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A Glimpse Of The PSP2’s HD Screen?

At this point, the PSP2 is basically inevitable. Now, what do you think it'll be like…?

Perhaps a high-definition mini-screen is a given. It appears there's a possibility that the new PSP iteration will boast a 1080p HD screen produced by Japanese Ortustech. The company has recently announced they will bring the first 4.8-inch 1080p HD screen to market, and there's a rumor going around that Sony might want to use it for the PSP2. Pretty sweet, huh? Obviously, such a screen will offer the best clarity and sharpness ever before seen in a handheld gaming device; the 4.8-inch screen also fits, as many believe that's about the size Sony wants to use for the revamped portable. Okay, so if that gets all squared away, we could be looking at some mighty impressive games, visually speaking. We're sort of wondering how designers will be able to deal with that level of graphical potential…after all, since when has 1080p (or anything even close) been an option for those who specialize in making handheld titles…?

Well, either way, we'll be interested to see how it turns out. The PSP2 could be very, very big for Sony.

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13 years ago

Thats all fine and dandy, but I hope the price isn't going to be as much as a used ps3

13 years ago

Yeah I'm wondering how much this psp2 is going to be. From the looks of it I would say at least 400.

13 years ago

Who cares? Start saving up now like me. 🙂

13 years ago

I just really hope its impossible to pirate games on for at least most of the consoles life this way developers won't have a reason not to make games on it. Yes we had plenty of awesome titles on the PSP but we probably would have had more had piracy not been rampant on it. (Same goes for DS I guess?)

13 years ago

Well of course this thing is gonna cost you an arm & leg, but @ the same time being able to walk around with a handheld hdtv/ps3 at all time sounds like it's gonna be worth every penny. In fact now that I think about it if I had to choose between this & the I-pad I rather have this hands down, main reason being you can't put an I-pad in your pocket.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 11/1/2010 12:05:45 AM

13 years ago

Yea people seem to forget the smaller things gets, the more expensive they tend to get. I'll be waiting in line for this sucker like all those Apple nerds do every month for the new iPhone. 😉

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
13 years ago

So you'd have a problem with a $200 portable system with some great specs?

13 years ago

I fail to see this being just 200…

13 years ago

By the time the PSP2 launches that could be the case. I mean if the PS3 get's a $50 reduction at the next E3 (which is possible, but by no means a definite rumor), then the PSP2 could cost as much as or more than a base model PS3. After all, the PSP-Go landed at $250. what's the price of the 3DS? 25,000 yen? At the current rate of exchange that's more than $250 (USD) which means it will more than likely arrive between $250 and $300. That's the price range that the PSP2 will arrive in too.

Perhaps Sony will make a deal with phone networks to provide data capability via PSN for the new PSP. That way it would be 'always on'. In which case a 2 year agreement might get you a PSP for lots less than that. Who knows, we'll just have to wait and see.

13 years ago

I have also read the system could possibly sport double the RAM inside the 360 and close to, if not 360 level of fidelity in terms of graphics. If this news, along a 1080p screen is true, sign me up for a day one purchase!

13 years ago

I also have heard this

13 years ago

Why are people saying more than the 360, isn't that more than the ps3 aswell?

13 years ago

Not really Smokey.

13 years ago

So in theory like the psp was more or less degraded ps2 graphics could it be said that this one would have degraded ps3 graphics or am I over my head?

Because if so…(drools).

13 years ago

In some respects the PSP has better graphics than the PS2 did. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep looks pretty sharp as does Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

13 years ago

And GOW-Ghost of Sparta looked great

13 years ago

Oh yea. It does look great. But it has(gasp!) screen tearing! I didn't think it was possible on the PSP. I hope ReadyAtDawn fixed if before the retail release. Though i don't think they did judging from the IGN review. Which by the way gave it a 9.5.

13 years ago

Gamespot gave it a 8.0 out of 10 & G4 gave it a 3 out of 5.

