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Secret Sources Confirm PSP2 Details

The rumors concerning Sony's newest portable continue.

For an update on all of them, including the claim that Sony held a behind-closed-doors meeting at this year's Tokyo Game Show where they showed off the PSP2, see this article . Some sources have apparently confirmed that the new handheld will indeed boast a touch screen, although Sony didn't offer details as to how that would work with games (dual analogs are included); they're "leaving that to the discretion of game developers." That screen will be sharper and about an inch larger and yes, it's supposed to be high-def. As of now, though, there's no way to know if this is the same unit described in the Wall Street Journal as a "game player, e-book reader and netbook computer." Lastly, let's not forget about the rumors that said the PSP2 was already in the hands of some designers .

Right now, the update says Sony is still working on the PSP2 hardware, as they're having some issues concerning battery life, power and heat. This translates to overheating problems but of course, Sony wants to eliminate such a drawback before the unit is on store shelves. When will it arrive? Sources are now saying fall 2011…which means "holiday 2011" in our eyes.

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13 years ago

In other news, the XboxPortable will launch shortly before that, have a 2 hour battery life, and will sound like a 747 engine shortly before it overheats within 5 minutes of play.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Why bother putting in a 2 hour battery when it overheats after 5 minutes!!!

I want my money back!!!

13 years ago

Hopefully we'll get to see MS's front man, Steve Ballmer, give us the official un-veiling.

Here's Steve:

Here's Steve and Zune's unveiling:

Oh, for the love of man

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago


13 years ago

You forgot to mention that it's the first product of it's kind and no one, especially Sony, has ever done anything similar before. Oh, and let's not forget that it comes with the new special feature Patue (aka Patch Tuesday), whereby the unit keeps itself up to date by accessing Microsoft's main website to download all the latest patches and malicious software removal tools you could shake a stick at.

13 years ago

Lol World!



13 years ago

Those units will sell like hotcakes. Lunatics will buy these in place of grenades. Play then throw. *BOOM!*

13 years ago

LOL Highlander. After a month of use, the xbox portable will spend 60% of its time running update and maintenance programs, but the unit will still be available for gaming the other 40%.

13 years ago

Sadly, no joking, a Microsoft portable would sell like freaking hotcakes in the US market whether it was completely crap or not. Just like Kinect they'd blitz with ads long before it launched talking about the product in ways that lead consumers to conclude that it is far better and more capable than it actually is.

Whether the rest of the world follows that lead or not, the US market would.

13 years ago


exactly, look what Microsoft is already doing, their coming out with their windows Phone to compete with the Apple iphone.

13 years ago

I had to laugh at the kinect commercial.The first time I saw it I thought that it was a ad for Wii Fit.

13 years ago

Oh gawd let it all be true. I don't mind if it has touch screen since I have faith in Sony when it comes to implementing fully functional gaming devices.

Day 1 for me, Day 1500 for World.

13 years ago

haha, that sounds about right.

13 years ago

But it has dual analogs… let us rejoice 🙂



13 years ago

The only thing that worries me about this description is the larger screen, The existing PSP is already on the verge of being too large, a bigger screen would take things even further.

13 years ago

I personally don't mind a larger screen, but if the screen is larger coupled with a weighty (i.e. heavier than most other portable devices) system, then we can see a problem there.

I never minded my PSP being heavy (I bought, and am still using the PSP-1000), but we're in an age where any kind of hardware can be made in a smaller size; they may start out big (like the original PS3 and 360), but over time, as technology gets cheaper, so do the hardware components that make up a system that's getting modified. History has shown us this, and 3 examples off the top of my head are the Slim PS3, 360, and PS2.

So, I don't mind an inch larger screen, but if the facts stated in the Kotaku article is true, I will mind a system the size of a mini XBOX (the first one).

13 years ago

I have a 1000, a 2000 and my son has a 3000. I don't have a problem with the sixe. However, when the PSP was originally launched Sony was roasted over the size and weight of the unit. with Apply making uber-thin and light computing products, Sony can't come out with a bulky, heavy or clunky unit.

