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Prinny Returns To Embark On The Great Pantsu War

Some games are almost too silly to talk about but then again, that's half the fun. Heck, it's oodles of fun just reading the titles.

The first game was called Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? and it featured that suicidal penguin from the Disgaea franchise. The Prinny provided gamers with one of the most diabolically challenging 2D portable adventures ever but if you enjoyed it, you'll want to sign on for more finger-busting fun. According to Siliconera citing Dengeki, the sequel will be called Prinny 2: Dawn of the Great Pantsu War and your goal is to…well…it's to…umm…okay, I'll just say it: locate and return Etna's stolen underwear. Yes, really. This isn't a quest to be taken lightly (in regards to women's underwear, it never is) so our resolute Prinny will have all new moves and abilities at his immediate disposal. Once again, you'll have exactly 1,000 lives to spend during the course of the increasingly difficult adventure but if you can't handle the heat, Nippon Ichi is giving you a way out of the fire in this sequel. They're giving us the new "Baby Mode," which gives you "block assists and changes the scarves in the top left corner to diapers." Yeah, that's because you suck too bad to handle the grown-up test.

I really hope this is something PSP owners will buy. It just seems downright absurd and hysterical, so isn't that a game that should be rewarded? Or are we just supposed to laugh at the concept? Prinny: Dawn of the Great Pantsu War is slated to hit Japan on March 25, 2010.

Related Game(s): Prinny 2: Dawn of the Great Pantsu War

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14 years ago

Silly Japanese and their underwear.

14 years ago

good thing we can buy girls panties in vending machines over there if we really get desperate

14 years ago

that is so sad, lol

14 years ago

ain't it, LOL

14 years ago

Heh, not too dissimilar to real life's war…or for most "battles"

14 years ago

I can't help but highlight you awesomeness.
Every single social war in this world has to do with underwear… hell, isn't it the main reason and foundation of Facebook?

14 years ago

I thought x1000 lives was overkill until I played the game. GO* DAMN, I barely survived this game. Finished all missions (including the Asagi mission) + Etna AND Laharl Prinny are just, insane. I literally was shouting at the train station looking like an idiot.

And now we have a sequel. I haven't even touched the DLC.

Last edited by Ricochet on 12/30/2009 11:39:57 PM

14 years ago

I'd buy it… Anything related to Disgaea has that over-the-top hilarity. That said I'd get it. And seeing how I hate going into the easiest difficulty, I welcome the challenges.

14 years ago

and i thought tracking half way across the world risking your life for a mythical city of lost gold was stupid!

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

War is pants.

14 years ago

War has changed… ID-tagged females carry ID-tagged clothing, use ID-tagged underwear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their PMS abilities. Genetic control. Prinny control. Emotion control. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored and kept under Edna's control.

14 years ago

I really wish they would start releasing PSP games as PSN downloads for the PS3. They'd make a lot more profit if they did that. Hell, I'd buy TONS, these "Prinny" games included!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yes, but if they did that, PS3 owners wouldn't have as much incentive to buy a PSP. 😉

14 years ago

Not even amused, the pricing needs sorted with first Prinny.
£31.99 is too much for a psp game for download, if it was under £25 then that would be alright for both games

14 years ago

So this game is all based around a panty raid?

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