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Evidence For PSP2 Begins To Mount

Most people assume Sony is toiling away on the next iteration of the PSP, despite continuous rumors that a relaunch of the PSP Go may also be imminent.

But the PSP2 appears to receive more evidence with every passing day. We still don't have any exact details or information – primarily because nothing is official just yet – but there has been much debate concerning the new handheld's look, style, and functionality. The picture you see here is just one of several concept mock-ups. But as noted by PlayStation LifeStyle , a few LinkedIn profiles may have spilled the beans early: take for instance one Dominic Mason , the Director of AtomFire Productions, a game developer in the UK that specializes in mobile games, mobile apps and flash games. Here's the simple info from that page:

"AtomFire Productions undertakes games and interactive entertainment projects for high-end web, DS and DSi, Wii, PSP, PSP2, PlayStation Network, Xbox LIVE Arcade, WiiWare, iPhone and Windows."

Then you've got Hilke Muslim , Coordinator at "Frumusete pe muchie de cutit," ProTV in Romania, where she claims to have been a "casting assistant" for the "Sony PSP2." Lastly, citing a 1Up podcast, Shane Bettenhausen said the PSP2 will make its debut at E3 this year:

"I think the big story of E3 is DS 2 and PSP 2. I’m really excited to see that…the DS and PSP both existed in completely different sides […] if those two put out similar products at the same time, it really evens the playing field."

So perhaps it's only a matter of time at this point. We may see the unveiling of a very new – and maybe even unusual – Sony portable at E3, which may or may not entice a lot of new consumers. Things are definitely heating up on the possible PSP2 front.

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14 years ago

SWEET! i never bought a redesign so i bet it'd be a million times better than my old 1000

14 years ago

Yeah i am waiting for it too.

14 years ago

Yea I remember getting my PSP 1000 on Mid-December of 2005. I never ever fell for the gimmicks: PSP 2000, PSP 3000, PSP Go. Of course they are the better options for new consumers who didn't get the original PSP when it just launched that year. I still wonder how much the PSP Go sold – I'd be surprised to see it do better than the PSP 3000.

But if Sony is really coming out with a PSP2 – as the pretty good evidence points out…I probably won't buy it until 3 years or so. I mean hell it felt like I bought my PSP 1000 a month ago really. It might be the fact that I don't have many games on it – although I absolutely love playing my current ones: FFVII: Crisis Core, FF Tactics: War of the Lions, Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 1, and soon Metal Gear Solid 5 (yes 5!!!): Peace Walker.

It feels too soon. Although it's a good business strategy…I get tired of the whole "Apple" technique where they just come up with a different design for the same hardware or add on more hard drive and etc. Enough with the gimmicks…just give us the real thing (although again…it just feels…a bit soon)

14 years ago

I really hope so, I have my PSP for 5 years now I really want to buy a new one! PSP 2000, 3000 and GO weren't enough. 🙂

14 years ago

It won't happen very soon.
Main reason being sony isnt microsoft and they dont release previous console iterations (i.e psp go) and then release newer better ones and screw over people who bought a psp go.

14 years ago

So awesome! MY current PSP 2000 works fine, but I would for sure get a PSP2.

14 years ago

All they'd have to do is add a second analog nub to the PSP 3000 and I'm sure most people would be happy. The gameplay experience is actually more important than how pretty it is.

Relaunching the PSP Go would be a waste of time. They'd have to cut the price in half and it still wouldn't be a good deal. Over half of the UMD game library isn't available for download.

14 years ago

LOL! Half the UMD game library isn't worth the time taken to download!

14 years ago

i enjoy my psp, but this time around i'm going to await for the good software to come out before i purchase. mine has spent far too much time collecting dust.

14 years ago

I think it would be a huge mistake if they don't make it backwards compatible. Not UMD's, of course, but the downloadable titles.

14 years ago


14 years ago

if it's not umd compatible then I wouldn't be able to use it for most of my games.

14 years ago

It should have 2 analog sticks and backwards compatibility and higher resolution screen and longer battery life and and and…
that's about it.
Lol @ the mock-up picture, looks cool, but really impractical.
I hope it won't cost the same amount of cash as a PS3 currently costs.