13 years ago

There is some unneeded spacing on the PSP between the controls and the screen so I don't see it as a bad thing if the screen is bigger. I have big hands and I don't walk around with the PSP in my pocket so I'd be fine with it having a larger screen.

13 years ago

Indeed LV, but that would make the unit very crowded. The point I am making is that Sony was roundly criticized over the size, weight and battery life of the original PSP. I find it odd that they'd increase the screen size (and presumably the overall dimensions and weight) of the unit and the report indicates battery life issues and heat issues. Sony has to have learned something from the past, so I find it hard to believe that they'd push the envelope on size and weight.

13 years ago

Good points. I hope what you've stated isn't the case. I'd like to think Sony would only increase certain features if they were able to maintain or increase performance.

There's going to be a ton of speculation until we finally get a glimpse of this thing. I can still remember all the goofy fake pics shown for the original PSP before it was unveiled.

13 years ago

I think the screen will be larger and reduce the size of the rim. It'll probably be the same form factor.

One thing I don't understand is how are cell phones capable of talking and surfing the web for 5-8 hours, but the PSP can barely get 4 hours. I hope they address this battery issue in PSP2.

13 years ago

Pushing pixels and physics through GPUs and CPUs chews battery faster than a LED backlight on full bright. Cell phone functions are designed around minimum power consumption, games tend to be designed around maximum performance, the two are not necessarily compatible.

13 years ago

Highlander, I don't think size will be such an issue this time around. Think of how things have changed since the PSP launched. When the original PSP launched the mobile market was all about small. The smaller your cellphone was the better. In the last few years we've seen the rise of the big ass smart phone, netbooks, and tablets. The average consumer doesn't seem to think twice these days about lugging around a giant touch screen smartphone that dwarfs the mobile phones of PSP's early days.

I think consumers are now ready to embrace a big HD PSP2. I certainly am.

13 years ago

If the screen really is HD, then I expect the PSP2 to be pretty expensive, $250 at the least. If it happens to be otherwise, than $250 at the most, and people who want an HD Playstation will continue to go for the PS3 =D

Let's have the PSP2 do a lot of cool new stuff, but not everything the PS3 does =P

For sure, expect PSN funcitonality, functionality between the PS3 and PSP2 (maybe even the first PSP?), Bluetooth, and (by a long shot, but it's a good guess) some kind of points system like the Trophies =D

13 years ago

Considering the PSPGo just got dropped down to 199. I'd say interested consumers would be lucky if thing thing has a $300 price tag.

13 years ago

Dream come true, maybe add a camera, then I'll definitely buy it.

13 years ago

Cool, enough time to enjoy the hot games on the PSP before the PSP2 comes out.

13 years ago

Woo hoo! Two analogs makes my hopes for PS2 emulation more real.
I'm excited. I want this thing to impress me because I really don't want to give-in to a 3DS.

13 years ago

This thing will release just in time for AgtioXIII.

13 years ago

Just to clarify, I'm expecting lots of delays. More like "Holiday 2013"

13 years ago

Dual Analog… Nuff said.

13 years ago

Hey Highlander,
I guess all the UMD's out now won't be work on next year's model, since the new PSP 2 will have 2 analog buttons, huh?

Either way, no worries for me since I already have a 1000, 3 2000's, & a 3000, but it would be nice to see my games on a little bigger screen when I'm out at the laundermat.

13 years ago

Why's that Biker? The new unit will have additional, not fewer, controls, so all games out now could work. After all a game that uses 1 analog nub isn't going to explode just because a second one if available.

13 years ago

yea, even PSone classics without the R2/L2 buttons still work on PSP.

13 years ago

BTW, the PSP Go has now dropped to $199.99.

Good, now I'll get a used white one & and a used black one both much cheaper now sometime after New Years.

Unless they do a bundled deal on the GO, then I'll seriously have to think about buying them both new, since they'll probably have a game, memory stick and/or a themed case with them.

