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GameStop: Valkyria Chronicles 2 Set For June 30 In US

Okay, so PlayStation 3 owners and RPG fans were a little miffed when they learned that Valkyria Chronicles 2 would only be made for the PSP.

The original remains one of the most treasured games of the generation for many, so when they finally announced a sequel, the announcement that it would be exclusive to the PSP was regarded as bittersweet. But hey, there are PSP owners out there who deserve a shot at what should be one of the most refreshing, wonderfully addictive titles on the market, right? And according to a recent GameStop listing , VC2 will be on store shelves on June 30, 2010. Of course, Japan will get it earlier in the year but that's always to be expected, and the June 30 date does sound plausible. Sega said Western gamers would be getting this title about six months after it arrived in Japan. Perhaps you loved the first game but don't yet own a PSP; maybe this is the incentive you need to own one of those slick portable units…or maybe you'll just bide your time and wait for the unveiling of another Chronicles for the PS3. Thing is, most don't believe Sega will entirely abandon the core group of fans that made the original such a success.

Yeah, it's more of a cult success but sales weren't too bad in this country – especially after the re-release in the US earlier this year – so why shouldn't we deserve another title on the PS3?

Related Game(s): Valkyria Chronicles 2

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14 years ago

I'm almost finished VC 1 now, and it's been one of the best games I've played this generation. I have a PSP slim so I don't really care what platform they release VC 2 on, I'll be pumped for it. A definite purchase for me.

14 years ago

Getting VC 1 for xmas!

14 years ago

Get Valkyria Chronicles for your PS3 is you like JRPGs of any kind, I don't honestly think you will regret it.

As for VC2 in June, you have six months to get a PSP folks, it is another decision you will not regret.

The PSP does make a pretty good companion to a PS3, although I would like to see more interaction between PSP and PS3. (WARNING : I'm about to deviate way off topic – sorry) For example making it easier to transfer music, video and images to the PSP from the PS3. The PS3 ought to be able to transcode video for the PSP pretty handily, I'd love to be able to dock my PSP with my PS3, either via network or USB and be able to sync such content automatically without having to individually copy files from one location to the other. Really integrating the PSP and PS3 as a single PlayStation platform would be great.

14 years ago

Much as I love the look and use of the XMB on both systems, the file management is horrid, particularly on peripheral drives. I have to use a Windows PC (yeck!) just to manage my data.

Maybe they'd improve it if people would stop asking for things like in-game XMB, trophies, and cross-game chat, just so that the PS3 can be "equal" to the 360, feature-wise.

14 years ago

Everyone who has played VC has only great things to say about it, yet it seems that very few people have even heard of the game.
I loved VC and i absolutely cannot wait for VC2.

14 years ago

After playing the demo for VC2 i just can't wait for it. They translated the game play perfectly and i want to try the new classes out.

14 years ago

The thing that gets me about Sega is they always moan about low western sales but they dont do themselves any favours, they seem to release a game quietly when nobody is watching with almost no marketing weight behind it and then have a moan
About a month after the release of VC in england I decided I wanted to buy it but couldnt find a copy anywhere, and each shop all said the same thing "we only got sent a few copies when it launched and not getting any more in"

14 years ago

Also, these import-type games NEVER drop in price like most Western games do. They're still selling Folklore for nearly full price. Ditto Valkyria. Genji, a launch game, only recently officially dropped to around GH price.

By contrast, Burnout Paradise dropped to GH price like 3 months before it actually qualified.

If you want to sell more copies of your games and build an audience in the West for the next one, you have to reduce the price over time, so people who are on the fence have a reason to make the leap (mixed metaphor aside).

14 years ago

Even though I have been collecting systems & game for what feels like eternity now, I have never added any real hand-helds until this year.
Once I realized that some PSP games would have interaction with it's PS3 series, I decided to jump on board & start adding the PSP's into my collection too.

All I can say about the PSP is "WOW",(and even though it's on such a small screen), I'm simply amazed at it's quality, and also the quality of graphics of gameplay & UMD movies on it too.(for example, the werewolf movie "Cursed" just blew me away).

And because of that alone, I have now added 3 2000 slims(white,, & black), and 1 3000 (silver) into the collection so far.

Great job, SONY!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/21/2009 5:29:59 PM

14 years ago

I am still disappointed that Valkyria Chronicles 2 isn't coming out for PS3.

14 years ago

I don't care what system it's one, this is a day one buy for me.

14 years ago

the PSP getting a exclusive……………….
someone get me a icy towel im going to faint!

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