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Kojima Refuses To Take Peace Walker’s Delay Lightly

It's little more than an unfortunate turn of events but Hideo Kojima isn't taking it lightly.

This past week, Konami Japan announced that the highly anticipated Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP wouldn't make its original March 18 launch date. Instead, the game had been pushed until April 29 and although it's a time gap of less than 6 weeks, this hasn't gone over well with the MGS mastermind. According to what Kojima said on his blog (as translated by Andriasang ), this is something that just isn't done and the team likely got a good tongue-lashing. Said Kojima:

"I always preach to the staff, 'You must not have a delay after a release date has been announced. There is no greater crime as a game developer.' Official announcement of a release date is nothing less than a promise to fans and business partners. In other words, a release date change is like betraying the expectations of everyone."

Wow. If you think this guy is laughing off this delay, think again. We're wondering how many other designers think like this; if they're so involved with their production that they take a delay rather personally. Kojima believes they've lost some trust due to this setback and that it will "probably take a long time to earn back" that trust. Currently, the team is working really hard to put the finishing touches on this handheld gem, and that's good enough for us. Don't be so hard on yourself, Kojima!

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

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14 years ago

Man, the more I learn about Kojima, the more I love how this guy thinks!

14 years ago

Amen…. Truely a legend of console developers.

14 years ago

Sony needs to buy out Kojima Pro. This kind of talent and dedication needs to be harnessed by the best console maker. Shame it wont happen though. Gotta love Kojima Pro and their dedication to the fans and their games' quality.

Last edited by Jawknee on 1/31/2010 9:54:39 PM

14 years ago

Konami probably owns the MGS series…
So it'd be tough for Kojima to actually leave Konami

Though, Sony could always try to buy out the franchise (I bet Konami would ask for many many millions)

14 years ago

You are correct. Too bad too. Would love to see what Kojima Pro could do as a full first party dev for Sony.

14 years ago

The MGS series is pretty much tapped anyway. Hire Koji, give him the best team in the biz and watch a new blockbuster come to life I say.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Hideo Kojima + Kazunori Yamauchi, BFFLs!
And best friends forever.

Since both their games have been officially delayed once. <3 😀

14 years ago

Banky is a turd haha.

But umm, I think pushing this game out of that crowded month of March may be a blessing in disguise.

14 years ago

& you know Jawknee, I always wondered why Sony hasn't done that yet. Just think about it. Naughty Dog, Insomniac, & Sucker Punch work with each other in the states, Guerilla & Quantic Dream work together in Europe, & Team Ico & Kojima in Japan (since Yamaguchi probably wouldn't be of much help I'd think). That sounds like a winner to me, except that Guerilla Games aren't first-party lol.

14 years ago

lol what, GG IS a first-party, Quantic isn't though

14 years ago

It's actually nice to hear that Kojima has said that. So many will just push their game to avoid releasing it at the same time as a blockbuster. Not only does he believe the fans should get what you promise them, but he tells his staff that they need to feel the same way.

It's obviously why this guy puts out superior merchandise.

14 years ago

My thoughts exactly.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Truly respect this guy
Kojima's like the badass character you'd see in an anime lol

Anyway, can't wait to get this game. Just because it ain't on ps3 doesn't mean it won't be a TRUE MGS game.

'Round May/June for the US/Europe, right? So that means Spring/Summer. Goes really well with the setting of the game. Central America.

14 years ago

The truth is, he was a brilliant scientist in an anime who learned a way to step into our world to create games 🙂

14 years ago

Kojima and Yamauchi must not be friends then.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

On the contrary they'd be great friends. It sounds like you're assuming Kaz loved getting delays 😉

14 years ago

"We're wondering how many other designers think like this"

Answer: Zero

Didn't Splinter Cell: MS Conviction get delayed too?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/31/2010 11:40:25 PM

14 years ago

a game not get delayed after its been given a release date?

1 god id hate to have this guy as my boss, i probably would of hung myself by now.
2 please Kojima you need to go work at PD and rush them to finish GT5.
than go over to ubisoft and push out splinter cell conviction.
only if we had 10 more Kojimas we would be in video game heaven!

14 years ago

Actually, he seems like a good boss. Letting the people who work under you to slack and aim to not do their best isn't exactly a good quality for a person with a job like that.

14 years ago

well you do need a strict figure head to keep everything in line, but at the same time i can imagine him working you to the bone just to meet a dead line.
i know, my ex boss was like that a real fanatic.
towards christmas from the beginning of december i was finishing at 10 at night most nights, 18th-15th i got home at like 1 in the morning every day.

14 years ago

Love the series, just not willing to buy a psp to play 1 game. Sorry but I prefer full size games on home consoles. My life isn't busy enough for me to require "gaming on the go" so I kind of see it as a luxury to be able to play at home. I really wish I could play this on my ps3 though especially since it's a "TRUE" sequel, but oh well here's hoping MG-Rising doesnt suffer by having to *ahem* accomodate another console.

edited for spelling 🙂

Last edited by Naztycuts on 2/1/2010 12:43:42 AM

14 years ago

There are plenty of other good games on the PSP worth getting it for. This just adds to them. 🙂

14 years ago

Didn't he say at e3 you would be able to download peace walker the day PSPgo launched?

14 years ago

'Forgiveness Please'

14 years ago

aww come on the demo was awesome… the graphics are just too much for the psp… i just couldn't believe my eyes

let kojima-sensei finish the game like it's meant to be played… maybe he should add ps3 controller and some kind of inter connectivity between MGS4 as well…

14 years ago

can someone give me an example of a game developed by Kojima that actually released on time?

14 years ago

Don't take it too hard Hideo, after what you did for us in the last decade, a little delay is nothing compared to GT5's delay.

14 years ago

Haven't been this excited for a PSP game since God of War: Chains of Olympus. And a five week delay? DO NOT CARE AT ALL. Get the game RIGHT.

14 years ago

ooo crap, must've gotten them mixed up LegendaryWolfMeh. I`m still glad Quantic Dream is makin Heavy Rain for PS3 & Remedy is making Alan Wake for 360PC. Anyone wanna bet against Heavy Rain averaging lower scores?

14 years ago

Oops, correction of course,

averaging higher scores.**

14 years ago

I like Kojima's attitude, but it's a "greater crime" to release a game that's not finished.

I'm looking at you, Slant Six.

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