14 years ago

I'd bet on a price of $249.99 at launch, then the PSP-Go should drop to the price of a standard PSP and the standard PSP should drop to $99 to clear stock.

14 years ago

Excellent. I love my PSP, but a PSP2 would be sweet. Wonder if the DS2 will catch up with the original PSPs hardware spec or not? LOL! Last time around the DS had drastically less CPU/GPU resource compared to the PSP. Wonder how things will stack up this time?

Would anyone care to guess on the features of a PSP2? Pie in the sky time….

Touch screen
higher resolution OLED screen
TWO analogs
Backwards compatible with PSP and PS1 games
built in microphone
built in accelerometers, and other motion detection like the sixaxis.
Magnetometer (my Droid has it, why not?)
Hi-res Camera (my Droid has it, why not?)
GPS receiver (my Droid…)
802.11n wireless ethernet (my Droid…)
3G broadband capable? (my Droid…)
BlueTooth (my Droid…)
Flash memory slots (two slots not one)
No UMD – 2/4GB flash RAM and ROM devices are stamped out by the gazillion, it has to be time to do away with the disc.
wireless USB & micro-USB socket
CPU – would like to see something like a mobile Cell, but that's not gonna happen. Needs to be 4 times faster than previous PSP.
GPU – mobile GPUs have come a long way, this should blow the PSP original out of the water.
256MB system memory & 256MB video memory – I see no reason why the system could not have as much system and video ram as a PS3. You don't need expensive XDR or GDDR3 memory for a mobile device.
Battery – This needs to be at least 2000mAh. The more battery they can squeeze into the thing the better. Even if it costs an additional couple of millimeters thickness and an ounce more weight, put a bigger battery on it please.

When you look at a device like the Motorola Droid you can see what can be done in a small form factor. PSP2 should use the same basic shape and size as the PSP-3000. Perhaps a little slimmer and more compact, but generally the same. That would allow for bigger hands as well as leaving room for a decent battery.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/2/2010 11:21:13 AM

14 years ago

TheHighlander very good list, I'd buy, but what about price?

14 years ago

by the way highlander, i heard you talk alot about your droid, so today i picked up the htc desire running the andorid 2.1 one word– sweet!

14 years ago


Price? I'm betting it will be $249.99 and the PSP-Go will drop to either $179.99 or $199.99. I'd also bet on the remaining stocks of the PSP-3000 dropping in price, perhaps as far as $99.99 to clear way for the new PSP2 – once it's announced (assuming it *is* announced)…


The HTC looked good too, but I've had a Motorola phone since the StarTac days, and they haven't given me cause to change yet. That could change though, the battery life on my Droid is somewhere between poor and terrible, which is very annoying, you have to be almost constantly tethered to a charging device.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/2/2010 11:59:36 AM

14 years ago

if i was sony i wold base the PSP2 on the ps2, that way they will be able to virtualize ps2 and run games on it. Just the way they did on psp with ps1 games. I mean that would be just too much to handle but it would be the best thing that can happen! Add in dvd drive at the back..
who cares how big is it… make it like portable dvd player 😛

14 years ago

Problem is the Unlocked Motorola Droid would be $550-600 dollars without a contract.
Now if Sony put all those features in the PSP2 it would not sell because of the high price.
They could package in a 2 year PSN Premium service for about $39.99 a month.
That would get the PSP2 down to $199 at release.
The service would be a partnership with mobile providers for 3G (4G with Sprint)data only service.
Just forget about voice service just look at IPAD, Kindle, ETC.

I really like your specs for the PSP2, and selling it with a service plan could make it reality.

14 years ago


Yes, I had envisioned the possibility of selling it with a wireless data plan. Personally, I'd like to see Skype or Vonage on-board and have Sony sell the data plans subcontracting with the various mobile telcos. I hat having to worry about coverage maps and service areas, if Sony chose to make the device broadband GSM capable and contracted with the NA GSM operators for data service with roaming agreements, it would make life very easy.

