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“Multiple Sources” Say PSP2 Is All Over The Industry

The PSP2 rumor has been prevalent throughout most of the year, and it's most recently come to a fever pitch. Basically, the thing is coming…it's only a matter of when.

We've heard from one source that a few developers already have the PSP follow-up in their possession, and they're currently working on software for the new piece of portable hardware. Now, according to Develop , it seems the PSP2 is an inevitability and Sony is merely waiting to compile "a significant launch window lineup." This is based on information taken from "multiple industry sources;" the implication is that Sony "is spreading its PSP2 tech widely" so as to have a big impact when it hits retail shelves. By the way, if you're wondering, it probably won't be all-digital like the PSP Go; Sony boss Kazuo Hirai has since said they would not entirely abandon physical media in the near future. For the record, Netherrealm Studios' executive producer Shaun Himmerick told Industry Gamers that they have a "PSP 2 in house and we're looking at the engine."

At this point, it might be a good guess to say the PSP2 is set for a holiday 2011 launch, or perhaps even earlier.

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13 years ago

I too see it as a Holiday 2011 release. I don't doubt it will still have physical media but this time no moving parts. The UMD is a huge constraint on the battery.

Day1 for me.

13 years ago

I'm inclined to agree about not having moving parts, but doesn't a proprietary disc format like UMB seriously negate piracy?

Also, there's been major evolutionary breakthroughs in mobile battery technology over the last few years.

13 years ago

The mobile battery breakthroughs you're mentioning don't validate the use of UMD or a similar movable device for reading media.

As far as pirating I only hope Sony has found the right balance of protection and storage medium for the PSP2.

13 years ago

"…but doesn't a proprietary disc format like UMB seriously negate piracy?"

Given that the PSP is probably the most heavily pirated video game console ever…no.

13 years ago

Personally I think they will go for a read only version of the memory stick format that uses heavy encryption to protect the content. I think that Sony will use all the lessons of the PSP and PS3 and bake the security into the lowest level of the hardware to prevent hacking. I also expect that all content will be available for download as well as on media. No more spinning discs, they eat the battery up.

13 years ago

I'm really hoping the PSP2 delivers big, and I have to say the PSP-2000 is the first handheld I've ever owned that I didn't turn around and sell within the first year of owning it.. No Nintendo handheld has managed to do that.

I'm somewhat surprised that the PSP2 isn't sporting the 3D screen like the 3DS(for now). It would seem to me that a 3D component would help stimulate overall consumer demand for 3D based content in general: consoles, tvs, handhelds etc.

Oh well, I'd imagine it's not too late to still implement it. Even during the PSP2's lifecycle, sort of like PS3.

13 years ago

i remember while i was waiting for Wipeout HD for the ps3, I picked up a psp just for Wipeout Pure and Pulse. Pulse was my first multiplayer addiction, and through it, my psp consumed the majority of my gameplay time early in the ps3/360 gen. I remember playing that, Tekken 5, and later GOW:COO on my bed with headphones, and completely forgetting i was playing on a handheld. PSP2 will be a sure purchase for me.

13 years ago

Awesome, Master Shams, yeah, Tekken 5 was incredible. First time ever did I play a handheld fighter that didn't feel compromised on the transition to handheld play.

ANd yeah, I loved the first WipEout PSP game. I have every intention of getting the sequel. Same thing goes for Motorstorm: Arctic Edge. Actually, I did see it selling for $14.99 new at Target a couple weeks ago… I'm playing FF9 and I know I can't spread myself out too thin on handheld games. I play my consoles about 5x more than handhelds. Plus, I already have Suikoden waiting to be played, too.

13 years ago

Imagine playing vs online on a 4G network, or 16 player race or team death match with chat, or a co-op in the next LBP on the go? Imagine checking your emails and invitations cross network on your ps3/ps4 account from your psp2? Maybe too soon, but the future has exciting possiblities, doesn't it, Sensei Temjin?

