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Rumor: Sony Showing PSP2 To Devs And Publishers

Sony didn't reveal the PSP2 at E3. They didn't reveal it at GamesCom. But that doesn't mean some people haven't seen it.

According to Eurogamer , the PSP2 is indeed on the horizon, and it's "roughly the same size as the PSP-3000 and has touch controls on the reverse of the unit." Evidently, three separate developers have seen and even used this new portable unit, and they say the screen is "rich and detailed" but the primary change centers on game control. That touch-sensitive area behind the screen sounds nifty and designers may think so, too; Sony is already in the process of showing it off to industry insiders. One source says to expect the new PSP iteration to arrive towards the end of 2011 but another isn't entirely convinced of that. For now, we'll just have to guess. Numerous rumors have been circulating concerning the structure and style of the PSP2 but officially, nothing has been confirmed. Sony recently called the PSP Go an "experiment" so maybe some elements of that unit will find its way into the next handheld device.

As for the possibility of a PSP Phone of some sort, that doesn't appear to be happening. But at this time, who really knows?

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13 years ago

I expect a day 1 purchase for me, but I don't care for the touch screen. Thats the big reason why I hate the DS.

But If sony still kick'n out Exclusives(uncharted 3) or I an't cought up with the never ending list of Sony games then I might not get it.

Last edited by StangMan80 on 8/19/2010 9:43:29 PM

13 years ago

Touch controls on the reverse side of the unit? How the heck would that work when you're gaming? I was more excited by the possibility of having an Android-based PSP phone…

13 years ago

yeah I don't get it, why would the touch controls be on the back?

13 years ago

Ok and why would they change it from their own OS?

not everybody likes android.

13 years ago

I think it was just poorly said. I'm sure what they mean is simply that it's a touch screen with capacitive touch sensors behind the face for reading controls. I highly doubt it actually has touch controls on the back of the device.

And I too was far more excited at the prospect of an android based touch screen PSP Phone.

13 years ago

Well they could mean something like a pad on each side of the back that the midle finger could use like analog stick, but it will be touch that way its seamless.

13 years ago

Maybe it flips down rather than slide like the Go.

If properly positioned, one may be able to use the "touch" interface without having to see it like a "mouse pad".

13 years ago

The main reason I dislike more complex games on my iPhone is the touch and motion interface. There's a real lack of precision with that type of control, but maybe Sony knows how to pull it off right. This device would be for gaming primarily, so maybe they kept that in mind, but I'm not exactly liking the idea just yet. If it's true, I guess I'll probably find out for myself eventually. I also like the idea of a PSP phone, but I don't think it would be android-based. Sony likes to use their own proprietary software.

13 years ago

Hmmm… I am not enjoying that idea to be honest…. We will have to see, what I wanted was an upgrade to the hardware processing by x2… at least double the power of the original PSP and a SECOND NUB… come on, how difficult can it be???

Who is sitting in those corporate meetings at Sony HQ???



13 years ago

Kevin Butler for one…

13 years ago

After this comes out and the PSP price drops a ton I'll probly get a PSP. I've noticed that instead of making their own handheld, MS is trying to make super duper phone games. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out, I'm guessing games will wanna be multiplat and the MS software plat will gimp the PSP2. Buncha gimpers.

13 years ago

Gimpers indeed. Like the slow kid in class.

13 years ago

I'm really trying to visualize how it'll work. I guess it's like a laptop trackpad on the backside of the unit. Do you hold the unit with your left hand and then use your index and middle finger of your right hand on the back? It sounds real funky.
Anyhow, I hope it's powerful and can emulate PS2 software. That is the PS2 software i hope we see release for PSN someday.

13 years ago

So I'll get to hold my PSP2 baby by her waist, while still being able to pinch her as….
….er…I mean, tickling her lower back????

13 years ago

Touch controls!? Oh God, Sony, let's not mess with the basic controller layout please. If you are going to add, that's fine, but this thing had better feature at least the standard buttons, analog stick, directional and shoulder buttons.

