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Kojima On Peace Walker: “Making The Impossible Possible”

Hideo Kojima has often called Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker a true sequel; in fact, it could accurately be named "Metal Gear Solid 5." But some think that because it's only on the PSP, it will feel like a watered down experience.

Kojima defends his newest project by saying it "rediscovers the fun" of past MGS titles in the franchise, according to an interview in the latest issue of the UK's Official PlayStation Magazine (as cited by CVG ). He says this one for the PSP was a definite challenge for his team, who aren't quite as familiar with the portable device; perhaps this is why the game recently experienced an unfortunate delay. But when it arrives, avid followers of the legendary series should feel right at home. "I am not aiming at an old-style gameplay," said Kojima. "What I want to do is rediscover the basic fun of what MGS has to offer, and push the limit in a 3D form." As for the comparison between making a game for the PSP and creating one for the PS3, Kojima elaborated:

"Most of the staff work on more sophisticated hardware, such as PS3 and you can't really do the same things [on PSP]. As a games designer it is really challenging, because you have to come up with ideas to overcome issues. There are many of these. But there are good things on PSP, too. On the PS3, there was a massive workload, and I didn't have time to come up with new tricks.

This time [we] could really concentrate on it. It may be good for the staff, too – stepping down on the technology and wringing out ideas to make the impossible, possible."

If there's one team that can make such a transition, it's the one driven by Kojima. Although we now have to wait a bit longer for Peace Walker , we remain convinced it'll be a must-have title for Sony's handheld. Heck, it might even prompt a hardware sales spike…

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

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15 years ago

I get what he's saying

It's like making a game for ps1 (you have to manage the design of the game differently).

And that brings in new IDEAS!

That's why I call the ps1 era; The era of Experimentation!

Such a grand era. It really made devs think and re-think how they could design games (story wise and gameplay wise)

MGS1 really proved that so well (so many story elements tied to the gameplay) (revolutionary stuff)

I like the fact that they're re-visiting old-school Metal Gear Solid (the one for Gameboy Color was REALLY good).

I can already picture need stealth mechanics being implemented (taking underground routes, setting up traps, luring animals (snakes) to attack soldiers. <—You could do that animals part in MGS3, so it'd be fun to see it back)

^Man, I hope they get that creative lol 😀

15 years ago

Well I mean, I don't think developing for the PS1 watered down anything. It had room for more than the N64 did and they were first starting with it. But then they go to the PS2, see how much greater it is, and t hen having to try and develop for the ps1 again even though you're used to the limits of the more powerful system. I mean the situation would still work for the PS3 and then working on PS1 also. But the psp is a bit better than the ps1 technically, but not as good as the ps2.

15 years ago

Well, WE don't have to wait longer, It was only delayed in Japan.

15 years ago

He's right. A good PSP game is near impossible to make.

15 years ago

if anyone can do it Hideo can.
he possesses some godly skills to make trash into something so amazing you would think god crafted it himself.
i piss myself laughing every time i see that cardboard box moving.
i mean come on its hysterical!
what makes it so funny is because its simple and stupid.
id love to see him take on a different genre, maybe a crime esc genre like LA Noire, or even a platformer or horror.
i just have had enough of MGS, as much as i love the game enough is enough.
a time in life comes where you have to say good bye to the life you know and start a new one.
hes been making MGS games for decades, its time for a change, time to see what else he can do besides MGS.
and no im not talking about another ZOE, though that would be sweet!

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
15 years ago

I vote for horror.

15 years ago

yea defiantly horror, id love to see his take on the genre.
we need all the horror games we can get since the well known IPs like resident evil, silent hill, zombie games, F.E.A.R, dead space, have now turned into mindless shooters.
i cant wait till DOOM 4 comes out, looks like im going to have to rely on that for my horror fix.

15 years ago

Kojima is one of those rare developers I wholly trust and will follow pretty much wherever he goes.
And while I'm probably never going to completely shake that thought of 'I REALLY wish I were playing this on PS3', I have no doubt that 'Peace Walker' will be one of the most personally meaningful experiences of the year.

15 years ago

MGS was the beginning of my quality PS1 games; MGS2 was my very first game on my PS2, and MGS3 was one of the first for my PS3 (the other's GTA4, but right now It's just collecting dust. I guess those free city roaming days just got boring to me. And yeah, I haven't played infamous, prototype yet). Hope they do overcome the challenges of making a game in the PSP. I love the MGS series, but somehow I still haven't finished MGS Portable Ops…

15 years ago

a ps2 game (mgs3) was the first game you got for your ps3? =o lol

15 years ago

of course this is gonna be a challenge, he has all these great ideas to make what is essentially MGS5, then he has to make it fit on a format with less than 2gb of space