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Source: A “99% Chance” The PSP2 Will Debut At E3

The PSP2 has been making the rounds recently; that doesn't mean the thing is real, but it certainly means there's more evidence of a possible E3 unveiling.

But there have been so many pieces of information, you might be feeling a tad overwhelmed. Therefore, VG247 has gathered up the available details and furthermore, according to inside sources, the PSP2 will indeed be announced next month at E3. The features? Well, first of all, it'll boast a couple cameras (one in front of the unit and one in back), the oft-rumored touchscreen along with the standard PlayStation button configuration, no physical media like the PSP Go (with the possibility of 3G), and lastly, a 2011 launch date. Oh, and it's supposed to be crazy powerful; the PSP2 will supposedly run on a four-core Cell processor, which sounds pretty darn insane. Now, obviously, the picture here is of a previous mock-up and isn't exactly accurate, which is why we should continue to take all of this with a grain of salt. However, considering the perceived lack of huge software at E3, something like the PSP2 could definitely heat things up…  See, we can't have last year's bombshell when 10 minutes of God of War III closed Sony's press conference.

The PSP Go has not succeeded the way Sony has hoped, despite apparently hitting early expectations. The PSP2 might be just the unit to keep everyone involved in Sony's handheld world.

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14 years ago

Well this technology sounds insane for a small device. Portable gaming console has always have problems with battery life issues. If you need to constantly be plugged in to get power, then mind as well play the PS3 on HD screen.

I'm sure there'll be an improvement in PSP, but not PSP2 like the article described.

14 years ago

alright man I let it go too many times, it's "might as well" not "mind as well" … sorry I can't help myself 🙂

14 years ago

If it bothers you mind as well not reply.

14 years ago

@ WorldEnds – At least you tried to make the world a better place.

14 years ago


14 years ago

i dont know who to side with, but im gonna go with World, he didn't seem as rude, and he was correct. (I'm so sad…)

14 years ago

haha, I let it go a few times on other posts but at some point the English major makes me put my foot down. I truly just want to help people not look as foolish.

14 years ago

After all the mess with the PSP being cracked and custom firmware, I would imagine that at the top of the feature list for Sony is "It must be secure".

On that basis I am expecting either a cut down version of the Cell processor or some other mobile evolution of that technology so that the PSP2 can include the same deep hardware protection that the PS3 has.

Other than that, I think we'll see conventional controls, twin sticks, and touch screen. Not sure about twin camera's, that seems a waste. Whether it uses physical media or not is an interesting question. I don't think we'll see the return of UMD, but I'm not sure what they will do to replace it. I don't think anyone is ready for a completely solid state device. Perhaps they'll go for a read only version of the MemorySticks?

One thing I really want them to do is improve the battery life. I'll gladly carry an ounce or two more in the weight of the device if it lasts for 8 or more hours on battery.

14 years ago

@World, glad someone finally said something 🙂 I'm no grammar fascist (on Internet message boards, anyway) but enough's enough!

And @Godsman, trust me, you'll be thankful only a fellow PSX poster corrected you, not some hot date, potential employer, etc. 🙂

14 years ago

I don't see the point in putting in a touch screen. If they do that, then it's just going to be a DS with WAY better capabilities and graphics. The camera sounds alright, but again, it's just another DSi clone… but the camera in the PSP2, I'm sure, would probably kick out some awesome quality pictures. And hell, maybe it will have a 32-64GB internal memory and please, for the love of God, the better not get rid of discs!! If anything, why don't they just adapt mini blu-ray discs into it. More space than a conventional UMD and so many more possibilities! It would be like playing Heavy Rain, God of War III, and/or Uncharted 2 on the go (quality-wise)

14 years ago

IMO, PSP Go doesn't have the storage capacity to store all the games of your library. At least PS3 and PSP-3000, you can switch disc. We still have not reached the point where digital distribution is ideal yet.

Similarly, we cannot download PS2 games to our PS3 hard drives (even if we can play it), because each game is at least 4 gigs large.

14 years ago

"If they do that, then it's just going to be a DS with WAY better capabilities and graphics."

I fail to see how that's a bad thing…

The DS is the best selling gaming device of all time.

14 years ago

it wouldn't be a DS unless it has a dual screens would it?

