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Konami Contemplating PSN Launch For Peace Walker

There's little doubt that Konami's Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will be one of the finest portable games to ever grace the PSP.

But why limit the audience? Why not give it a shot on the PlayStation Network? Well, the publisher appears to be contemplating that idea, according to various Internet reports . Konami addressed the idea during a Q&A session with journalists following a game demonstration, and if brought to the PSN, the game would boast an online component similar to that of Metal Gear Online . If you're unfamiliar, Peace Walker puts you in Costa Rica about a decade after the events of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (did anyone actually expect to eat snakes when that game came out?), and Kojima's latest success has already been awarded a perfect score from Famitsu. The game will be here in June but only for the PSP…perhaps there will be enough fan feedback to convince Konami that it needs to go on the Network, too. The more people who can sample this bad boy, the better. And remember, total gameplay time has been estimated to be between 30 and 40 hours, so regardless of how and when you pay for it, you're guaranteed to get your money's worth.

So who would pick it up if it were on the PSN? One of the PSP's best on the PS3? As more time passes, this will become a more feasible option for many publishers.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

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14 years ago

That would be slick if it got on the psn.

14 years ago

If your a fan of Metal Gear theres no excuse not to pick this up, played the demo the other day, very well done, far better than Portable Ops in controls and function. The best thing is its not just a simple level from where you have to go from A-B in one map, each mission seems to have multiple maps and routes to go through to end up at an objective, i'll certainly be getting this game on the release date.

One thing i wonder if it goes to the PSN… will it be upscaled well, i connected my PSP to the HDTV whilest playing the demo …. it was nto a pretty sight.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 5/4/2010 11:07:48 AM

14 years ago

i trust ur opinion about the controls, will be picking this up

14 years ago

i concur, the Portable Ops controls are what ruined the game for me. I didn't even complete it. They managed to improve the controls is Peace Walker ten fold.

14 years ago

Here Here. Any Metal Gear fan worthy of calling themselves that should pick this up on psp.

Rising, another question.

14 years ago

Ben are you sure they mean playable on the PS3? I kinda understood it as "available for download for PSPgo".

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

The reports are too erratic…I honestly don't know.

14 years ago

They MUST mean playable on the PS3. Why would they be asking if it should be available for the PSPGo? If this doesn't come out on the PSPGo, then they can prepare a coffin for that thing.

14 years ago

@Alienange: You make a point… kinda. It is possible he was asking about the PSPGo version Bear in mind this was from a Q&A session, so it was probably some random guy asking konami/kojimapro staff, so who knows?

14 years ago

From the reports it seems it was "the Japanese publisher" that "raised the subject" of a PSN version of PW and not the other way around.

They would do this for two reasons.
1. To get an answer from the audience
2. To get the press release so that fans will respond.

14 years ago

I would love to play this on the ps3, I'm all for bringing it to the psn.

14 years ago

well I would definitely buy it again

14 years ago

Yeah, I'm much more likely to play this on my TV with a PS3 controller in my hands than on the PSP.


14 years ago

Wouldn't it make more sense just to port this to the PS2? Have you ever played a PSP title on the TV? I rendered some matches in Final Fantasy Dissidia, it killed my interest in playing PSP titles on a TV. They look worse then PS2 games.

14 years ago

True, but i imagine if they were to release it on the PS Store to be playable on PS3, that they would make PSN version suited to HD. they wouldnt make it as sloppy as a connected PSP on a HDTV. I would certainly welcome a PS2 port though.

14 years ago

If thats the case I'll buy!


14 years ago

the Japanese PSN is all decked out with a Peace Walker theme.

If we will be able to play this on the PS3, maybe this was Kojima's way of keeping the next true Metal Gear Solid PS3 exclusive.

Still think he should have just made this for PS3 like MGS4 regardless though I'll still be getting this on day one. Trying to convince the wife to buy me the Camo PSP. =P

14 years ago

Your birthday coming up soon?

14 years ago

Along with the theme you can also pick up Peace Walker for 4,200 yen…I think…It's some where in that price range.

14 years ago

Nope no bday, a just cause gift. ha!

14 years ago

I'm happy that 5 is on the psp quite honestly, it means that kojima and his team has had the chance to have more ingenuity with less tech.

For all intents and purposes it damn well looks that way too, with coop, the visuals, etc.

14 years ago

I've already pre-ordered the Collector's Edition, but I think doing this would be a big plus for everyone.

Personally, I've played the demo to death while having my PSP connected to my projector and stereo, but it's still not the same.

14 years ago

If one can play it on the PS3, I will be purchasing this game for sure!

14 years ago

I might have to wait and get it on the PSN then. I really only want to buy it once, because I have very little money right now. I hope they make an announcement soon. I am really looking forward to this game.

14 years ago

They should also add splitscreen and online co-op if they release a ps3 psn version.

Last edited by SnipeySnake on 5/4/2010 12:10:53 PM

14 years ago

I've always wondered why they didn't do this to more games. It seems like it would be fairly simple to emulate the psp games for play on ps3. I'd like to be able to plug in the psp and have my save data updated, too.