13 years ago

To be honest I gave mine away to my brother as a birthday gift. This was before those games came out and I kind of regret it because I recently bought crisis core and gta: chinatown wars and am kindly going to ask him if I can borrow it.

13 years ago

I can't actually imagine what that'd look like.
Really, it's not so much about 480p, 720p and 1080p; rather, it's about ppi (pixels per inch) This is what attributes to really fine detail. Basically, even 1080p's 2million+ pixels wouldn't look that sharp on a 100" TV while sitting only like 15' away.

As to whether or not a handheld would process graphics at a 1080p resolution. I'd say this probability is next 0.

But Temjin how can you know that?

Well, because it would be a huge waste of processing for a very minimal return. In fact, it would be a much bigger waste of processing on a handheld than it is for the PS3 (most games don't touch full 1080p, rather reserving the processing for effects)

Even 720p on a 4" screen would look absolutely stunning with extremely fine PPI.

1080p just doesn't make sense.

1080p though for navigating the OS and other "apps" wouldn't be bad though.

Anywho, just some thoughts of mine.

13 years ago

Why not? You can output the current PSP to your TV, i will assume the PSP2 will have the same feature. So it's plausible it would support 1080p.

13 years ago

Yeah but that's not the point. Imagine a smaller screen, say a computer monitor. You notice how the lower the resolution, everything seems to get bigger? Well obviously if you set it to 1080p, everything seems to get smaller, but it's all relative to the items on the screen I suppose, and from this I can only gather it might be quite hard to view using this type of set-up on something that small. And so you're going to have something that utilizes far too much than what is necessary for it, and in the end cause difficulties as you have to give it more power instead of using something easier.

13 years ago

i really hope sony takes apple's offer so we can get some drm permissions to play hd programming on the psp2 and also be able to do what iphone 4 or ipad dont do, output it through the component cable, now that would be sweet… but ehh a man can dream…

13 years ago

Apple never made an offer. It was rumors started by speculators when Apple announced how much on hand cash they have. If Apple were to offer I would hope Sony turns them down. Apple makes cool stuff but do not know how to get their devices on the market at reasonable prices. $799 for 60GB iPad? Really? I would also not like the idea of a new Playstation coming out once a month.

Last edited by Jawknee on 11/1/2010 12:10:13 AM

13 years ago

thats not what i meant, what i meant was that apple should let sony in on their fairplay drm so we can have some decent resolution tv shows and movies… while also being able to output it to an hd tv via component cable… from the psp2 of course…

13 years ago

Everything I stated btw, is directed at the games being processed at native 1080p.

I don't think it's unrealistic for the screen to support 1080p. And I don't think it's unrealistic for the PSP2 to output 1080p video to a 1080p HDTV etc.

But like the PS3, most devs don't go 1080p with their games because it presents so many bottlenecks in other areas within the graphics department. Most PS3 devs agree that 720p presents the greatest array of visual detail and resolution even if the PS3 has the capacity to do 1920×1080.

Basically, what I'm getting at is don't get your hopes up for 1080p games on PSP2 and relative to what we're getting on PSP, that's not a bad thing.

Secondly, 720p on even a 4" screen would present an awesome ppi count that would make all of us say "wow" that looks a lot sharper than the first PSP. In fact, it'd probably look a lot sharper than most everything.

13 years ago

LegendaryWolf, what you say is true. But that doesn't mean Sony couldn't program the size of the fonts and and data relative to the resolution of the screen. 1080p on a 4" screen would be so finely sharp, I doubt your eyes could even see individual pixels. That's where the benefit would be.

13 years ago

Yea i agree with that Temji, it's nice to have the option available though in case some devs do decided to make 1080p games.

13 years ago

But on a more practical side: while the feature to connect to the HD TV is great, why do it? Isn't the device designed to be portable anyways? Who wants to go around carrying the HD cable and hook it up to any available HD TV when available?

13 years ago

Of course no one is going to carry a cable around with them to plug into random TV's. But its still a nice option to have. My wife wants to play Birth by Sleep but doesn't like playing on a small screen. So with this option she can plug it into and TV and play.

