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2.0 Fimware US Release Announced

Sony passed along a note today letting us know that the 2.0 version PSP firmware, with included web browser and added video/audio functionality, will be made available by download to owners of US PSP units on Friday, August 12.

When that day comes, you'll be able to upgrade your PSP to the 2.0 firmware by selecting the "Network Update" item from the PSP's "Settings" menu… assuming you also have WiFi internet. You'll also need about 20MB free on your memory stick.

Currently, the 2.0 firmware can already be downloaded from Sony's Japanese website, or from other third parties, but Sony Computer Entertainment America has issued a statement urging owners of US PSP units to wait until the North American release on the 12th.

If you don't have WiFi access, don't fret–Sony will start including a 2.0 firmware installer on PSP games shipping after September 1.

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