13 years ago

Analogue sticks. Because we all know what would happen if they only included one for the successor…^_^

13 years ago

Thank you. Now let me point something out. The iPhone may have touch controls and they may work for those types of apps but lets be realistic, they are horrible.

If its anything like the iphone it will be a bust. I know Sony has done some pretty amazing things this generation but I say no to touch controls. I wont go near it if its so. I've been wanting a second stick forever, in fact I think thats what most owners want, so lets do that instead!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/19/2010 10:53:57 PM

13 years ago


I agree about adding a second stick, but at this point I simply want to know that they original layout (at very least) is still there.

It would be nice, and logical, for them to include the sixaxis motion sensors in the unit as well – along with a microphone.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/19/2010 11:01:26 PM

13 years ago

I've said it all along and I'll say it again:

no second analog nub/stick, no buy.

Third-person (much less first-person) games just don't work without dual analog; all the "solutions" that devs have tried–even when they kind-of work–just gimp the other aspects of the gameplay. Wasting four face buttons or both shoulder buttons on camera control leaves almost no buttons for other actions.

In truth, if they wanted to sell PS1 (much less PS2) classics for the PSP, they should have given us ALL the control inputs of a DS1 (or better yet, a DS3).

The lack of a proper control layout (plus the different screen resolution) is most likely why it takes forever for PS1 classics to be released (aside from JRPGs–I can't explain why they aren't available). They can't just be straight ports.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/20/2010 6:04:01 PM

13 years ago

I love a good touch screen, but I really hope Sony keeps hardware controls for the new PSP. A real gaming device needs buttons (hear that kinect?). Oh and we better finally get dual analog… seriously. I have faith in Sony, I'm sure that after the Go they've put some serious time and planning into the PSP's successor.

Fingers crossed!

13 years ago

I have to wonder… if Sony puts a second analogue nub on the PSP, would we need more shoulder buttons? I'm starting to think the next PSP should be a "dualshock portable" if you will.

13 years ago

They could pop out? Like you click the back under the r1 and l1 and r2 and l2 kinda pop out (to shape kinda like a dual shock controller), then again it may not work out how im planning…

13 years ago

Well..I heard Sony was working on a fold out OLED screen. That would be sweet if the PSP2 was literally a DualShock 2 with a flat OLED screen that folded out from the back.

13 years ago

What, no cross chat?

(runs away laughing)

13 years ago

Flee! Run! Get away! They're coming! They're coming! Run!

13 years ago

something like the psp go only a little bigger with a second analog nub and touchscreen phone and 3g capable would be awesome. But maybe im asking to much

13 years ago

Guys, any touch screen stuff probly just means you can select/swipe/play special games by pressing the screen. I really doubt they would get rid of the typical controls for the good games. You'd never be able to play Ghost of Sparta with touchscreen controls.

13 years ago

I was thinking a touch screen would be for the XMB and the non-gaming stuff.

13 years ago

It might be the way they implement a second analog…

13 years ago

…so it'll work as well as the virtual analogs do on the iPhone.

Please God, no.

There's absolutely no reason why they couldn't add a second nub opposite where the existing nub is (and, frankly, no good reason why they haven't already).

13 years ago

I hate the idea of touch screens. If psp2 has touch screen I'll pass. The screen is supposed to display a crystal clear picture that is beautiful.

A touch screen leaves icky finger prints, swipe marks, greasy, yuckiness all over your pretty picture. No thank you.

13 years ago

Exactly what I think! Touch controls are horrible. Plus I don't really think the iphone can compete as a portable device. Really? I have some of those games and yea they are fun but in short bursts. They really aren't meant for deep thought or deep play. Just put them on play a few minutes then they are gone. Actually I haven't even touched those games anymore, only pacman ce. That game is awesome! Should be coming to psp in the fall. Sorry I rambled :P.

Last edited by sawao_yamanaka on 8/20/2010 2:27:44 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

A touchscreen… on the back? That just sounds… odd. I can't imagine how that would have any advantage whatsoever. Oh, I suppose devs could find a use for it in something like an RTS game, or a turn-based RPG or something, but for most games, no.

