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Ubisoft’s Cover Girl Pops Up For PSP

This probably falls under the file, "ooookay." At the very least, we got to search for "cover girls" so we could have a pic for this story. Highlight of the day so far.

So they went and posted up the new downloadable content European gamers can expect to see on the PlayStation Store this week; there's plenty of cool stuff but one item in particular caught everyone's eye: a PSP game called Cover Girl . Produced by Ubisoft, it's a title we hadn't heard of before but Mike Kebby tried to clear things up for us down in the comments section:

"I had no idea what Cover Girl was either – I’m taking the description directly from the database here:

"Specially designed for active young women, Cover Girl is a digital friend that adds a touch of glamour to your busy day-to-day. Elaborated in collaboration with professional female writers, Cover Girl provides qualitative and interesting content which you customise. You decide the content of your magazine in accordance with your desires and interests:

Get your daily dose of fresh air with funny facts on love & men, life tips, mini-games, horoscopes and tarot reading, fashion trends…

Play addictive & fun mini-games to have fun any time of the day

Discover unique & fun tools like the Sex-o-Meter, Manlation (a fun translator for explaining male behavior), a size converter for shoes and clothes…"

What, seriously? Well, Sony has been trying to tap into the female demographic more and more, and if they need games like this to achieve that goal, more power to 'em. Perhaps all the women out there will shriek at the top of their lungs that this is sexist, all the while ignoring the fact that fashion magazines that resemble this game are all bought by women, and the fact that men have been playing stereotypically "guy" games for years. It's just as easy to say "oh, guys play that because there's shooting and things blow up." Yeah, but we're not all sensitive about it, are we?

The only question is whether or not we'll see Cover Girl in this neck of the woods. We'll let you know if Ubisoft announces anything. Oh, and go ahead and check out the new trailer for the game.

Related Game(s): Cover Girl

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14 years ago

….. This is not what the PSP is made for

14 years ago

agreed lol, nor was it made for hannah montana, but they have to support all consumers, so in there best interest it may b a good idea?

14 years ago

Simply the psp was made for Capcom games, racing, GTA and platformers.
I don't see the point of this why this over any other superior game thats near the same price like Motorstorm or GT?

14 years ago

I guess I'll take this one on the chin and buy every single copy in existence and burn them…


Never mind that idea. I guess we're screwed.

14 years ago

watch it be the top selling PSP game this week, lol… i think it's a damn fine idea really… it's a unique title (editor of your very own magazine) and it does do the one thing that sony has been trying to do… and that's recruit more female gamers…

not sure how many female gamers play with the PSP but, i am sure a lot of them would be interested… now they need to ask playboy if they can make a similar game :)…

Last edited by bOnEs on 10/16/2009 12:12:52 PM

14 years ago

playboy has a game out for ps2, its like the sims but you run the magazine, take all the pics of the girls, and hook up with them all over the place. after you get over the fun of who can i score with next, you get puled into the game and its pretty fun.

14 years ago

I don't think any of my home girls would buy this. Their all 17-19 and focused on college. But I bet my homeboy's girlfriend would love this, she is to damn annoying, 17 years old and likes this type of stuff.

14 years ago

oh sh*t, must buy for me. day 1.

14 years ago

"Yeaah, i'm gunna file this under not a problem"

14 years ago

My fiancé plays games but actually loves platformers like Ratchet n Clank, the Jak n Daxter series and beleive it or not Rainbow Six Vegas 2, lol. She plays RPG's too just not the really hard ones, she ran through Fable 2 in about 4 days.

14 years ago

Oh cool its a freakin mag simulator that I won't even purchase with a PSN card.
Hey but the lack of any theme park, hospital and city sims on PS3 is getting ridiculous.! Seriously has FPS really damaged console gaming?
Not every Male is a armed nuthugger that is a big fan of Campin on Duty so what the f*** publishers!!!

Last edited by Naga on 10/16/2009 3:42:01 PM

14 years ago

I got hos… in different area codes… area codes.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Best game ever.

14 years ago

So, it's like Playboy: The Mansion for girls?

14 years ago

so a game with supermodels?
i finally have something to take to the toilet with me now.

14 years ago

I don't remember the name of it, but I recall way back when, that another old game used models & photography too .

It was on Panasonic's 3DO gaming console

14 years ago

Waste of time and sounds dumb.

More and more I see games like this on nintendo rarely on PSP it's just stupid I know they are trying to appeal to woman but this is not the way to go think of better games please not ones that we can do without picking up a console.

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