13 years ago

Yeah Duh, your right Highlander!

Haven't slept in over 36 hours, so I guess I'm more than a little bit zombified & was thinking it a$$-backwards.

Looking back at my post, I'll have to go give myself a thumbs down for that one.

13 years ago

Oh, I can totally relate to the lack of sleep thing, I am a terrible sleeper, and get far fewer hours per night than I should.

13 years ago

Touch screen sounds about right but i hope it will still have the buttons.. They should make it be able to play ps2 games too.. that would be the best!! Who would'nt want to play there favorite FF or MGS on psp! As i heard the Gow collection was coming to psn! So maybe they cn make ps2 games downloadable on psstore then played via psp2 😀 rightright? That would be sooooooo sick.

13 years ago

How do you get rid of that HSBC commercial? It's bugging me.

13 years ago

Get rid of what?

13 years ago

I just started a thread in the forum about the annoying new ad on the site. Post there.

13 years ago

Well if it has a touchscreen, then I think Sony really needs to extend it's partnership with Google and get Android or at least the ability to run Google Apps on the PSP2. That would seriously make it the ultimate portable gaming device and the 3DS would lose much of it's hype. And it really just makes so much sense, both from a business and consumer standpoint.

13 years ago

Just an FYI,
A lot of us got tired of all those ads blocking the articles & the text in the commentsection, so some of us switched over to the Mozilla browser, & then D/L'ed the add-on called "Ad-block".

It works like a charm, so now, no more annoying ads crossing over into the articles & posts. And the only one you'll still see is the tiny March Of Dimes WalkAmerica ad at the far right where the blue PS3 ad used to be.
And in case you do want to keep a certain ad on a site(like a daily sweepstakes or contest ad), then you can just paste the ad's link into the "exception rules" to keep seeing it.

Problems solved

13 years ago

Sounds great, I now what I'll be buying for Christmas next year. Sony will take care of the overheating problem and it will have a long enough battery life. Sony!

it's time the DS dies!

13 years ago

Funnily enough, this story about the next portable entertainment unit from Sony comes on the same day as the announcement that the original Walkman is dead.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I can see only one way to have the unit smaller, and the screen larger: It folds in half down the middle. It also protects the screen. Just kidding, although…

I think that a bigger, HD screen is somewhat unnecessary. I mean, if it doesn't have enough processing grunt behind it, it isn't going to help the games for the device look a whole lot better.

The dual ananlogue sticks are absolutely essential. It's been arguably the biggest flaw of the original PSP since its launch, and one that desperately needed to be remedied. Also, I don't believe that it will have a touch-screen per se. I think I read that it will in fact be a track-pad on the back. This is potentially a brilliant move, as it eliminates the need to touch the screen, thus keeping it clean, while still allowing you the same fine control over games that you just can't quite get with the nub. One thing I hope with the trackpad is that it makes it available to use a qwerty keyboard-esque thing. I just really like that idea.

I have no doubt that Sony will be able to work out the issues it currently has, and keep it as a beast of a processing device, and hopefully a holiday 2011 release date is on the money. Now, tell us what the last hurrah for the PSP will be (FFAgitoXIII?), and give us a peak at the launch line-up.

Oh, and don't forget to officially announce it yeah?

13 years ago

With Organic LED screens, you actually could have a screen that was in two halves and folded, or hinged. But the center fold would always be a weak point.

13 years ago

final nail in the PSPs coffin!
sony please dont waste time on adding phone features though they just add bulk, increase battery usage and increase price.
nothing we need, if you want a phone buy a phone, if you want a gaming device buy a gaming device.
if you want both buy a iphone 4.
good luck finding them though, been out 5 months and every store in the country is STILL sold out!
dam its popular!
glad i got in early.

13 years ago

Agree about the phone. Anything big enough to use for gaming is way too big to be convenient as a phone, and anything small enough to be a good phone is way too small to play real games on.

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