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Atlus Puts Bevy Of PSP Titles On PSN

Atlus has been taking it on the chin for years, not in terms of reviews (the critics usually love their stuff), but in terms of software availability. They already said they're shipping more copies of Demon's Souls to appease the greedy RPG fans but it's fairly typical of that publisher; they often don't put enough copies on store shelves.

Well, they're kinda sick of that accusation and in a recent announcement where they sort of poke fun at themselves (in a slightly bitter fashion), they announce that several of their PSP titles are now available for purchase in digital format on the PlayStation Store. If you log on to check out the selection, you will find Crimson Gem Saga , Hammerin' Hero , Yggdra Union , Steambot Chronicles Battle Tournament , R-Type Command , and Riviera: The Promised Land . It's a goodly assortment for all types of gamers, and PR Manager of Sales, Aram Jabbari, had this to say:

"We've finally reached a point where, according to our physicians, any further laughing at our masterfully executed plan of never making enough copies of our games for everyone poses risks to our health. In order to prevent illness, and because, hey, sometimes you just want to change things up, we're very pleased to offer PSP system classics via digital download. It may mean that we'll have to shut down our numerous online auction accounts, as we won't be able to hoard large quantities of our hard-to-find games and then slowly trickle them out at obscenely high prices anymore, but the end result will be better for everyone."

Don't worry, Atlus; we won't make fun of you, anymore. Just make sure every PS3 owner who wants Demon's Souls can get a copy, and with these new re-releases on the PSN, we figure that'll make plenty of people happy. PSP users can always use more games to play, even though the holiday lineup is fairly impressive and besides, where else are you going to find Atlus' patented flair? Many of their titles are quite unique and especially appealing due to their creativity and originality. So check 'em out!

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15 years ago

I'm stoked on Crimson Gem Saga going up at a decent price. One of the few games I've seen for less than retail here in Canada.

15 years ago

Check the store to be sure because at least here in the US the actual price differed from what was first announced.

That said, Crimson Gem Saga is a great game and is certainly worth checking out.

15 years ago

Thanks for the heads up I only saw the price listed on the playstation blog so far so I'll have to check that out

15 years ago

Aram Jabbari has a wicked sense of humor. I'll be looking out for their auctions in future!

15 years ago

Is there any word on Demon's Souls DLC? I am almost platinum on it now, and while I imagine that won't stop me from playing it (damn awesome game) I wouldn't mind it if some fresh content was added.

My first post in weeks because of that damn game, hah.

15 years ago

Thousand Arms on PSN NOW!

15 years ago

and while your at it, release deamon souls in europe too.
and while your at that, see if you can knock some sense into sony and get them to release their stuff worldwide releases.
im sick of waiting weeks if not months for things the US already has, im still waiting for that R&C demo.
and to think the US can be playing R&C in 4 days while i have to wait 3 weeks sickens me.