Well I think DS is popular for their innovative gameplay. PSP is meant to be a media system. This is why PSP can exist side-by-side with Nintendo's dominant handheld system. I think Sony should continue to do so. They just need to improve their anti-piracy and make videos on PSP easier.

14 years ago

I think ds is popular because its sold in all kinds of kiddie colors with all kinds of kiddie games to all kinds of parents with spoiled children.

I know several children under the age of 10 who are on at least their second ds because they left their first one out in the rain. Not their fault right? they're just kids.

14 years ago

Don't forget the women kraygen. Don't forget the WOMEN! They eat the DS for breakfast and dinner!

14 years ago

Yes, somehow, touchscreen annoys me.

14 years ago

because disc readers = power hungry T-T

I'd rather have a 16gb extra sd card or twelve instead of having to carry discs lol XD.

And I seriously love the fact that the GO has no disc reader… I don't even use my 2000 anymore.

Got about 12 games on it with 300 songs and some small vids… Still 7gb free. ( granted all those gams are far from ALL beeing 1.5gb god of war ) But I still have FF VII on it with a couple of recent titles like Motor storm and EVEN DoA paradise LOL

14 years ago

Didn't mean that part in a bad way, that's a plus side. But it would just feel like I'd be buying a DS though, ya know?

14 years ago

I am so glad I didn't give in to the camo MGS psp, it was very tempting

14 years ago

I sure hope they're wrong on it being digital media only.

WTF? That's what their PSP Go is for so that part doesn't make a bit of sense to me.

If it is digital only, I can see it that it will become just another hard sell like the PSP Go is now.

14 years ago

The PSP Go exists in a strange space. Sony has been trying to sell it through their traditional game-focused retail partners and they *don't want it*. They usually make their money off of the games, not the systems, and even with the significantly better margins Sony granted them on the PSP Go (if sold at MSRP, anyway) they still don't know what to do with it. It just doesn't fit into their retail model.

Well I say tough cookies.

The ever-growing popularity of games on devices like the iPhone (that weren't even designed with games in mind) is impossible to ignore. Clearly there are plenty of people in the world perfectly comfortable with digital-only distribution. This can benefit the consumer as well, with lower prices and faster releases. Note: Prices are *not* lower–indeed they're often higher–on the PSP Go entirely because of deals Sony had to make with retailers in order to get them to carry the device. It's because Sony is trying to have things both ways that so many compromises had to be made.

The Gamestops of the world may hate digital distribution, but Gamestop is not the consumer. If it's something the consumer wants then they're going to have to adapt or die. There are other stores out there that sell electronics, and indeed Sony has many other product lines that do just fine through those channels.

If the PSP 2 was announced to be digital-only from the ground up and Sony actually had the guts to say, "F.U. Gamestop, we're not going to intentionally price this thing in such a way to discourage anyone from buying it just to make you happy", then I would be thrilled.

Last edited by Kevadu on 5/17/2010 10:25:26 PM

14 years ago

You're right BikerSaint. I can see digital only being a problem with a handheld that may have these kinds of specs. There will be some HUGE games for it. Where will we find the storage space?

14 years ago

@ Alienange
I am pretty sure they already thought about the storage issue lol XD Lots of money involved in this.

They are going to amaze us and stuff. And seriously im all for the digital content. Games are also starting to be cheaper on the PSN compared to my retail store. ( Only 5 to 10$ diff but still cheaper 😀 ) ( And it is not all the games )

Guess the only Con to digital is the non-existent resell value XD. But at the same time the iPhone is the same and no one whines about not being able to resell their iPhone games and apps lol ( and some iPhone games and apps can be pretty pricey too )

Or you know maybe they could do like nintendo and release games on flashcards… A tad bigger like 16-32 gb flashcards lol. Because a disc reader is also pretty big and would make the console not fit in my pockets like PsP 3000 and such.

Digital is the future!!! All bow b4 its POWAAA

14 years ago

But I wanted to get the MGS Peace Walker Bundle, if this news is true I will have to check out footage of it in action.

14 years ago

Digital media only??? C'mon sony, you're better than that

14 years ago

aaand…. will it have its own portable uranium reactor?
I mean… a 4 cored CELL would totally devour the batteries in… what, half an hour?
seems it will be a beast either way.

14 years ago

also: 3G = phone capabilities??
if yes: prepare for trouble, apple.

14 years ago

Yup, a mini-nuke battery. Either that or a power source reverse engineered from UFOs at Area 51.

