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Sample Kratos’ Latest Portable Adventure Today

Although Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker may have already sewed up Game of the Year for the PSP, SCEA's God of War: Ghost of Sparta is primed to challenge…

If you need more convincing, you should check out the PlayStation Store today (Tuesday, September 28): a playable demo for the hotly anticipated handheld action extravaganza will be there, and you can get a taste of the hack 'n slash goodness before the game arrives on November 2. You can wander on over to the PlayStation Blog for more information; you'll also find updates on their "Six Reasons to Pre-Order God of War: Ghost of Sparta," and some of those exclusive pre-order bonuses might interest you. Whether you plan on getting the UMD version for the regular PSP or the digital version for the PSP Go, SCEA's latest is almost guaranteed to be a rip roarin' good time. For some past reference, feel free to read our God of War: Chains of Olympus review …as you can see, we're expecting nothing but the best portable experience possible when Ghost of Sparta hits store shelves.

Also, bear in mind that we may not hear about a new GoW for the PlayStation 3 for quite some time; the team has said they'll take a break after releasing God of War III back in March. This may be the last chance to get a dose of Kratos for a while!

Related Game(s): God of War: Ghost of Sparta

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13 years ago

Kratos is the real deal! RRRRRAAAAGH!

Something that seems to be overshadowed is how great the environments in the GOW series are. Maybe I'm alone in this, but the environments are incredibly immersible.

13 years ago

Due to Sony sending me an early access code to the demo couple weeks ago, I've had a chance to sample it & I'm liking it.

Thanks for the added treat, Sony!

13 years ago

Thanks to being a Plus member I was able to try the demo weeks ago and enjoyed it. The gameplay works great on the PSP.

13 years ago

Buying games for my PSP… there's a thought that doesn't cross my mind too often. My DS gets all my portable gaming time. Still, Peace Walker looks awesome.

13 years ago

There are a ton of great games on the DS but you're missing out on a lot of great games on the PSP.

13 years ago

No, not really. I've got the ones I thought I'd like but they just don't keep my interest. Chains of Olympus was a great game, but has anyone played through it more than once? Not me. Even Monster Hunter is great but the difficulty and poor controls just aren't ideal for short portable gaming sessions.

I picked up Loco Roco and Patapon because of the rave reviews and although they too are really good, I find myself putting the PSP down to get back to my DS.

13 years ago

Your tastes is not everyone's tastes

The fact remains that the psp has great games as Limited stated.

Doesn't mean it doesn't just because you don't like action/adventure games, jrpgs, and platformers.

13 years ago

Scarecrow chill on the picture changing!

13 years ago

lol you noticed? Was trying to get something that looked good in 80*80

13 years ago

Yeah, like I mentioned before I generally lock onto a picture and assign a name to it so when I see a new picture I glance at the name to see who it is. Lately you've been forcing me to do this quite a bit!

It feels like you and World are in some strange competition to see who can change their picture the most this year. 🙂

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Alienange: I've played through Chains of Olympus twice on each difficulty setting except easy. I mean, you did ask.

13 years ago

Kratos makes the PS3 once, then gone.
Snake makes the PS3 once, then gone.

Thank goodness Assassin's Creed is still releasing regularly. (Maybe Desmond Miles just has a better agent!)

I'm not a Plus Member, and gettin' the Demo tomorrow for free doesn't help much to convince me otherwise. At the start, Plus sounded like a sports car, but lately it seems like a family sedan with a "Mom's Taxi" bumpersticker.

13 years ago

I've saved well over $50 being a plus member so only a few months of being a part of Plus and its already paid for itself.

Why does it feel like a family Sedan?

13 years ago

Uh, okay…
good for you, dude…

13 years ago


13 years ago

It took you 2 posts to not answer a simple question?


13 years ago

Good point there about Snake and Kratos.
Next is GT6 which everyone is sure that will be on the PS4.

13 years ago

PsP2 is taking all my time but I will gladly put it on hold to "tear thru" this demo.

13 years ago

If anyone wants this demo now here:

1) Please don't use this if you don't own a PSP
2) Don't use it if your a Plus Subscriber.
3)Reply to this comment if you used it. I wanna know who got it ^_^

13 years ago

sorry should of replied to your comment. Yes I got it from your code. Its a great game. thank you for the code. (bows)

Last edited by GuardianMode on 9/27/2010 11:41:38 PM

13 years ago

Snipey and Bikersaint get the friendly PSXE members of the week award.

13 years ago

Your welcome ^_^ Just wanted to know who got it lol.

13 years ago

Im surprised it worked. Its downloading now. Ill give a report on it soon.

13 years ago

*Minor Spoilers*

*This game is sheer "Awesome!!" Pure God of War thru and thru. The spear/shield set works great. In fact I used them more then my trusty blades. There is also a arena option under "treasures". Dont know how many waves to survive but it was fun. All in all this game gets a 11/10.

13 years ago

Wait did you download it off my code?

13 years ago

Psssst….if you got that code off of SnipeySnake, then don't forget to "thank" him for taking the time to allow you that total1 11/10 awesomeness.
It's only right.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/27/2010 11:39:43 PM

13 years ago

sorry about that. >.< thanks SnipeySnake. Awesome game demo. (bows)

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

No need to sample it. Kratos is too awesome to make a bad game. Now, I need to get this and Peace Walker, and finish VC2, and then I can get ready for all the PSP titles next year.

13 years ago

got my code a month ago, sadly i dont have a PSP to download it.
anyway, speaking of PSPs apparently sony have sent off dev kits for the PSP2.
when is this rumor going to die off?
i want a PSP2 as much as the next guy, but god this is getting ridiculous!
this has to be the longest running rumor in the history of the video games industry!
its made me reluctant to buy a psp now, i was going to buy one for my holiday in december but theres no point buying one if sonys going to release a PSP2 6 months to a year later.

13 years ago

The PSP came out 5-6 years ago depending where you live but only now have decided you want to get one but you're complaining they're now coming out with a PSP2 and feel this is stopping you from getting a PSP….

How are you still alive? Seriously, your reasoning leads me to believe you'd walk through on coming traffic blindfolded expecting to win the lottery.

13 years ago

Zero Credability,

Hey, I know this is just crazy thinking on my part, but….

Since you don't have a PSP & can't use the code anyway, especially seeing how you've already held on to it for a month now(in your own words), then why didn't you try to do something "POSITIVE" & upbeat for a change, like…..

Gave it to someone "here" that HAS a PSP, therefore, "COULD HAVE" used it before it came out on the PSN.

And who knows, maybe you could've even gotten one of those elusive "Thumbs-up" from it.

I'm just saying

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/28/2010 12:06:58 PM

13 years ago

already have given it away, did not mention it because its not really relevant.
plus ive been through many PSPs in the last few years, got rid of 3 of them because they broke, 1 a gave away as a gift and my last one i sold because i was not using it anymore.
dont see the point in keeping a 300 dollar system if im only going to use it maybe once a year.

13 years ago

Wow I thought they weren't going to make anymore God Of War games after the new ghost of Sparta are they really gonna work on more, not that that's a bad thing I just remember reading something awhile back after GOWIII came out that said weren't gonna make anymore after Ghost of Sparta. Well guess that must have been a fake article.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 9/28/2010 10:09:06 AM

13 years ago

They mentioned that most likely the story of Kratos would be completed and done with But there is no way they would abandon the GOW series, it's a moneymaker.

13 years ago

Yeah! I figured as much I had a feeling that article I read was fake, of course they are gonna try & get their moneys worth out of a great series.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 9/28/2010 10:15:52 AM

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