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SCEE Halting Sale Of PSP Dev Tools

It seems to be a foregone conclusion that the PSP2 is coming soon but if that's the case, shouldn't the original PSP finish up first…?

Well, sure. That makes sense. And it seems Sony is already leaving their original handheld behind, presumably in preparation for the impending follow-up. According to PSPgweber citing a message from a Spanish source, development kits for the first PSP are going bye-bye. Here's the translated note in question:

"SCEE will no longer be selling the psp development tool (dtp-t2000a) or testing tool (dtp-h2500a) past November, 15th. Please order in advance if you require these development units.

We will advise you when a new model becomes available."

The Nintendo 3DS is set to make its debut in March, so perhaps Sony doesn't want to be too far behind with the PSP2. If they're discontinuing the PSP development tool by November 15 (in Europe, at least), one would have to assume the "new model" they speak of isn't too far off. After all, Sony is big on getting solid launch lineups in place for new hardware launches; it's the reason they delayed the release of PlayStation Move. They wanted the corresponding games.

You won't see the PSP2 this year – of that, we're fairly certain – but it seems almost inevitable that it'll be on store shelves in 2011. We'll keep you apprised of future PSP matters.

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14 years ago

No it can't. The 3DS isn't even as strong as the Wii. People are full of it.

14 years ago

I pray to the gaming gods that they include a phone on the PSP2. I don't even care if its a prepaid phone! Just slap any phone on the damn thing and its a wrap. I want one so bad but I just don't want to carry that and a phone in my pocket. Too much. If they don't put a phone on it I might get it anyway but I'd be dissappointed. I sure hope its not an all digital thing either.

14 years ago

It's a waste. The PSP is a gaming device. Not a cell phone.

14 years ago

I really would like to see how a handheld can have 3D without the glasses.

14 years ago

SONY has an opportunity with the PSP2/PSPPHONE. If handled properly the handheld can actually dominate the market. But to do so they need to provide all the features that the competition is touting and then some. And most of all they need to market it like no tomorrow. Consumers not only want value but they also require confidence that their purchase is justified. This is what marketing its really about.

I have actually created an announcement advertisement of my dream device. It has crazy specs and also has some features that I believe SONY should implement but possibly never will, but a man can dream. Cant he? I may post it later.

14 years ago

Nuooooo! No cellphone support. Sony needs to focus on gaming and compete with the 3DS. Adding cellphone support will just make the device way more expensive. If Sony really feels the need to compete in mobile phone gaming, they have Sony Erickson for that.

14 years ago

Well said Jawknee, Skype is good enough for me. But if Sony were to add a phone to it, you gotta get into things like carriers, which would single out A LOT of potential buyers, decreased battery life, bogging down a carrier's network w/online play, would it be GSM, and like every other cellphone to date, they'd have to keep releasing updated models every year, etc,just to many negatives in the CP department.

However, two good additions would be front and rear facing cameras and of course touchscreen.

14 years ago

@Jawknee, I agree, Which is why I believe SONY is working on 2 devices. The PSP2 and a PSP phone. As a gamer I am happy with my PSP but most people I have discussed this with are looking for 1 device for all their needs. Lets see what the future holds. Like you said earlier today. You cant please everyone.

Last edited by FatherSun on 10/7/2010 2:01:00 PM

14 years ago

LOL, thats true, you can't. 🙂

14 years ago

I hope the PSP"2" does really well, and makes a ton of people happy and slow down the DS sells a bit. I'm not sure I'll buy it yet but we know nothing so far but if it does stand to the hype, I might have me a new PSP. I'm not so big on the handheld games, but the PSP"2" might change that.

GT5 countdown: 25 days

Last edited by StangMan80 on 10/7/2010 8:46:36 PM

14 years ago

@ Jawknee – are you crazy??? A basic phone on the PSP would send sales through the roof. It would be an I phone killer without the apps. To think that it can only be limited to a gaming device is short sighted. Thats been sony's problem before. They either don't see what people want or they see the wrong thing. Classic example, the PSP Go. They thought all digital would be a hit. They were dead wrong. Some people don't seem to understand what the target markets are. The DS sells because it is geared mostly toward children. The Wii sold like wildfire because it was perceived to fight child obesity. The playstation family is geared mostly toward adults. A PSP phone would have phenominal sales and would be a device unlike any other with its remote access to the PS3. Cant be closed minded. Gotta see the future on this one. Hopefully sony will. As for Skype, I've never made a Skype call and nobody I've talked to has either.

Last edited by Amazingskillz on 10/8/2010 12:53:33 PM