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LittleBigPlanet 2 PSP Would Be “Cool,” But Not Official

It took a little while for LittleBigPlanet to arrive on the PSP and with the sequel right around the corner, some Sackboy fans are wondering if LBP2 will also go portable.

Well, while it's certainly a "cool idea," Media Molecule is currently focusing on the PlayStation 3 version. They don't slam the door on the possibility and clearly wish to entertain the idea but for now – in this time period leading up to the fall LBP2 launch – the team wants to remain dedicated to PS3 owners. The broken translation fielded by numerous European sources reads:

"[A PSP version] would be desirable. But to be over honest, we concentrate at present on the completion of the PlayStation 3-Ablegers. I think that studios, which developed the first PSP part delivered Cambridge outstanding work. At present we have to announce however nothing. Even if a Sequel a correctly cool thing would be."

Okay, so the best we can figure out, Evans and Co. like how the first handheld iteration of LittleBigPlanet came out but for now, they're not willing to announce anything. Fans of the game know all about the installed connectivity between LBP PS3 and LBP PSP; to be able to have that again for the sequel would be a big bonus. But once again, Media Molecule is upping the ante in terms of player freedom and creativity, which means it'll be even harder to jam the entire experience onto the PSP…

Oh well, we'll keep an eye on things and see what happens in the near future.

Related Game(s): LittleBigPlanet 2

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fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
13 years ago

I enjoyed LBP Portable but it wasn't nearly as fun as the original for the PS3. I preferred the gameplay and controls of the original but I really liked the extra d-pad animations for Sackboy in the portable version. I really hope they implement those things into LBP2 because it would add that much more to the fun factor.

Last edited by fluffer nutter on 8/22/2010 10:10:05 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I never did play LBP on the PSP. It was on my list, then I got overwhelmed by GT and PS3 games. Thinking about it now, I don't think that I would get LBP2 on the PSP either however much it would rule.

I think, however, that LBPPortable2 would make for a truly kick-as$ PSP2 launch title. One can dream, right?

13 years ago

LBP is really awkward to play on the PSP so theres really no point.
it being 20 bucks more expensive than other PSP games certainly did not help either!
LBP2 for the ps3 will do nicely.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
13 years ago

$20 more expensive? That sucks. It's currently $19.99 over in the U.S. and Kmart had it on sale for $9.99 around Christmas, along with GT.

Are you saying that you're looking forward to LBP2, even though you hated how hard the original was? Or did you forget that you even said that?

Last edited by fluffer nutter on 8/23/2010 3:39:58 PM

13 years ago

20! jesus tap dancing christ it still has not dropped a cent here!
yea im looking forward to LBP2 because im such a platforming fan and well we dont have many platforming games releasing this year do we?

13 years ago

Gotta love the translation, "Even if a Sequel a correctly cool thing would be"

but anyways, wouldn't it be hard to do something as huge as LBP2 on the psp? even scaled down theres soooo much going on in that game i mean its gonna be hard right?

But im glad they're focusing on the PS3, they're gonna make this game awesome…

13 years ago

With all the extra tons of goodness I hear that LBP2 will have, plus the fact that you can incorporate LBP1 into LBP2…
then I think that MM had better include a free 128gig (LBP branded) memory stick for it, bundled in with any new LBP2 PSP games.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/23/2010 2:08:57 PM

13 years ago

What language was the original report in? that translation is pretty broken even for Google's free translation service.

13 years ago

They translated it from English to German and then back again. 😉

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