Give me another analogue nub. Give me Memory Sticks for physical media, thus giving devs almost unlimited space, and gamers a very portable media, and give me… BY GEORGE, I'VE GOT IT… Use the touchscreen as a keyboard and give me a word processor so I can write wherever I am without the need of a pen and paper… I know, I'm insane.

13 years ago

how do i know?
if sony has said anything about themselves is there 100% positive you cant play games without buttons, and there right!
look at the Iphone, playing allot of games is a pain in the a$$! because you have no buttons.
your constantly swiping your finger across the screen when you want to move the camera, or using the oversensitive accelerometer.
plus at E3 last year just after revealing the PSP go during a interview a sony rep did say the next PSP would have 2 analogue sticks, and explained they did not do it with go because they wanted games to be backwards compatible with the device.
ill be extremely shocked if the psp2 is touchscreen only.
touchscreens are a novelty, they have there uses but gaming is certainly not one of them!
if its for the XMB, movies, music, PSN store or whatever than fine its a cool "novelty" addition, but touch screen controls are NOT suited for games!

13 years ago

Im really looking forward to this new psp, especially if rumours are true and it has a 4 core processor, it would be a beast.

and hopefully it will have a dual analogue, that would be a nice extra, but for some reason im doughtful.

13 years ago

They really need to re-market the PSP of today. They should show off its multi-media capabilities, not just focus on the gaming it can do. If the PSP Phone and PSP2 aren't coming to us soon, then they need to support their current handheld.

13 years ago

I just bought a used PSP-2001…Hey I got it for 90$, good deal?

13 years ago

$90? sounds like a good deal to me, all you need is a memory stick and some games.

13 years ago

I allready had one from my old psp :), I bricked it like 2 or 3 years ago, now I finally got a new one.

13 years ago

Well anyone who has played an iphone game that isn't a very skinny girl, knows how much sticking your fat fingers in the screen can hinder your vision of the screen. I am guessing this was the problem they are trying to remedy by making it so you touch the back of the unit and say a cursor (@#$%^$ <—- lol) pops up where you are touching. Could make for a very nice intuitive addition to mobile gaming.

That being said… IF THEY DO NOT ADD A SECOND JOYSTICK I am going to break someone's legs… End of story. GRRRR….

Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 8/20/2010 6:19:28 AM

13 years ago

I'm waiting for the day when someone get's really frustrated with a game, and either jabs the screen hard enough to break it, or hurls their phone down in frustration. end result, phone is DOA. Oopsie.

13 years ago

Why doesn't Sony listen to the people. They could even visit this site and see the unanimous feelings and comments on touchscreen, second analog stick, etc. It seems like there's some arrogant a..hole in charge who doesn't care about what the people want. IMO touchscreen will be a disaster if you have to game with it. If they want to do the PSP different then put a phone on the gotd..n thing! That's what I've been waiting for. Heck even some of the sony ericsson phones have the XMB already. I don't want to carry around a psp and a cellphone. Seems like they would've figured that out already. I trust them because of the kickassness of the PS1,PS2,& PS3 but they are really pushin it if they don't come correct with this next PSP offering.

Last edited by Amazingskillz on 8/20/2010 7:56:56 AM

13 years ago

I hope its a handheld beast.

13 years ago

Slap a phone on it, add another joystick, keep the great graphics, scrap download only, limit touch screen, and get it on the market already. I'm getting tired of waiting.

13 years ago

One thing I find common about every PSP2 rumour…every rumour claims someone have seen or held a prototype only for the rumour to be debunked. Looking at this Eurogamer rumor its seem no different.

13 years ago

@ Sweetie – looks interesting.

13 years ago

I can't wait for the PSP2! I have high expectations from Sony on this one.

13 years ago

ooo touch controls, that'll make this rumor believable. Just claim it has an innovation that's already close to outdated. lol
If there is going to be a PSP2 it'll likely have innovations we can't yet think of. when a rumor talks about such things, i'll start to take a little notice.

13 years ago

And did they show off a reasonable price for this mystery device? Hardly matters what the thing does if the guy pricing them is still on a rampage.

13 years ago

PS3 is getting a Wii-mote, and PSP2 is getting a touch screen…

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