13 years ago

I wouldn't care for cellular network connectivity, but how about a retina display yes? for full 720p display, better processor, bluetooth connectivity (for headsets, keyboards, and I don't know what else…), wifi goes without saying, of course a second analog stick, the ability to butter my toast…(jk) and I don't know what else, but I am thinking it'd be awesome if they used blu-ray for games, flash memory, and of course it has to have the capability to kick some handheld bootay…

13 years ago

720p seems unlikely: the pixels would be extremely small and I doubt you would get much benefit. People say 1080p isn't necessary on TVs smaller than 42"; they're wrong, but I doubt 720p is necessary on a 4.2" screen.

That's not even considering the GPU processing power needed for 720p X 30 FPS rendering.

A native 480p screen would be entirely adequate and would allow any PS1/PS2 game (or DVD) to be displayed at its native resolution.

Also, I have to say it…no second nub, no buy. 😉

Last edited by Fane1024 on 9/29/2010 4:54:23 PM

13 years ago

@fane1024, yeah I suppose, but what would benefit from the resolution would be when connected to a tv, just like you can connect this generation psp, and it wouldn't just be for gaming, also tv shows, it would be nice to have them on your memory stick and take them anywhere and when you have a hdtv available just whip out the component cable and enjoy a good hd movie or tv show, you know just like with the apple products but with high def…if that made sense

13 years ago


I wonder whether they might go for something like a 540p resolution? half of the vertical and horizontal resolution of 1080p so only 500Kpixels, but still quite nice on a 4.2-inch sized screen.

13 years ago

@ Cesar

Good point, but it would still require a very powerful (and therefore expensive and hot) GPU to render at 720p. Pre-rendered video output at 720p (e.g., HD movies) could maybe work, but likely not in-game graphics.

@ Highlander,

Or possibly even 576p, to support native PAL resolutions. But then everyone would complain about the black bars at the edges of the screen when it displays 480p.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 10/2/2010 4:56:47 PM

13 years ago

Hehe Im with you man.

Oh! new Resistance 3 in game screens have just popped up. NICE!

13 years ago

Touch screen, higher specs, dual analog sticks. I'm happy with that.

13 years ago

A second analog stick, BIG HDD, and the ability to store the games on my PC and add them whenever i feel the need to play. i only say PC instead of my PS3 due to the fact that i need all the room i can get on my PS3 HDD, its only 300gb while my PC is 2TB

13 years ago

Do you have Media Go? you can already manage your PSP downloads with your PC. Syncs your PSP to your PC like iTunes and an iPod.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/28/2010 10:11:05 PM

13 years ago

I hope it incorporates a new game disc that holds more data, something like UMD2.

That and the obvious second analog stick

13 years ago

Old news, but you never know:

Just let them incorporate that into the new PSP.

13 years ago

Wonder if it will be b/c. If not i will have to buy a PSP-3000 before i buy this.

13 years ago

I ended getting psp3000 i coulnt stay away from that Metal Gear Bundle, too bad they're talking about psp2 but i wouldnt mind some kind of backwards compatible, i'd hate to see all the psp umds just wasted.

13 years ago

I just got the 3000, I couldnt stay away from the KH: BbS. And if they dont do backwards compatible ill be just as upset just like when i heard they didnt have it for the PS3. Heart breaker but not a deal breaker, its a good thing i kept my PS2 and take care of all my systems

13 years ago

I hope they make a phone model (with touchscreen) a big bigger than psp go and no UMD. I'd get it.

13 years ago

bit bigger*

13 years ago

I am really looking forward to the new PSP, I am diffidently considering a purchase. I hope sony delivers big. I hope this devise will slow down the DS's sells. I hate those things, I guess there are to many people who like touching things…

13 years ago

I'll hafta break down and get a PSP1.

13 years ago

Not to mention play though MGS4!

13 years ago


So I take it you'll be getting a PSP2 in 2016?

That is if my dream of complete world domination doesn't come about by 2015.

13 years ago

Yeah the PS1 classics look too bad on the big screen. Maybe I can get a job where I sit on my ass all day.

And yeah, I gotta play MGS4 too. My must have list this year is pretty slim so it should be doable.

