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Kojima: Peace Walker’s Story Mode Is “Longest In The Series”

In a world where online multiplayer gaming seems to keep gnawing away at the length of single-player campaigns, Hideo Kojima remains true to his roots.

The Metal Gear Solid franchise has always been about the amazing storyline, as all the fans will tell you. They didn't wish to compromise the story and campaign in any way in MGS4, which is why they also gave us the separate Metal Gear Online to satisfy the apparent multiplayer next-gen requirement. Therefore, maybe you shouldn't be too surprised to learn that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker , despite being for the PSP, will have the longest story mode in the entire series. This according to what he told Famitsu and noted by ; Kojima also added that he believes 3D gaming will become the standard, and he isn't really thinking about the next generation at this time. It's unfortunate the Peace Walker had to miss its intended March release date and get pushed into May, but at the same time, we have to respect what Kojima and Co. are doing.

The franchise creator has always said this PSP installment could very easily be called "Metal Gear Solid 5" and if the story is the "longest in the series," we know they threw their whole weight behind this portable iteration.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

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14 years ago

Wow longer than MGS4? How the hell is he going to pull that off on a psp?

14 years ago

Compression maybe?


"i am home"

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
14 years ago

In the demo they had comic book style cut scenes, I'm guessing alot of comic book style story telling and alot of reading will be how they fit it on the PSP.

14 years ago

Tne only thing I fear about this game its that it looks like its build to play it with multiplayer on mind …and I hate multiplayer on story mode.

and rising…dunno I fear its going to be like devil may cry .

I don't feel hyped for those two games.

Last edited by Oxvial on 2/3/2010 10:39:39 AM

14 years ago

Try to stay positive 🙂


"i am home"

14 years ago

I don't expect to give Rising a second look.

14 years ago

The only way PW will be longest in the series is if there is a LOT of reading. Maybe he'd rather release this on a Kindle?

14 years ago

Maybe Sony should do a PSP-GO re-launch with this game as a selling point.

14 years ago

Yes, with a $199 price point!


"i am home"

14 years ago

The more I hear that this couldve been MGS5 the less I want to even play the game coz its just a reminder that its gimped by being on psp thanks to m$ and their blank cheques buying up franchises. Bottom line, if its MGS5 it should be on ps3 not psp

14 years ago

Yhea, and thanks to M$ Final Fantasy 13 was also adversely affected. Natal should be sabotaged 🙂


"i am home"

14 years ago

natal doesn't need to be sabotaged, it's useless crap. its laggy

14 years ago

@ Qubex, lol as if you couldn't tell I can't agree more with you! hahah (-:

14 years ago

No offense but MGS 3 is best graphics,sound,weapons,storyline,enviroment…..
I`m a big fan of MGS and they got it too pumped with MGS4 i did not played MGS 5 yet but i home it will be more like 3…

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
14 years ago

I don't know about you guys but I'm stoked for this game. I'm more curious as to where the story is going to go. It's obviously a prequel featuring Big Boss, but what other characters are going to make an appearance and how is this chapter going to splice into the entire MG story?
I need to get a bigger PSP memory card so I can play the demo.

14 years ago

Damn… I really wish this was on the PS3 instead. I don't want to go and buy another PSP just for this (I sold my PSP-1000 because there's was really nothing I wanted for games). Oh, well. Wouldn't be the first time, I guess. I bought a Gamecube just for The Twin Snakes (and then bought Beyond Good & Evil for that instead of the PS2 just so I would have another game on it).

14 years ago

He's working so hard on this PSP title, why didn't they just make it for PS3?

14 years ago

All I needed to hear were the words 'Metal Gear' to be convinced that this is a must-buy.
But every additional detail I've read about the game has me more and more excited.

I admit I still wish it were a PS3 title, but I'll take what I can get.

14 years ago

Despite this being a PSP game, I wish there was a way I can just download the game and play it on the PS3.

