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Sony: The PSP Go Was A Test For Future Portable Plans

We've heard nothing about a possible unveiling of the PSP2 at E3 (that rumor has lost some momentum), but Sony has clarified that the launch of the PSP Go was more of a test than anything.

Essentially, Sony says they were testing the waters for future handheld units. This according to what SCEE president and CEO Andrew House told MCV , where he said that their UMD-less PSP iteration "was introduced in a mature lifecycle to learn more about what the consumer wanted and we've definitely learned a lot." As most everyone knows, the PSP Go wasn't exactly a smash sales success, but House says he doesn't believe such a test is measured in terms of units sold. Rather, it was about gathering research from gamers everywhere, as a litmus test for how they would respond to a portable all-digital system. The executive went on to say:

"One of the reasons we launched PSPgo was to understand where that consumer behavior was going. We were getting signals from consumers that this was the kind of device that they wanted. But we need to recognise that consumers like their packaged media library."

Well, the signals were fairly clear from the majority of gamers, and it'll be interesting to see how Sony incorporates this feedback into the next PSP. The PSP2 has been pseudo-confirmed by a number of sources, although Sony certainly hasn't lifted the veil just yet. In the meantime, it's good to see that consumer reactions to the PSP Go haven't gone unnoticed, although we have to question if Sony considered the unit to be an experiment from the get-go…

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fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I'm confused. They're saying that this was a test to see where consumer interests lie but in the past they stated that the PSPgo was aimed a different market. So, which is it? Or are they making excuses because they made so many poor decisions with this launch?

If they really wanted to test the market, they would have released a lot more of the back catalog via download. Provided more incentives, even. I'm not buying their excuses.

14 years ago

They realised it was a sh%& idea and now they are back peddling. It is typical PR bull.

Though on the plus side of things maybe they will actually use this as an indicator that people aren't really ready for all digital media.

Evil tele
Evil tele
14 years ago

i dont believe them when they say it was a 'test'… they released the new product, expected it to sell.. and were a little shocked when it didn't. That's not a 'test' – that's an 'underachievement' (lol… psp Go isn't a failure…. just an underachiever)

but seriously… sony should step it up… they're not just competing with nintendo, apple is coming up in the game.

The psp2 can be gold, if they listen to what people want…. their consumers…

psp2 should be a phone, with a design similar to that of the pspGO
1. touch screen
2. 2 analogs
3. better apps on it, to compete with apple (like the gps thing that's only available in japan)-smart phone capabilities
4. stronger, better processor
5. maybe even copy the motion sensing ability of the iphone
6. better screen with a higher resolution! (we're at that point where the psp should be 'better' that ps2 at the least)
7. better 'ideas' for connectivity with the ps3, laptops, etc, idk
8. maybe even 3d..?

i do think that dropping umd was a good idea… but they should've implemented a voucher system or something…

in other words…. copy the competition, use the cool features that are unique to other handheld devices, but to it 'better'

14 years ago

We want a psp2 not a another Iphone

Evil tele
Evil tele
14 years ago

of course, the focus would be on gaming…..

the iphone is starting to become a serious competitor with handheld gaming.

why would it be bad for the psp2 to be the best gaming handlheld, and put apple in their place?

14 years ago

Are you kidding? The iphone may have tons of games and even sells a lot of them but that doesn't mean they can stand with Sony and Nintendo. Who in their right mind would ever choose a pure touch screen to a D-pad?

14 years ago

Guys go ahead and send them a letter that you want sony and apple to have a baby tied with a contract because there is no freakin way thats going to be cheap, or have a small form factor…

14 years ago

I find it hilarious how people complain about price. These are the same ppl who often talk of wanting a psp phone, that has 2 analog sticks, touchscreen, bluetooth, 40 gig harddrive…

These are the ppl which caused sony to take away backwards compatibility.

14 years ago

Ohh no somokey if youre talking about me price is not an issue, but the fact that people want too many uneeded features on it will render it well too expensive, oh and it has to be from the best network on the planet at&t exclusively

PS: id pay sony 100 bucks to give my slim descent backwards compatibility :'(

hehehe imagine the battery life on it if youre making a call on 3g with a bluetooth headset while playing a mini bluray game online, at full 720 hd 3d while cross game chatting with a friend, while texting another, checking email, and uhhh i dont know what else…

Last edited by Cesar_ser_4 on 6/8/2010 4:56:52 PM

14 years ago

If it is a phone, there had better be a non-phone version (like the iPod Touch), because I don't want that sh*t in my PSP2.

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

Excuses… "OK, this is just a trial run. Launch a new unit, everything downloadable, and charge $50 less than a PS3." "…wtf!? How did this not sell!?!?"

14 years ago

Dude just like with laptops you pay for the luxury to have a portable device that does the same thing as the one you might have at home… in the psp case somewhat anyway…

14 years ago

I dont understand all this hype for a psp2. It seems most people who want it, dont actually have a psp to begin with. My money is on that it will be, and should be alittle bit longer before we get it.