13 years ago

hopefully this means that we will finally get an HD monster hunter

13 years ago

LOL! It's beyond me why Capcom complains about their lack of sales and profit when they have refused to make a Monster Hunter for the PS3. That would sell like hot cakes in Japan. Watch, they will make an HD Monster Hunter and make it multiplatform and give the 360 version exclusive content. LOL!

Idoits. Hahaha!

13 years ago


Capcom has really failed this gen..

13 years ago

Since the 3DS is 3D, I always thought PSP2 would have 3D as well.
But maybe not.

13 years ago

No need. Sony is pushing 3D on the PS3. Real 3D.

13 years ago

True, and last I heard the 3DS is priced at $199, is this confirmed or just a rumour?

13 years ago

I thought it was confirmed at $299. When i saw that my head exploded. 3DS sounds cool and I will end up getting one once the Zelda games start rolling out but $299…even $199 is a bit pricey.

13 years ago

Yeah, it's 25000YEN, which is approx about 300$ in the currency exchange so…pricey pricey..

13 years ago

$299 and confirmed?
I'd rather buy another PS3.

13 years ago

IGN said it was confirmed.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
13 years ago

The U.S. price has been confirmed? Was that this week?

13 years ago

IGN said $299 was the official price a month or so ago.

13 years ago

these guys cant even output 1080p on ps3. besides 1080p on a 4 inch screen??? thats like wanting to output imax in a 40 inch tv, thats waaaaaay too much, now 720 is more like it, question is, will it play ps3 games with that level of hd???

13 years ago


There are games on the PS3 that are 1080p native. Google is your friend.

13 years ago

uncharted 2 is 720p, im more than happy with that than upscaled 1080p

13 years ago

@jawknee yes i am aware that there are native 1080p games, but not that many, not even 50% of 1st party titles support 1080 natively. like gangan says uncharted 2 runs at 720 and not even at full 60firstpersonshooters… play on words sorry couldnt resist myself. we dont need 1080p in a screen that small, what im trying to say is the day we get 100% native 1080p 1st party ps3 titles thats the day devs can develop 1080p psp2 titles… we dont need that kind of tech right now, just look at the iphone 4… unless… ahhh unless retina display calls for 1080 display in a screen that size… but just stick to 720p hd output and some fairplay awesomeness…

13 years ago

"these guys cant even output 1080p on ps3."

This says you are not aware. Say what you mean man! 😉

13 years ago

hehehe yes i know what i said dude… my point is that not every single game 1st party devs release is native 1080p, and if 1st party devs dont then its very unlikely that 3rd party devs do… im sure you know that a platform cant just live with 1st party titles it also needs 3rd party titles… which i dont know why that would matter… i guess im what im trying to say is that if devs dont already release full hd titles for consoles, what guarantee do we have they will for a handheld with a smaller screen size? i mean im fine with the idea of having 1080p but if devs arent willing to take advantage of it then whats the point of having it if we are mostly paying for the luxury of carrying it around…

13 years ago

Cesar does have a point. I could see the use of a 720 HD portable screen but 1080 full HD seems like overkill and needlessly adding to the pricepoint.

1080p doesn't even fully realise the potential of bluray watching on lcd screens to the calibre of 32inchs

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

That resolution on a screen that small would be mindblowing. Of course, it would be completely useless as devs seem largely unable or unwilling to do 1080p with the PS3's hardware, so why bother on the PSP2? On the other hand, even running games at 600-720p would be downright stunning. Now, if that's the screen… I can only wonder at what type of steroids the rest of the hardware is going to have to be on to take advantage of that…

My mind is officially blown, and that's just based on these unconfirmed specs. As long as they have the studio support, the PSP2 will be impossible to not get by anyone who plays games even semi-seriously. Not to mention other media types that it will undoubtedly support… Why am I now getting the feeling that you'll be able to use it as a remote control for the Sony Bravia range of TVs? Eh, OT.

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