It just feels like there should be more connectivity between ps3 and psp. Remote play's pretty awesome, but I'd like to see more games use it. I guess there are too many limits on the psp end. I have some high hopes for psp2 and ps4, though. There's a lot of potential there.

14 years ago

umm then psp sales would drop off and ps3 sales isnt guaranteed to pick up.

14 years ago

I've heard that before, but doesn't Sony make their real money off of the games, anyway? I'm sure there are at least a million people out there that don't have the psp, but would play it on ps3.

14 years ago

thats true but what about the psps that are already made and sitting in warehouses, thats a big loss if not sold. Once sony allows the ps3 to play psp games, their psp division would suffer. It could lead to lower sales for psp making the ps3 be the cause of the psps "death" and sonys exit from the portable market. I believe they want to have a hand in that market as much as they can business wise. They invested too much in the portable market to kill it by allowing ps3 owners to just play the game. If you read some of the comments here, they say they wont buy a psp just to play a game. Thats a problem for sony. although it would be a great addition to ps3 functionality, it wouldnt be good for sony. i think making psp minis playable on ps3 is the farthest they can do.

14 years ago

I understand where you're coming from. I wonder if people being able to play them at home wouldn't lead to them wanting to play on the go too, though. I think it could go either way. I got the psp because I spend a lot of time in hotel rooms. Others get them because they commute daily. Honestly, if you have no reason for buying a psp, I would think that Sony would want to sell the game to you anyway.

As someone that already owns a psp, I would buy more games if I had the option of playing either way. As it is, I only really need a handful of games to entertain me while I'm away from the house.

14 years ago

This could be interesting, especially if they can update the graphics/textures to be more suitable for an HD presentation.

14 years ago

Would love to see this happen…

14 years ago

I really don't feel like buying a PSP just to play this game, so I would welcome it with open arms.

14 years ago

u really should consider it though, make it double with the announcement of ghost of sparta, it's a great time to own 1.

14 years ago

I play my kid's DS more than I do my psp. It's nice to have for the few games that were good for it, but they are very far and few between.

14 years ago

The gameplay description of this game is really sounding good. Apparently it's got a lot of RPG leanings. I was very interested in buying it even at the ridiculous price they're going to ask but if it's going to come out on the PS3, well I'm willing to wait for that news.

14 years ago

I'm all for a psn release, id buy both. lol

14 years ago

All i know is they better have it for download. To grace my PSPGO that is. I'm hoping hardcopy isn't the only way to play this game. If it is, I'm screwed.

14 years ago

If it was released on ps3, i prefer a bluray disc. i still dont like a digital copy.

14 years ago

highly doubt that if we'd ever see peace walker it'd see a disc, i mean it is a psp game afterall. what use would a bluray disc be.

14 years ago

I agree with johnld. Blue Ray ftw!

14 years ago

what? you cant copy umd data onto a bluray disc? Im sure its possible. games can be remade and enhanced if they wanted to. i believe god of war 1 and 2 were ps2 games and were remade graphically and put on bluray disc. Its not like bluray discs cant fit all the data from umds. like people said earlier, playing a psp game on your hdtv doesnt look good. therefore if they plan to release it on psn, they have to polish it up a bit.

on a side note, i dont like gaming on the go mostly because i dont like playing games on a small screen. especially when they try to make things so damn small my hand cramps up while playing. portable gaming isnt just meant for guys like me.

Last edited by johnld on 5/4/2010 5:08:28 PM

14 years ago

GOW I and II on 1 disc with HD textures is a big jump to peace walker… that's all I'm saying. I'm completely fine with Peace Walker on the PSN, it'd be perfect. Just throw in a bit of anti aliasing and stuff it playable on a hdtv, trophies, sweet as. An entire disc treatment I just see as completely implausible though, GOW I and II were on DVDS not just 1 umd.

14 years ago

or let me say it another way. It's just not needed. A PSN release is more than sufficient.

14 years ago

I can't walk in peace while this is on PSP

14 years ago

Incredibly happy about this, I enjoy playing the PS3 far more than the PSP.

Good move Konami.

Though a better move would have been to make Peace Walker as a PS3 game in the first place.

Can I just ask Ben, if you're not too busy to answer, or any other knowledgeable person out there, is the PSP Go worth buying if I already have the PSP1000?

14 years ago

Currently playing Peace Walker right now and I'm so happy. I treated this game like MGS5 and it felt like MGS5 but on PSP. If they can bring it over to PS3 I'd play it again.

14 years ago

If this does happen i do hope they add abit of HD polish so it can look playable on LCD displays. Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater is still my fave MGS game. I wonder if this one will topple it?

PSP owners are spoilt this year. The handheld is far from RIP status.

Oh & on a side note apparently their was a scene in this game that was censored for the Japanese market. Anyone know anything about what that scene was about to get it chopped in Asia?

Heartless Angel
Heartless Angel
14 years ago

a bit of a noob here so let me ask

1. Are all psp games downloaded thru the psn playable on the ps3

14 years ago

nah, there not but id give sony a freaking juicy check if they were.

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