It's a great system with plenty more life in it. I'm constantly surprised at what it is capable of, Sony needs to stop experimenting, roll up their sleeves and get back on track with this great little system, by giving it even more features via firmware, making what we already have even better and produce some great games, offering incentive to 3rd party developers aswell. Grow the connectivity between the ps3 even more aswell.

I'll never understand people saying there's no games either available, the psp is seeing a boom in great games right now, with more ahead, it doesnt seem to be letting up. if not many of them are for u that's cool and all, but ur not the only person on the planet.

14 years ago

They can't add a second analog nub via firmware update.

14 years ago

It was a mistake, plain and simple, A good lesson they learned, now they know that people want a drive and true ownership of the games they buy. not some consumer unfriendly digital download that they cannot back up or give away/sell.

Last edited by realmadpuppy on 6/8/2010 1:14:25 PM

14 years ago

you can back them up realmadpuppy. on your computer or ps3. even though i dont have a go i still prefer downloads, for travelling and load times. I never trade in games anyway so that's a mute point for me.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I personally would prefer to see a PSP2 announced next year. That would allow for people to get over the glut of games for the system that are supposed to be coming out this year.

As far as what it needs, I'd love to see a slide out control pad, Two analogue sticks, and the retainment of physical media but not in an optical disc format. I'd prefer the games to be released on maybe Memory Sticks or something of that ilk as then the developers would have a LOT more room to work with. A touch-screen wouldn't be a terrible idea either, but only if it was properly integrated and didn't rely on it.

Also, apparently Nintendo reckons that the 3DS processor is more powerful than the PS3 and 360. If that's true, then that will be a beast, and Sony need to top that somehow. Dare I say, Cell BE?

14 years ago

I think that's nintendo talking shite. since when have nintendo been pioneers in actual technology. they make great games dont get me wrong, but a processor more powerful than either mainstay consoles right now?

14 years ago

That's funny.

14 years ago

No offense, but one must be either very young, or have a weak understanding of technology and the industry to even consider such rumors.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Hey, I didn't say I believed them, merely that that was what Nintendo were touting. But I suppose it might make sense in one way. I mean, the Wii has nailed the casual crowd, so why not try reintroducing the hardcore to their side with a handheld? It'd be an interesting approach to be sure.

14 years ago

Yeah, but can one even consider the possibility of something like a DS, compare to even a ps2, let alone a ps3 or 360? I am dead-sure Nintendo would never suggest such a thing. What you might've heard is that the 3d capabilities of the 3ds are more "advanced" than what is available on the 360 or the ps3, because it won't involve glasses/goggles.

14 years ago

Although i love my PSPGO, It kind of upsets me how games release later on the network. I wanted to get Peacewalker this morning but they haven't updated the Network yet. They never have any type of preorder incentive. And they always charge up the @$$ for their new games.
Again, I love my PSPGo. Its a very cool piece of hardware and it performs EXTREMELY well. I love the size and the portability. But it totally blows that you can only get games off of the network. Reminds me of the Sony MiniDisk and the stupid DRM'd program that went with it. I don't know if anyone remembers them, but it was just a nightmare to get anything that was recorded with it on any device other than a MiniDisk Player. It was really retarded.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
14 years ago

In one of my editorials (I believe it was about the PSP2) I specifically stated the exact same thing Sony just said. The product simply wasn't promoted well enough for Sony to be genuinely serious about it. They barely even sent out any test units for us critics – always a sign of bad things.

I actually saw someone on the subway last week with one…the first time ever, in fact, I've seen someone in public with a PSP Go.

14 years ago

I used to own one, but have since sold it. I loved the unit, even with the smaller screen. There just wasn't enough support from Sony for downloadable UMDs.

I couldn't even play some of the best titles out there; FF Tactics, FFVII:CC, FF1, FF2… Had I kept my old UMD PSP, I'd still be playing those great games.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

ARNOLD! You're still alive! Where's the Modnation review then?
Sorry for the rudeness, on-topic now. I wholeheartedly agree that Sony really wasn't behind the PSP Go in the way they seemed to be when talking about it. I mean, I've only ever seen one thing even close to being an advert for the device, and that was in K-Mart, something about 'Now closer to you' or well, I don't rightly remember.
And, I've only ever seen seven people with PSP's in public, and no Go's so, it really defeats the purpose dunnit?

14 years ago

Whatever. It was a semi failure and they learned some things from it. Now we'll hopefully get a better handheld next time.

14 years ago

of topic. ben are we going to get a MGS: peace walker review. i know it's kick A** i just like readin the reviews.

14 years ago

It's the price

14 years ago


My "denied" reply was to a deleted post and it got shifted to your post.

I was not laughing at you.

Last edited by Nynja on 6/8/2010 2:08:17 PM

14 years ago


14 years ago

haha! denied

14 years ago

A test? You mean I dished out $250 for a portable unit with limited library for a freaking test?

F U Sony.


What Sony needs to do is include a 1 time download voucher packaged in every UMD game released. This way people can have their cake and eat it too.

Last edited by Nynja on 6/8/2010 1:54:07 PM

14 years ago

Reign in that hate dude. All PSP releases are now dual format, so what is the problem with Sony coming out and saying what many have been saying since the PSP GO launched.

