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Wada Lists The 3rd Birthday As A Big 2010 Title

Last week, Square-Enix director Hajime Tabata said they'd be showing off The 3rd Birthday some time soon and now, it appears that we'll actually get the final product this year.

Well, they will in Japan, at any rate. According to Siliconera , Nikkei's Trendynet published a brief talk with Square-Enix boss Yoichi Wada, and after talking about the hot topics of today (3D, for instance), he mentioned the company's big games for 2010. Although he didn't provide any further details, he listed Nier , which is set to launch this week, Deus-Ex: Human Revolution , Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 , Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days and yes, The 3rd Birthday . This means the game is closer than we thought and we should probably see some actual gameplay media at E3. Sadly, he does not say anything about Final Fantasy Versus XIII but then again, who really expected that one to launch this year? The 3rd Birthday , on the other hand, is coming right along and we can't wait to get a look at Aya's long-awaited third entry. The sequel back on the original PlayStation was too Resident Evil -ish for me, but it was still fun. I'm just wondering how many PSP owners really remember Parasite Eve

Anyway, we'll now have to keep an eye out for more details and info concerning The 3rd Birthday . And here's hoping a North American release isn't too far behind the Japanese release!

Related Game(s): The 3rd Birthday

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14 years ago

More and more reasons are mounting for me to buy a PSP. But why I ask, is this sequel being done on the PSP and not on the PS3? Oh well, at least the game is finally coming. I have to agree that Parasite Eve 2 was not as good as the original but nonetheless I thoroughly enjoyed it. Might have to find one and two again somewhere and play through them and then break down and buy a PSP and play The 3rd Birthday.

Are Parasite Eve one and two on the PSN?

14 years ago

I hope they do put the first two parasite eve games on psn. I have not finished them and would really like too:)

14 years ago

Parasite Eve 1 & 2 will eventually have to come to PSN if Wada kun wants 3rd Birthday to be a big 2010 title. Hell as far as I'm concerned – Birth by Sleep and Peace Walker will definitely overshadow it.

I mean it's only a strong business strategy which will help notify people of the game. – It's been 10 whole years since Parasite Eve II…the mass would have definitely forgotten about it. Why not bring back a memory huh?

Here Wada picture this: why not make a PSP remake of Parasite Eve calling it "Parasite Eve 12th Anniversary Edition" and make a remake of Parasite Eve 2 calling it "Parasite Eve 10th Anniversary Edition?

Remember – the thing you did w/ Final Fantasy I & II for PSP – why not use the same strategy. And why is a college student sitting at his house coming up with these ideas to help a moron like you Wada kun?


Final Fantasy Versus XIII…………………………………………………………………………………………………I guess I won't be able to play it until I get a Ph.D – no not because I (being my parents) want to study study study…but I doubt that it'll even come out before then.

C'mon Nomura sama just show the game as it is at E3 – who cares about the World Map and airships – just show those stuff later. Feed us something for god's sake or we'll lose interest in you – the Chef's – food!

And Wada kun can easily think of putting FFXIII multiplatform yet fail to think of how to actually make The 3rd Birthday be a BIG 2010 title.

14 years ago

The PSP is easier to develop for than the PS3.

14 years ago

Kane & Lynch is a Squeenix game?

14 years ago

They bought out eidos.

14 years ago

I am very much looking forward to this, i am still hoping they will make the backgrounds pre-rendered, it would be awesome, if not, i really enjoyed the other 2 games so i shall stil anticipate this 😀

14 years ago

3rd birthday doesn't really interest me as horror games have never really interested me. Some old school horror games really knew how to get your heart racing and freak you out if you played them at night with the lights out and the eerie music cranked. Nowadays tho, they seem to all be simply about standing around shooting hordes of zombies that walk towards you.

Also I don't see a psp game being creepy ever and whats the fun of a horror game that isn't scary or at least a little creepy.

14 years ago

lookup silent hill: shattered memories youtube. psp game looks scary.

14 years ago

I have waited long.

Finally, a 3rd Parasite Eve!

PSP or not, let's just hope Enix don't….Enix it.

14 years ago

After research, it's just a spin off, a third person shooter with can over the shoulder i.e Resi 4 and have the same tempo as DMC…..*sigh*. I do hate Enix.

On the plus, it shows they haven't forgot.

This disturbs me…

"Aya is the main focus of this game. Due to her special powers, she still has the body of a woman in her 20s, although in terms of age she should actually be 35 years old. Motomu Toriyama, the scenario director, feels that it is rare to be able to focus on a woman in her mid 30s in a game and is taking the opportunity to properly depict the thinking and lifestyle of a cool woman"….what utter ageist tripe.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 4/26/2010 1:04:32 PM

14 years ago

I remember Parasite Eve and it was ok.

14 years ago

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2

Talk about the diamond in the rough.

*waves fist at Squeenix*


14 years ago

ugh not an over the shoulder game >:( big diaspointment.

14 years ago

Yup I remember a game by the name parasite eve. I was sitting with my bro and cuz on the bed looking at all the awesome videos that were on some kind of disc. Do you guys remember those demo discs where they had both vids and demos? Wow that was awhile ago. Anyway, I was looking at parasite eve and couldn't pick my jaw up. It just looked soo bad ass, but alas, I never picked it up which I feel was a big shame on my part. I do promise everyone that if they EVER release it on the PSN I'll be the first to buy it. I mean damn, I thinks it's beyond due.

Last edited by Dridion on 4/26/2010 6:41:59 PM

14 years ago

I loved Parasite Eve. The only other game by Square that i liked as much as any Final Fantasy game. Although that was Square then, this is now. Their games have been underwhelming for the most part this gen. Their best efforts are PSP titles. Great games but their console games this gen are meh.

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