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TiltFX For PSP Adds Motion Control

Yeah, it's true. Those iPhone ads with the disembodied hands playing tilt-based games are pretty nifty. Wouldn't you want to do that with your PSP?

If so, it seems Datel has the answer. As revealed by Joystiq , the company has introduced a new accessory known as TiltFX, and it's designed to bring motion controls to "all PSP games." This peripheral will boast a three-axis MEMS sensor and can replace functions of the d-pad and the analog stick. Furthermore, Datel will provide you with customized profiles for certain titles like Wipeout , LocoRoco , and more. Apparently, it will be compatible with all PSP models up to the 3000 with the exception of the new PSP Go and lastly, if you pick up this new accessory, you won't need any custom firmware to use it. You can snag it now if you like; it'll cost you only $19.99 (or £14.99) and if you need further convincing, follow the previous link and check out the ad. Obviously, based on the price, this isn't an extremely technical upgrade and doesn't require a big investment to try. The question is, will handheld owners give it a shot or will this form of motion-based portable playing remain most popular with phones?  Hard to tell…

Well, we're still waiting to see if Sony will relaunch the PSP Go with a lower price tag. However, neat little accessories like this can freshen up our PSP gaming experience.

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14 years ago

itd be neat if they could use the motion as 1 analog and use the actual analog as the other and put a proper fps on the psp!

14 years ago

Well, more features never hurt!
Bet this works perfectly for LocoRoco

14 years ago

Oh wow that's an awsome thought. It's *perfect* for RocoLoco!

14 years ago

Sweet, i won't be getting but its good for the people that still play there psp. just after GOW no game felt like it was really worth my time on my tiny friend.

14 years ago

I remember the days when you made fun of people that moved their controllers to try to affect the on screen action.

14 years ago

I still make fun of people if they do that when they're not using motion controllers.

Last edited by LividFiction on 3/22/2010 10:25:23 PM

14 years ago

i watch people try to move the controller like it will make a difference on screen only to find out they didnt even know there were motion controlls. watching some people play games sometimes is really funny and aggrivating lol

14 years ago

i used to do that a lot when i was a kid D: i mean i knew it wouldn't do anything, but while playing GT on the ps1, i was pressing all the way on the controller and then i would find myself turning the controller, going 'come on! just a little more!!" lol

14 years ago

I fell off my bed once as a kid playing Pro Wrestling on the NES I was getting so into it …

14 years ago

Looks pretty impressive so far,

I was just at their Tiltfx site & saw that you've got to DL their profiles to your computer & then over to the PSP. And they also state that if your game is not in their profile list yet, then they ask that you email them with the game in question & they'll try to work that game into their profiles too.

But, I also have a couple reservations on it though……
One of the things that worries me is that in the actual picture of the dongle, it tells me that while using it, the area will be blocked where my headphones would go in.

So IMO, I think they really need to make that dongle with receptacle so you can still plug your earpiece into it, especially for me since the PSP's audio output is never loud enough for my own personal listening enjoyment, never mind when I'm where there's other unavoidable environmental noises going on too.

Also, I can't really tell anything from the site itself, but I'm hoping I'll also be able to transfer 1 dongle to all 3 of my PSP's series, & won't need to buy a separate dongle for each.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/22/2010 10:39:01 PM

14 years ago

Who are these losers who play games on their iPhones? They should get a job… or be fired.

14 years ago

my buddy thinks his iphone is the greatest thing ever. its cool and all but just a waste of money.

14 years ago

Yes because spending time playing games on your iPhone is a bigger waste of time playing them on a console. Why are you so cynical all the time?

Your starting to sound like __________.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/23/2010 12:14:29 AM

14 years ago

Games on iPhones, on consoles It's all games, just on different platforms. It's not necessarily a bad thing. Its rather good considering that almost all platforms of gadget-dom have games in it. Ain't life grand?:)

14 years ago

Meh….this gimmick is a "pass" for me. I've seen the iPhone games in action and haven't been too impressed.

14 years ago

I say yes to this, an actual "cheap" cheap gimmick is rare though! haha $20, psh why not? It'll just add to the fun of the PSP, haha DS, in your face!

14 years ago

sweet, this would remove the requirement for a second nub.
its so frustrating having to aim with the face buttons, or the directional buttons using the motion sensors would be so much easier.

14 years ago

IDK man you still have to take in account for the actual picture moving if the system itself is being jarred this way and that way. By means of turning to the right or the left or up and down, your view of the actual physical screen goes away when you move it to aim or walk however your control preference is layed out. Just something to think about.

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 3/23/2010 2:14:56 AM

14 years ago

nah you wont have to move it that much.
they will sync it properly just like how head tracking on GT5 works.
if you turn your head using the eye cam the drivers head moves and so does the camera.
you only need to move your head i think it was 50 degrees to do a full 180 degree rotation.
or even like iphone games, crash nitro kart.
you use the accelerometer to steer the kart, never do you have to turn it so much you cant see the screen.
this is where motion controls are going to make gaming much easier and more precise.
they have a spot for immersion but they also have a precision aspect.

14 years ago

This is Datel not Sony.

How the hell can I use a second analog stick with old psp games?!
Why is this bothering so many people?

14 years ago

easy, have you not seen the videos on youtube?
people have modified their PSPs to have a second nub and one is used for the camera, and one is used for moving.
its extremely easy to implement if your a little hardware savvy.
but, obviously not a good idea because your warranty obviously will be void if you do so.

14 years ago

This has caught my attention. We could use more of these add-ons for the PSP… How about a GPS or even a Camera piece! Man that would be sweet…… I've jus been informed that those a now out everywhere… Except in the US. WTF Sony!?

14 years ago

Yeah haha I would love an updated version of that GPS and Camera piece! 1.3 MP? really? Still though it would be nice to have those here in the good ol' US of A. Oh and those Go! Services they get there in EU, like Go! Chat, if you have the camera you can do video chat!

14 years ago

WTF no fair! Why can't we have a more unified system of products and services… Other than PSN lol

If I have to order from the web though it's no big…. But deep inside I die a bit knowing the fact that if those were out here I would pay like $30 or $20 for them. Damn you Shipping and HANDLING! DAMN YOUUUUUU!!!

On a side note. It's been months since I've posted anything here. Why? I have no damn idea… Maybe catching up on my GOW games and the incredible [blank] I've been having with my girl have something to do with it… Oh look pancakes!

14 years ago

sweet idea, my question is, on things like racing games, will it be easier to race with the motion control or more difficult.

Sadly a lot of motion controlled driving ends up with your car swerving back and forth. Takes a very careful hand to keep it steady.

14 years ago

this is pretty cool. id rather grab this than a bloody iphone that's for sure.

friend showed me chinatown wars on the iphone. ill play it on the psp thank you.

14 years ago

FINALLY! i can move about in monster hunter and change the viewing angle simultaneously! im gonna go get one.

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