13 years ago

World? you haven't played MGS4??

13 years ago

Played it, not beat it. Stealth isn't my thing, but great stories are… and I have newer games, so you see my issue.

13 years ago

Thats the great thing about MGS4 World. Just put it on a easier setting and go in guns blazing. No need to be stealthy at that point.

When you attempt Boss Extreme mode thats when you need to be stealthy.

13 years ago

I'll get to it for certain, though it might be in the dead of winter so I can hunker down and really take it on. Right now I'm kind of spreading my time among a bunch of games and look here comes New Vegas and Castlevania.

13 years ago

I can't wait for the PSPII. It would be nice to get some official specs on the hardware and maybe some pictures to. Just having dual analog sticks could do wonders.

13 years ago

Well just look at what the Nintdeno 3DS is capable of and think 3 times better.

13 years ago

I kinda hope we don't get any pictures, at least until they want to show it off. Poor Sony can never keep their secrets, someone always seems to ruin the fun. I'd like to be blown away at E3.

13 years ago

I am glad they are taking their time on it. A large launch line-up will be a big plus. I just hope they bring over more of those niche games that are all the rage in JP.

13 years ago

This guy at Netherrealm Studios opens his mouth and starts talking PSP2 before Sony can announce anything? Smooth move ex-lax. I'll wave the next time I drive by the unemployment office.

13 years ago

The PSP2 will have to have more improvements on gameplay rather than JUST upgraded specs. One thing about PSP is that it's trying too hard to be a portable console. It has similar games as a PS3 but with lower graphics. If the game is that long and same gameplay, why would I not buy the PS3 version?

I see no reason to get Modnation racer or LBP, when the PS3 big brother version is so much more powerful and rich.

13 years ago

I see your point, but I think you've actually stated both sides of this argument here. The PSP has games that play similar to their PS3 counterparts. I think that's great! You can take those games with you. I can't play my PS3 on my lunch break, or at the bus stop, or on the airplane. I can't even play it at home till everyone else is in bed because the TV is monopolized by my wife and/or kids.

Having quality games that play just like console games is what makes the PSP great for me, it's why I got it.

13 years ago

I agree with gumbi. l like having the option to play LBP or GT where ever I want. it's a good thing the PSP has smaller interations of PS3 titles.

13 years ago

The only thing that ever attracted me to the PSP (I got a 1000) was that it could play "full" (console-style) games. Except that it couldn't, because it only had one analog nub. 🙁

I will agree with godsman that I would buy a PS3 version of a game rather than a PSP version (and not both), but that's because I mostly game at home. Almost all of my PSP games are offshoots of console franchises.

13 years ago

Two analogue nubs would necessitate four trigger buttons. Otherwise Sony would just open up a new can of control worms.

13 years ago

Now that you mention it those would be nice too. Though second nub is really for all those games that require you to use the dpad for camera controls. Which after playing some monster hunter or portable ops would leave my finger seriously hurting

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Yes! I hope it comes with the ability to piggyback phone networks for online capabilities. As others have stated, a second analogue nub is almost a necessity, and an awesome launch line-up. I'd like to see them use a new type of Memory Stick as the format for games, just so that they are small and can have almost limitless space.

If it does come out around Christmas next year, that should be just about in time for my second attempt at my round-Aus trip, so I'll definitely be packing it. Make it happen Sony!

13 years ago

i was going to buy a PSP at the end of the year so i could play GOW GoS, but this has really made me reluctant!
nothing worse than spending 300+ bucks on a system, than a few weeks later a newer better one is announced for slightly more.

13 years ago

They wouldn't be fool enough to make it non-backward compatible would they?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

My bet is that they will not re-use the UMD format, which logically follows that it will not be fully backwards compatible. It would be an incredible oversight on the part of Sony to not have at least the PSP games available on the network able to be played on the newer unit though. Yeah.

13 years ago

well they could not use umd, but be able to make it play psp games from the store, therefore advertising it as backwards compatabile, even though its not really, as no one buys games off the store lol

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