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Be A True Fan With The Peace Walker Sony Walkman

In what ways can you support Hideo Kojima and the legendary Metal Gear Solid franchise? Well, for one, you can pick up the Limited Edition W-Series Walkman inspired by Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP.

Sony has announced a Peace Walker version of the Walkman W series, model NWZ-W252, which boasts a "convenient lightweight, wearable and water resistant design." This specially camouflaged version allows for exclusive access to original designed characters, and it even comes pre-loaded with the MGS soundtrack, "available nowhere else in the U.S." Now, for any fan of the series, this sounds like a very cool item to have; you can find it at the Sony Style store for only $60, and if you require a list of the pertinent details, here ya go:

Peace Walker should definitely be a contender for PSP Game of the Year when it finally reaches the US next month; it has already been treated to huge critical acclaim and immense popularity in Japan (as you might expect). But we know you hardcore fans…you need all the relevant stuff .

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

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14 years ago

Well since it's only two gigs, that means it's fairly cheap. On the other hand, it's only two gigs. I recently lost my other two gig mp3 player, maybe it's a sign…

14 years ago

A guy could definitely walk in peace with these.

14 years ago

$60's a bit much…
But a fun collector's item nonetheless

14 years ago

Yea that's what I thought at first…considering I remember a 16gb mp3 player being sold @ Costco about half a year ago for about $80.

Then again…it is Metal Gear Solid…PEACE WALKER

14 years ago

and that the costco one probably isn't great quality.

i've got a sansa fuze (an excellent ipod alternative if anyone is possibly interested in one) but it can be a little unreliable. nothin major. its perfect almost all the time. much more worth it than an ipod. more value for money, and getter quality.

14 years ago


Same here
Those Sandisk Sansa mp3 players are a beauty!

You can drop them 100 times and they still work no matter what. Must be the fact that it's all flash memory unlike the ipod (though I think newer ipods use flash memory too, not sure)

14 years ago

"This specially camouflaged version allows for exclusive access to original designed characters"

so does that mean it comes with dlc in it? that might make up for the price a little.

14 years ago


FYI, each order will include a voucher for downloadable in-game characters (in Walkman apparel, of course!).

14 years ago

Better than the Green Day or Metallica kind of sell-out.

Wow, completely clicked the wrong reply button. Meant this for BTN's comment. Time to stop sippin.

Last edited by I_defenestrate on 5/13/2010 12:57:10 AM

14 years ago

haha this is awesome..

14 years ago

just checked the link and it is sold out. Leave it to Metal Gear fans to make this sell out

14 years ago

Why couldn't it have been a bluetooth headset that would be usable with something like an iPhone.

14 years ago

Exactly, or even a fancy…. Thing. lol Icouldn't remember what I was going to say.

14 years ago

Sucks, I just checked out Sony Styles and this item is sold out. They even offered a bundle with this MP3 player and the MGS: Peace Walker Pack for $229.99 and that's not available either. Damn.

14 years ago

christ sonys really putting everything behind this!
i really dont understand why there putting so much emphasis on a PSP game.
if this was a ps3 title id be contender for GOTY easy, but refining it to the psp it does not have a chance!
sony needs to stop taking games off the ps3 and throwing them onto the psp, and creating some new IPs for the device.
i did not buy my psp so i can play a game i previously played on my ps3!

14 years ago

It's not just a PSP title, its a sequel to a game that help sell x (someone fill that in) consoles and one of the best games ever.

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

X consoles across 4 platforms (PS 1-3 and PSP).

14 years ago

my point exactly!
this game could of been 10 times better, and sold 10 times better if it was on the ps3.
only thing i can think of that explains why its psp exclusive is they M$ would want it also if it was on consoles.
something tells me M$ threw a sh*t load of cash at konami for rising, and the metal gear team really dont want to go to that side so this was their way out.

14 years ago

This was going to be an immediate purchase for me. Too bad it's already sold out. Now if I want one, I'll probably have to get one off eBay for $200 (in which case, I won't buy one because $200 for a 2GB MP3 player is retarded).

14 years ago

Oh, and while on the topic of MGS: PW, I currently hate GameStop more than usual. I went to buy the Big Boss PSP bundle off of their Web site (I'm Canadian and it's only available on their U.S. store) and mail it to my U.S. address but they won't allow it because my credit card's billing address doesn't match the mailing address. I went on to eBay and sure enough, if I want a Big Boss pack, the cheapest I can find it for is $280. Ridiculous.

14 years ago

I'm in Canada as well, I tried this and got the same results.
I feel your pain.

14 years ago

would be kinda cool, but it doesn't really look like metal gear, just looks hippy leafy looking.

14 years ago

Kraygen, I see what you see but it could have been a hippy shirt with the low v-neck, see through with a tiny MGS logo and I would buy it. Hell it could have been a rock they claimed to be from "Shadow Mosses Island" and I still would have bought it lol!
I support Kojima in anyway I can.

14 years ago

I have a half eaten Calorie Mate Big Boss choked on up for sale.

14 years ago

and I have some green q-tips that were used by snake. Willing to part with them for only $50 a piece.

14 years ago

i dunno, i mean i got my older model for around £60 retailing £70 here in uk.$ja=tsid:11527%7Ccc:%7Cprd:5139086%7Ccat:home+entertainment+%3E+mp3+and+mp4+players+%3E+mp3+players
Awesome mp3 player that i only use for the gym. Think about what you'd use it for, i barely have more than 200 tracks on there, my workouts aren't that long. Its just convenient instead of having wires running through your clothes. This is an updated model cos people who sweat excessively complained about it not working anymore etc. I think the Metal Gear addition only adds to its value so i'd say its a a pretty good price.

14 years ago

This is awesome. LOL Peace Walker and Walkman.

Anyone can be a Peace Walker with this.

But still I highly doubt this will compete against Apple Inc's Ipods

14 years ago

'''''''''''''''''''''w w w . Lttsy . c o m '''''''''''''''''''''

New era cap $9


Air jordan(1-24)shoes $30

Sunglasses Oakey,coach,gucci $12

Handbags(Coach l v f e n d i d&g) $30

Tshirts (Polo ,ed hardy,lacoste) $15

Jean(True Religion,ed hardy,coogi) $30

Bikini (Ed hardy,polo) $18


''''''''''''''''''''' w w w . Lttsy . c o m '''''''''''''''''''''

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