14 years ago

I would rather them keep the UMD disc, but upgrade it to a Blu-ray UMD. Imagine the possibility there. UMD has 1.8GB in a dual layer form, but if it were Blu-ray enhanced, it would have what…counting up the difference between Blu-ray and DVD…it might have like 30GB-90GB in a dual layer format. Though the UMD may be different, lol. But hey, just throwing in regular Blu-ray may make it big, but the resolution of that sucker would be in be in HD if it has Blu-ray with it, so making the screen about the size of a disc isn't too awfully big knowing that you'll be getting some pretty damn good quality games from it. But even after any upgrades they put to it, they better not slack on the game titles. I think the portable gaming world would have reached the complexity of the current gen systems by then. Put a Cell processor in there, but it doesn't have to be the same. It can be stripped down to a portable level and make it not run so very hot. Portable systems wouldn't be all that fun if they burnt your hand after a while.

14 years ago

Haha, it was much easier to keep things a secret before the internet existed.

14 years ago

… and harder to test the market beforehand.

14 years ago

Sounds good to me. Maybe I'll hold off on getting a new PSP then. Was going to try and snagging of those camo Peace Walker PSP from Japan but maybe I'll wait.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Don't be a baby. Just get both.

14 years ago

Sexy Concept!!!!

14 years ago

how the hell would you even hold that thing in the concept pic?

can't wait for psp2 or whatever it will be called! psp gets a bum rap, it really is the best handheld out there now; ds sales baffle me…i mean who hasnt bought one by now?

people who say it has no games obviously arent looking very hard, or dont like rpgs. 😉

14 years ago

How the hell am I suppose to hunt Monsters with that?

Only reason there's hardly any games is because of hacking or poor PS2 ports I'm looking at EA.

14 years ago

If PSP2 should get anything I'm calling for it to use Mini Blu-ray since they have it out already, 16GB on a single disc, the amount of win would be drastic. Also touch screen with a switch to turn it off while in your pocket or something. A second analog, Wireless N, SD reader. Thing is if it uses a mini blu-ray reader, can't see how it would be BC with umds. But hopefully Sony gets it right this time

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

I'm going on record now and saying that PSP1 > DS2.

Knowing Nintendo the DS2 will basically be the DS with a new gimmick (3D).

14 years ago

i hope it doesn't look like that because that would be very uncomforatble to play with

all of highlanders features would be awesome!!!

Touch screen
higher resolution OLED screen
TWO analogs
Backwards compatible with PSP and PS1 games
built in microphone
built in accelerometers, and other motion detection like the sixaxis.
Magnetometer (my Droid has it, why not?)
Hi-res Camera (my Droid has it, why not?)
GPS receiver (my Droid…)
802.11n wireless ethernet (my Droid…)
3G broadband capable? (my Droid…)
BlueTooth (my Droid…)
Flash memory slots (two slots not one)
No UMD – 2/4GB flash RAM and ROM devices are stamped out by the gazillion, it has to be time to do away with the disc.
wireless USB & micro-USB socket
CPU – would like to see something like a mobile Cell, but that's not gonna happen. Needs to be 4 times faster than previous PSP.
GPU – mobile GPUs have come a long way, this should blow the PSP original out of the water.
256MB system memory & 256MB video memory – I see no reason why the system could not have as much system and video ram as a PS3. You don't need expensive XDR or GDDR3 memory for a mobile device.
Battery – This needs to be at least 2000mAh. The more battery they can squeeze into the thing the better. Even if it costs an additional couple of millimeters thickness and an ounce more weight, put a bigger battery on it please.

14 years ago

I don't think they could include all those features in the price… possibly, but they would "lose" on the hardware and need to make their profit margins on the games… maybe this time the PsP2 will be a secure system…



14 years ago


An awful lot of what's on that list comes on one chip now. I'm not sure how expensive all the little extras are when they're integrated together, but many of those elements cost very little on their own, and should be even less expensive in integrated form. I hope…

14 years ago

So I guess we can expect Jack to come onto the E3 stage with a bulge in his pants and announce "I'm happy to see you all AND there's a PSP2 in my pocket".

14 years ago

He will get dragged off the stage before he can announce it due to indecent exposure. XD

14 years ago

I'll pass. PSP has been overpriced for years. Sony needs a handheld that REALLY competes with the DS price wise. Having Kaz whip out a PSPGo at E3 for $250 was a step back into arrogance if you ask me.