I'd happily do that, instead of firing up the handheld to play!

14 years ago

Obviously there are alot of PSP fans out there….but I'm not going to go pick one up just for this title…..So I guess I'll miss out on this game.

14 years ago

If I knew where my PSP was, I'd probably get this game.
MGS3 was my favorite game, funner than MGS4 imo (gameplay wise).
But I guess that's what happens when a new console comes out and kojima's team is more focused on graphics and trying to use the PS3 to capacity rather than gameplay.

14 years ago

This is why it could dubbed "MGS5"

Can't wait!

14 years ago

I wonder if this is going to be on multiple UMD's

14 years ago

I think we're gonna need a biger boat…er…
I mean…a bigger battery & DuoStick

14 years ago

i still dont understand why the Peace Walker has to be made on PSP, it is obviously the real MGS5, and if it was made for PS3, it would become the greatest MGS game of all, and the story is more intriguing in this one, cuz it talks about The Boss, Big Boss and the rest saga, which is the central and most touching part of MGS.

such is the pitty, i have no futher complain, it would be the best PSP game, sole reason to have PSP.

14 years ago

Microsoft inserted their noses into Konami's pockets and offered to fill them up

That, or Konami's money hungry…

Basically, Konami told Kojima that the next ps3 MGS will also have to come out for the other console. Kojima then handed over that game to his young team and decided to make MGS5 (Peace Walker) for the psp instead

14 years ago

i guess so, too bad for that, but i will get peace walker on day one and enjoy every bit of it, the real MGS5, the real saga, i dont care much about Raiden and he can NEVER replace snake, the boss and big boss.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 2/4/2010 1:53:03 AM

14 years ago

Konami can go to hell if they made Metal Gear go multi plat for a little extra cash.

14 years ago

It's a shame for me that this game is on the PSP, with trying to save while paying rent and bills, plus a lot of promising console games being released in the future, there is no way I can justify buying a PSP. Especially with the incredibly small amount of games I desire to play that are on the system in comparison to my PS3. I'm as big of a MGS fan as they come so I hate how I'm going to have to miss this one, I too would have loved to see this so called 'MGS5' on the PS3, where it belongs. I think perhaps Sony encouraged Kojima a little to produce a big title to really drive the PSP and PSP-GO sales, much like the Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City and Vice City Stories games a few years ago. I only hope that perhaps sometime in the future this game, or a modified version of it, will be available to play on PS3.

I also think it's a shame that Kojima Productions will be tied down to other projects for a few years as it seems likely that they may focus on a new Zone of Enders or a project other than MGS. I know there are ZOE fans on this site, but personally I could never have enough MGS or MGS remakes (which I would love!). As good as MGS: Twin Snakes was, and I'm sure MGS:Rising will be alright too, I want my MGS games crafted by Kojima and his production team, to be on the PS3, and to be proper MGS games, not just carry the MGS title.

14 years ago

I usually don't play my psp because it doesn't feel comfortable in my hands. Since Peace Walker is considered to be MGS5 by Kojima, I'm going to end up buying it. With it having the longest story, my hands will probably get enough breaks during the cutscenes.

14 years ago

finally a reason to whip my psp out.

14 years ago

mgs4 – overated

as for "amazing storylines" – amazingly convoluted, amazingly bad. (IMHO)

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Wow, what the fudge, Really? That's kind of… crazy.

14 years ago

graphically – good
gameplay – sporadic
story – convoluted.

Just my opinion.

Dont like bioshock either.

14 years ago

Seems like a great game already I played teh demo and it took me a while to get use to the new control scheme but I got used to it (I miss interrogating sentries though).
About Metal Gear Rising (lighting bolt action) sounds like Z.O.E. to me.

14 years ago

Hopefully, they've included a plan to port it over from the PSP to the PS3 later on, like the way it was done for Syphon Filter:Dark Mirror.

Here's, to hope!!!!!!!!

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