Lots of hating on Sony in this comment section. What did they do, kick your dog?

14 years ago

They lied about releasing the back catalog of UMD games. I recall in their press conference they stated all UMD games would eventually be available for download off PSN. Even some new UMD releases are not making to the PSN for PSP Go owners.

I think that's reason enough, at least for me it was.

Last edited by Nynja on 6/8/2010 2:51:47 PM

14 years ago

Dang we must have all missed the part when they told they would suddenly stop updating for the psp go. I mean they still keep bringing stuff out for it, old and new games. Sure you may have to wait for it but it takes a bit of time.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I agree on the point of the voucher included in the UMD case. That would be brilliant, but it would make far too much sense for even Sony. Then again, do that and they give you two games for the price of one, but still, you could resell it, or just pass it to a friend and they would lose a potential purchase. Hmm, it's a two-sided argument.
I have no intention of buying any digital-exclusive console, so either way it's a moot point for me.

14 years ago

Thats the way i feel kind of Nynja. Even if it was a test. They should still support it. After asking $250 for it. I mean it is a pretty awesome unit. I'm cool if it was a test and i've already given feedback. But them not supporting it like their tried and true versions because it was a test is ridiculous. I might just sell mine with the 5 games it has on it and get the MGS Bundle. I can always go get a bigger Memory card i guess and redownload the games i have.

14 years ago

Just so you know, I did not get any extra money from GameStop for selling my unit with 20+ games included. Make sure you sell it to a private party. Actually I'm not sure if GameStop is even excepting them anymore.

What really burns me is that I paid Sony $250 to beta test something for them. If you include all the games and accessories I purchased for it, that's easily over $800.

Sony should reimburse me for the money I spent to QA their product.

14 years ago

what did gamestop give you for it? 150? It wouldn't surprise me if it was lower than that

14 years ago

$90… At that time I was just pissed. Sorta wish I kept it. But every time I looked at it, it just made me so angry. It had to go.

14 years ago

i got a psp go (deeply discounted on ebay, mind you) because i already have a ton of digital games, and my psp-1000 just died a week ago, after many many years of faithful service. me and my brother both have PSPs and we both play the same things, so buying the game digitally and putting it on both devices was cheaper than buying two discs.

I literally dont have a physical psp library to speak of, and i, plus another 100 people, were probably the only people who looked at that and said "thats my machine" right off the bat.

Last edited by LightShow on 6/8/2010 2:12:59 PM

14 years ago

I loved the idea of digital distribution for a portable device. It just makes sense, like an MP3 player. The problem I had was the lack of support from SCEA.

I had all these great games on UMD that I could not play on my PSP Go simply because there was no means to get that game on the system.

What Sony needs to do is include a voucher with every UMD game so customers can also get a digital copy of the game at no extra cost. Conceal the code with that "scratch away" substance.

Same as the Bluray + Digital Copy packages for movies.

14 years ago

Lots of Sony hate in this thread, and I don't know why. So the PSP GO was a test? Well, that's not exactly news. I know Arnold said as much when the thing launched. So did many posters here as well as commentators elsewhere. I just don't understand the outrage being expressed here.

As for complaining that this somehow invalidates the purchase of a PSP GO…What rubbish! It does nothing of the sort. For a start, PSP games are available as download or physical purchase. The PSP GO gave Sony a reason to push digital delivery for the PSP.

The fact that the price wad high always meant that the PSP GO was for the early adopters and gadget freaks. I don't see how you can complain about what Sony has done with the PSP. We've all benefited from the test.

14 years ago

For some, the PSP Go is fine as is. For others, such as myself, who are interested in some of the PSP's best UMD titles (i.e.: FF series) the PSP Go is -NOT- for them.

I had every FF UMD game available on PSP. Believing SCEA's claim of bringing all UMD games to PSN for PSP Go users, I ditched the old model and bought the Go. 6 months later, the PSN still has less than 25% of all PSP games. It's now 8 months since release and new UMD games are still missing from PSN.

That alone was enough for me to get rid of the PSP Go and to develop such distaste with SCEA's lack of support for the device.

Last edited by Nynja on 6/8/2010 2:58:58 PM

14 years ago

Would they PLEASE take a page from the Apple manual and make TWO different PSPs?? Make the iPod version and the iPhone version. You know what I'm saying?

14 years ago

you mean like one that uses a umd drive and one that doesnt? thats a great idea!

wait, they do that already.

14 years ago

oh wait, i read that again and i got what you said, one with and without a touch screen.

unfortunately, apple now doesnt care really about their original ipod. innovation has stalled on it and all their creative energy is going to their touchscreen devices. i forsee an identical situation if the PSP was to go touchscreen.

14 years ago

Well I suggest you read it a third time because one of those units has a PHONE on it.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

LOL. I don't know what that was, but imma go ahead and call it a fail. Again though, my PSP IS my MP3 player, and my phone is my phone. Apple can stick their iProducts up their bunghole. At least until they release an iQuit. I might buy that.

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