it, but I am talking about mass public, especially some of the brainless just go after new cool features without knowing wut it takes to be a real gamer, to them they might just get sold on 3d.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 1/27/2011 10:16:42 PM

13 years ago

The fact that the NGP's quality can rival the PS3 is enough for me.
3D can sit by the way side until it's "truly" perfected.
I'm a patient man, I waited this long for the next true PSP I can wait for better 3D another 5 or so years. 3D TV's on the other hand…I will be picking up one of those puppies come Christmas this year when I build the ultimate gamers room in my basement.

13 years ago

In general I think it might be a bad idea to both be really close to the screen AND have it messing with your brain at the same time.

Talk about your headaches.

13 years ago

Don't let young kids play it, it can screw with their vision development. Seems like that would be reason enough to let the tech mature before using it.

13 years ago

I always thought about how playing games in 3D closely with the 3DS might ruin visions for the kids. Hope Nintendo knows what they're doing. I don't want my little brothers to have glasses anytime soon.

I think 3D is quick-fix type of entertainment. Not sure if it it'll create headaches, but I can't imagine myself using 3D for an extended period of time.

13 years ago

Nintendo has already issued a warning that effectively states that children 6 years or younger shouldn't play with it because it can affect the development of their vision. Plus I'm thinking it might be a source of headaches and spatial disorientation for them too.

Personally, I feel that is more than enough reason for not including 3D technology on a hand held game console that may in fact be used by kids of 6 years or younger.

13 years ago

I do remember reading that the user had the ability to adjust the depth effect on the 3DS, now whether it could be adjusted to strickly 2D, I'm not sure and haven't bothered looking into it (I don't care). If so younger kids could probably still use it, but it might be useless if some games require it.

13 years ago

Yes, it can run in straight 2D mode. The LCD parallax barrier can be turned off and in that mode the 3DS operates just like an existing DS.

13 years ago

It's good to have different handhelds. I really wouldn't want the stereoscopic 3D on the psp2 to make it cost $350 instead of $250-$300.

I'm good with games that look almost as good as ps3 games, trust me lol.

13 years ago

3D on a handheld is a distraction, not a mainstream feature. IMHO of course.

13 years ago

I firmly believe that putting 3D on a handheld device is a mistake. In particular the technology to do it right now sucks, you have very narrow viewing angles and you have to be in the sweetspot for it to work right.

Instead of investing time and money trying to make that technology acceptable, I'm glad Sony instead chose to work on making the devices primary capabilities as robust as possible. Processor, GPU, screen, storage, memory, controls. 3D is a technology that is still in the development stage. When I hear about the 3Ds, I am reminded more and more of the Viewmaster 3D slide viewers.

13 years ago

Given the narrow viewing angle you're talking about, AND the fact that it has sixaxis functionality, I think that's the reason 3D ain't possible. It would be even more difficult to keep yourself in the sweetspot if you're waving it around your head.

13 years ago

Well, if it did have 3D, you'll be able to simply turn it off for games that require sixaxis play as that definitely won't work well together as you say. I think a more probable reason is the fact that it's touch screen. I assume this because the 3DS is only able to provide the 3D display in the upper screen, where it isn't touch. Another reason might be cost. I figured this thing wouldn't want to get anymore expensive than it's turning out to be.

Highlander, I think it's subjective on whether or not 3D would go great for handheld gaming, but if it has narrow viewing angles for optimum 3D effects like you say, it would certainly make me NOT interested in such technology at the moment.

13 years ago

@daus & RadioHeader,

The 3D in the DS has a very narrow viewing angle and a very specific sweet-spot. I believe that you can manually adjust the depth of the 3D to adjust the location of the sweet-spot, but the 3D illusion is very susceptible to the viewer's position. Moving side to side or backwards/forwards disrupts the effect completely, which can be disorienting.

Nintendo uses a liquid crystal parallax barrier that slightly alters the direction of the light from each pixel so that each eye of the viewer sees a different viewpoint. That kind of technology is fine and good, but it does create very specific points of view that work. If you are not in that point of view, it just doesn't.

13 years ago

Sony: "3D doesn't belong on a $250 device! It belongs on a $2400 TV set! With $400 glasses! Especially Bravia TVs!"

13 years ago

you might want to do a little research before you speak bub.
you can net a 3D bravia for 1900 depending which model and size you want.
i got the HX800 which is their top of the line model, only under the LX900 which are really pricey!
46inch and it only cost me 1900 bucks at JBHIFI, i reckon if i shopped around more i could of got it cheaper, but it was chrissy eave and the shops were chokers so i did not want to stand in line for another hour to get served!
the glasses are not 400 either, there only 80 bucks each.
if you bought it before chrissy you even got the redemption bundle which came with 2 pairs of glasses, a transmitter, 2 3D movies, a PSN voucher for a few 3D games, a ps3 and a 3D demonstration video.
not bad for 1900 bucks!!!!!

13 years ago


13 years ago

whats strange?
well, actually i better straighten a few things out.
all the complaints nailed at the 3Ds 3D effects can more or less be fired at the ps3 too.
like the angle, if you tilt your head slightly the screen goes blurry like if you did not have the glasses on.
apparently thats got to do with the LED screens, apparently plasmas dont suffer from that.
so just like the 3Ds, you need to sit in the center of the screen, and keep straight otherwise the effect will be distorted and soon you will start blowing chunks.
motorstorm 3D rift seriously gives me a headache while playing that, tis why i stopped playing it.
biggest waste of 20+ bucks ever!!!!!

13 years ago


"56 inch large enough?"-You(yesterday in the Dead Space 2 review)

Now it's 46 inches? I sir call shenanigans. SHENANIGANS!!!

You at least seem like you are trying to spread less rampant crap and be civil but when you post two entirely opposing things from one day to the next I just can't take you seriously.

And before you go off and say "WHAT! I CAN'T HAVE BOTH!!!", no, no you can't. At least not given the fact that time and again you come on here talking about how you're in university and can't afford to pay these outrageous prices for games because you don't have the money.

If you are going to make things up, be consistent. Or, you could always just sit back and relax and not post so much crap.

Last edited by coverton341 on 1/28/2011 12:14:50 PM

13 years ago

what im not allowed to have 2 different TVs in the house?

13 years ago

yah, their is no need to put 3D in a portable device. So let me get this straight is the NGP going to be sub HD(under 720p)?

13 years ago

technically yes. because the screen resolution is in the mid 500's in longitude

13 years ago

It's 960×544 which is more or less exactly half the horizontal and vertical resolution of 1080p. In terms of pixels, this screen has more or less 0.5 MPixels, 720p is roughly 1MPixel and 1080p is roughly 2MPixel. However on a screen of this size, you can't distinguish the pixels at the kind of density we're talking about. 960 pixels on a screen that's about 4.5 inches wide is just over 200 pixels per inch.The same is true vertically. Even if you had a full 720p resolution 5-inch screen right beside it, you wouldn't be able to detect a difference.

13 years ago

thats only because sony only do something if its going to be done well.
you cant do glasses free 3D well ATM, the way the 3Ds uses it if you tilt your head slightly you loose the effect.
you cant have a friend looking at your game unless you want his or her lunch on your lap!
just seems impractical, once we have glasses free 3D where you can sit wherever you want, at whatever angle you want and get the proper effect without feeling sick than ok, but till then its pointless.

13 years ago

…Even stranger!

I don't know what's happening to you, _______________, but I like it.

13 years ago

nothings happening to me, just speaking the truth as usual!

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

Or perhaps at least telling your own version of the truth anyway.

The "as usual" part would also seem to be a point of contention here.

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