14 years ago

Then psp2= potential mayhem weapon

Last edited by Vitron on 5/17/2010 11:28:28 PM

14 years ago

I guess they utilize arc reactor technology to power the PSP2. That should totally solve the battery life issues. We need Stark industries to really exist dammit!

14 years ago

Nice one:)

14 years ago

It will probably be powered by Mako energy. Nothing beats powering a handheld device with the souls of the dead. ^_^

14 years ago

It'll have a lightining rod,that or an internal combustion engine, hmmmm probably a boxer… oh oh it could also suck the life out of the player so that it feels to tiring to play it for too long.

14 years ago

If it's got all that this thing will be like $500.

14 years ago

hey don't thumb me down for making a prediction on what all that tech costs.

14 years ago

By the time this thing actually comes out, the kind of specs they're predicting will probably become much cheaper. The price of computer technology drops fast because more technology is created so faster it seems like.

Last edited by DeathOfChaos on 5/18/2010 10:27:23 AM

14 years ago

$500. You mean, like the iPhone?

I still can't believe everyone complained about the PS3's price, but the iPhone largely got a pass.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 5/22/2010 6:31:34 PM

14 years ago

All this technology will be good and all…but where are all the games? There really isn't any good software for the PSP. Way overpriced as well. The PSP 2 will fail just like the PSP did. Especially if the PSP 2 is as expensive or more expensive than the PS3…which it is looking like right now.

14 years ago

Not if the psp2 will have an appstore like the ipod and the druid.

14 years ago

Not if it's backwards compatible or they've actually been working on it for the past 3 or 4 years, lol. If it's been in develepment, then there are some developers creating some secret launch games for the system as well.

14 years ago

Two joysticks better be present.

14 years ago

I don't really know what to think, I'm happy with my psp 2000. I like new tech, but I can't really afford something uber expensive. So I guess to me it doesn't matter if they release it in 2011, because I probably won't need it or be able to afford it until about 2014 when my psp dies.

So with all that in mind, I look forward to seeing if the rumors are true.

14 years ago

Lets just hope the price is around 200. Make the price 400+ then its hello ps3 launch all over again.

14 years ago

i dont think it'll be that much. Sony know how to price things. The ps3 was highly priced, but they WERE making a loss on each one so….

the new iphone is gonna be expensive…. and so is anything activision are releasing.

14 years ago

You can't compare the iphone to the psp. People buy the iphone even though its expensive cause it's not only for gaming but mainly as a phone. And you can get a contract with the iphone to get it cheap. For the psp, even though it you can use it as a media player/surfing the net its main use is for gaming.

And what do u mean activision releasing expensive things. Almost every game starts off at $59.99 and goes down.

14 years ago

Will get

14 years ago

If they stuff the entire electronic world into the PSP2 but it's not backwards compatible, then what's the point? Will they be unveiling thirty games to go along with it?

This news makes me nervous. Sony better not embarrass themselves again with a huge screen showing a huge price tag. Once was enough for me.

14 years ago

I'm kind of excited for PSP2. I love my 2000, but it's gettin old. As for game distribution, I'm 100% fine with no disc drive. Disc drives are big, space/power hungry, and just have no place in a handheld device. What I don't understand is why can't they publish games on a signed memory stick micro? They take up almost no space at all, they're relatively inexpensive, and then you still have physical media to distribute your games on, it'd be like cartridges again, only with ridonculous storage capacity. Then we oldschoolers can still have our hard copy of the game, and we'll be able to carry dozens of games around in our little PSP case without taking up any extra space, cuz they so small!

And if it's a power house with a touch screen and 3G it'd be freakin sweet if Sony negotiated a deal to let us load Android on it… oh man… I would sell a kidney for that.

14 years ago

WOW another PSP, all i know is the PSPGO I see those for sale all over the place and see them used everywhere as well, so Sony just needs to step back and figure out if Digital media is the way to go I dont' think it is, I think consumer like having the physical media just incase something happens to the handheld/console. I personally like having the physical media i still don't trust having digital only at this time.

14 years ago

As for the PSP2?
well seeing as i never got a psp but a DS, i dont know if i will have the money or the time. I'm just trying to wiegh it up. for everything that i would really want from a handheld, the DS seems fine.
I'll see whn it's released, weigh it up, and consider

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