14 years ago

I love my pspgo. Its the portability that makes it so awesome. The size takes a little getting used to thats for sure. But i love not having to carry UMDs everywhere. And its a very solid piece of hardware.

14 years ago

If they do make one I hope it doesn't have touch screen. I hate touch screens, I want a crystal clear picture, not one covered with fingerprints.

I really hope they're not actually releasing it yet as I still love my psp. Also I wouldn't be able to afford one for a long time anyway.

Plus they just released the go, hit or not, its too soon. This is a bad pattern for their portables. Released the 3000, year later the go, year later psp2. Bad for business to make so many different versions and not give them a chance to sell.

14 years ago

PSP1 already costs too much, the PSP2 will cost as much as a PS3.

14 years ago

IF they were to relaunch the Go at like $100-150, id prob pick it up. otherwise, i'm still not interested in a purchase.

this PSP2 better have the freakin second analog nub. i wont even bother if it doesnt, its time for the PSP line to mature into a better product, not just a rehash.

14 years ago

It's not all about hardware though, it it ? TheHighlander's spec list is spot on I believe, but for it to be really worth the money, it must have the software, and I'm not talking about games.
The DS is a cheapish portable gaming device, but the PSP has always been about multimedia. And for that, the PSP2 needs a computer style Operating System. As TheHighlander intelligently points out by comparing it with his Droid, the next PSP's competition is not really the DS but the smartphones.
The PSP2 will need to be able to browse the web and read all sorts of files. I'll want to be able to listen to my music, watch videos, look at photos, use audio and video chat, manage files…
The hardware is one thing, but it's the OS that will make the PSP2 the portable PS3. There lies the problem though as the more flexible the OS is, the more windows it opens for hacking (in the pirate sense).
I'd love to have a PSP2 with the above specs and be able to install a linux system on it. It would have the best of both worlds. But recent events tend to show they may not be compatible…

14 years ago

I just hope that Sony announces PS2 games for PSN that will work for PS3 and PSP2.

14 years ago

That would be amazing!!

14 years ago

whats the point?
the PSP has been out for 5 years and i can only think of 4 or 5 good titles for it.
resistance retribution.
syphon filter logans shadow.
syphon filter dark mirror.
twisted metal.
god of war chains of olympus.
thats about it, 5 games to show for 5 years of release.
only thing i want to see sony do for the PSP is release every single ps1 game onto the PSN store.
this weekend has been a nostalgia weekend, i broke out my old ps1 digemon, crash 1,2,3,CTR, bash, ape escape, dex, medievil, pandemonium, oddworld and apocalypse.
ive have had more fun playing those games than i have playing my ps3 since launch!

only way i would buy a PSP2 is if sony put ps2 games on the PSN store and i had to have a psp 2 to play them because the psp just aint got enough juice.
than, and only then would i consider it.

14 years ago

What about Dissidia Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo PSP, Tekken 6, Jak and Daxter the lost frontier, Daxter, Ridge Racer, and Me and my katamari? Thats an extra 7 good games the PSP has.

14 years ago

oh, please tell me that was a joke!
tekken 6 does not count because people dont buy a psp to play games they could play on their console.
and jack and daxter plain out sucked!
5 years after release and yous cant even list 20 good titles for it.
that proves my point.

14 years ago

A lot of people buy a PSP so that they can take their game console with them. So if you play Tekken 6 at home and want to play Tekken 6 away from home you either lug a TV and PS3 combination around with you (along with a couple dozen miles of extension cord, or you buy a PSP. Not to hard to guess what people do.

14 years ago

I'll add a few: Burnout Legends, WipEout Pure, WipEout Pulse, Jeanne D'Arc, Patapon, Patapon 2, Crush, plus FFT: WOL (though that's a remake, of course). You may be right about there not being 20, but it's at least pretty close.

I'm with those who demand a second nub/stick; I won't be getting another PSP until it offers a proper control scheme for 3D games (and I don't mean the 3DS kind of 3D).

Last edited by Fane1024 on 4/5/2010 5:11:45 AM

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