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Peace Walker PSN Announcement Coming At TGS?

Every time we hear about Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker , we have to wonder if a PSN announcement is imminent.

Earlier this year, GamePro was part of a Q&A session with Konami, when the publisher wanted to get some feedback concerning future Peace Walker plans. During this time, Konami just happened to wonder aloud how people would feel about bringing Kojima's handheld gem to the downloadable realm on the Network. Ever since, we've been waiting and hoping that enough people voice their desire for such a move. Now, as noted by The Gaming Liberty , we've learned that Peace Walker will be present at the Tokyo Game Show in a few weeks time. …well, why present a game that has already been out for several months? It could be just because it rules and is worthy of continued exposure, or because they're planning some DLC. Or, if we're willing to be optimistic, it could be the announcement PS3 owners have been waiting for since May. PSP owners have been plenty satisfied but why not bring a great game to another large audience?  Seems like a logical move.

We'll let you know what happens with Peace Walker at TGS 2010. In the meantime, you might want to consider getting a PSP.

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13 years ago

If this isn't a completely recoded version specifically for the PS3 and available as a download off PSN… Perhaps the interesting question would be whether this is the PSP version of the game somehow running on the PS3? If that is the case, this would mean that the PSP emulation used to play PS Minis on PS3 has been updated. If that emulation was fully fledged, it could be made to allow PSP games to play on the PS3, much like Minis can. But, I'm going to guess it's more likely that it's a recode/recompile to run on the PS3.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/31/2010 10:45:25 AM

13 years ago

Or it could just be Konami is showing the PSP version of the game.

I know it is weird, but Japanese game companies routinely show games that are already out at these trade shows. It is business as normal. Since these shows are open to the public, I guess it is a way to get more exposure for an already released game.

13 years ago


You mean that they simply re-announce and reshow a game despite the fact that it's been available for some time?

Darn, that ruins all that great speculation…

Still, the PSP emulator that runs Minis might eventually run full PSP games…just not today.

13 years ago

They don't reannounce them. They just show some, not all of, their recently released games, especially the higher profile games.

I've been importing and following the Japanese market since the Ps1/Saturn days, so I can say with certainty this is something that has been done forever.

Now, that is not to say Konami won't announce a PSN version of Peacewalker.

As for what you write about the PS Mini emulator being updated to play PSP games, we might not be to far off from playing PSP games on our PS3s. Sega has already introduced the tech for this… sort of:

Actually, it is a pretty slick piece of tech, just not what you are expecting.

I'm still hoping for that PS2 backward compatible download so I can play PS2 games on my slim as well as my 60GB.

13 years ago

i agree, it can and will screw with psp sales. its kind of out there but if the psp mini emulation is just a start of a push for the psp2 with a different media. it could be a way to offer the psp library to ps3 owners and cut costs to future psp2 models. completely abandon umds and use digital content and whatever format they want to use. i'm just spit balling here because i dont think sony is gonna keep umds for the next psp since they didnt mind removing it for the GO.

13 years ago

Indeed John.

I think that once the PSP2 arrives, Sony will ramp up the PSP emulation and continue pushing towards an all digital marketplace for the PSP in future. Bringing the PSP catalog of games to the PS3 via emulation will not hurt the original PSPs sales, especially if it hit's a $100 price point once the PSP2 arrives. If anything widening the audience for PSP games will bring new sales to developers, and give them an incentive to continue development for the platform.

13 years ago

I hope the game comes across on PSN for PS3 play. Hopefully it'll offer enhanced resolution and offer controls that are reconfigured to the DualShock3.

I'd also like to see MGS-MGS3 HD re-mastered for PS3 =)

13 years ago

i don't think mgs3 needs an hd remake. those graphics are still kick a**.

13 years ago

I agree with cochise313 that the graphics still look great, but a frame-rate boost would be a stellar upgrade.

Last edited by Jalex on 8/31/2010 5:23:15 PM

13 years ago

They may not need a remake, but they do need a widescreen option…

13 years ago

I'd certainly welcome it, i have played a bit of the game, it's worthy of the series unlike Portable Ops.

13 years ago

I bought my first PSP for Peace Walker. I have the Big Boss Pack. The game was definitely a great game. Here's the thing, it was a commercial disappointment. I was a bit disappointed and let down when I noticed the little support PSP owners gave this game. It sold very little for it being, what many will consider, the best game on the PSP and one of the best in the Medal Gear Solid series.

A PSN release would be…cool, I guess.

13 years ago

it sold over a million copies. i wouldn't call that a failure.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Maybe it'll be Peace Walker Plus. They did a Portable Ops Plus, so why not? As for it popping onto the PSN, go ahead. My PSP is having some serious problems nowadays, I think I took it out in the rain a few too many times…

Anyway, looking forward to TGS, should be giving us great news all around. Also, slightly related, IGN gave Valkyria Chronicles 2 a 9.0, so I'm going to get both it and Peace Walker when I head down next weekened.

13 years ago

Re-do it on a Bluray for my PS3 please.

I need's my psychical media fix!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/31/2010 2:46:30 PM

13 years ago

I think this is awsome the more Metal Gear
on the PS3 the better !!

Last edited by crokett on 8/31/2010 4:55:17 PM

13 years ago

An odd announcement to make… could it be that the internet rumblings about Kojima and Metal Gear going permanently multiplat are true?

Say it isn't so…

13 years ago

I would pay a lot for this… a true sequel to mgs4… i need it. rising has nothing on this!

13 years ago

It'll be an easy purchase if it does come to the PSN. I almost bought a PSP for this game.
Fingers crossed

13 years ago

Didn't Kojima sama say something like he was going to announce a PS3 exclusive at TGS '10?

Then again it was a "source" that was/is "close."

Honestly how many times have we heard that similar phrase. But hey I'm optimistic – Metal Gear is awesome either way. But……………


I am a bit skeptical on MGS: Rising still…sorry – just am. As badass as it looked, and although the director confirmed that there will be a sneaking element to it – still just skeptical on how it'll turn out without Kojima's vision.

13 years ago

I've been tempted to get the PS3 Peace Walker bundle, but it's just not a good financial decision for me. If this is true, I can rest easy, knowing I won't have to invest hundreds of dollars to play it.

Not that I wouldn't get other games for the PSP…

13 years ago

whats the point, it would be far too big!
id love to see a ps3 retail port, now that would be worth the effort!

13 years ago

If this happens, it is a MUST….A Freaking MUST that any person who has played the PSP version, they must be given the ability to transfer their saves! I've put 80 hours into the PSP MGS: PW, and I am far from finished everything, and I don't want to have to restart!! >.<!

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