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Konami Confirms US Release For Shadow Of Destiny

We told you it was coming some time ago, despite the fact that we didn't know if it would ever break Japanese borders. But now we're fully aware, and we once again urge you to pick up this unique gem when it arrives.

It's the PSP port of the original PS2 game, Shadow of Destiny , which is the very epitome of an adventure title laced with a surprisingly deep – and even philosophically-grounded – storyline. Konami has announced that it will release the game in North America some time next year and for now, that's plenty good enough for us. You will play as Eike, the young man who must solve the mystery of his own murder…again and again and again. It's a little difficult to explain, but essentially, you must find new ways of preventing the mysterious murderer from successfully killing you. Early on, this could be as simple as getting a bunch of people to gather at the park, which makes for too many witnesses and the killer is forced to retreat. But things get far more complicated as time goes on so if you're not willing to use your noodle, don't bother with Shadow of Destiny . But if you are indeed intent on playing a game that really embraces an original concept and requires you to be both creative and even ingenious, this is the game for you.  Just trust me on this.

We'll let you know when Konami nails down a finalized US release date; we're hoping it won't be too far off. If you're a PSP owner and you never played the game on the PS2, you should definitely consider it.

Related Game(s): Shadow of Destiny

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14 years ago

I love it when games challenge you to think with logic instead of in game switches and buttons ^_^ when logic and practical thinking come into play I think we the gamers always win ^_^

14 years ago

Nice, I finished a couple endings on my PS2 but I never GOT EM ALL, but oh well, maybe now I can try again with the psp version.

14 years ago

I've said it before on here, but this was the only game I've ever found interesting enough to get all of the endings. Maybe it'll do really well and I can once again start wishing for a sequel.

14 years ago

Man this game was awesome, there were a few alternate endings its a brilliant game. I feel like sh** for getting rid of it, and my psp 🙁 Now I gotta buy both back….

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Will they take you back? Hmmmm

14 years ago

doubt ill be getting this till next year, konami have a really bad track record releasing games here.
silent hill homecoming came out here like 6 months after the US, and were not getting SAW till the end of december.
lucky i picked it up off ebay.

14 years ago

doubt ill be getting this till next year, konami have a really bad track record releasing games here.
silent hill homecoming came out here like 6 months after the US, and were not getting SAW till the end of december.
lucky i picked it up off ebay.

14 years ago

And here I thought that I would try to find the PS2 version to play it. Since I'm getting a PSP soon it'll be much easier now (I like my games new, so paying a solid chunk for it used on an older console isn't me).

14 years ago

Lovely stuff, this plus many other good titles been released on the PSP recently could tempt me to get a PSP again.

I have the PS2 version, but it always freezes while loading the begining clip of Chapter 4, Damn PS3 emulator!

14 years ago

I loved this game. It had great atmosphere, great replay value too.
We need more games likes these out there.

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