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Conversion Program For UMD To Digital Not Ready Yet

Yes, the new PSP Go is all digital and won't support UMD and yet, Sony has said all along that current PSP owners with UMD libraries won't have to worry, as there will be a transfer process – of some kind – place.

Well, it's still coming, but it won't be ready for the October 1 launch. According to Kotaku , despite Sony's drive to get a system in place in time for the PSP Go's arrival, the conversion program is hung up "due to legal and technical reasons." They continue to evaluate the program, though, and they're still working on hashing out the details so current PSP owners won't be left in the dark concerning their inventory of UMD if they pick up the PSP Go. Said Sony's Brian Keltner:

"We are looking into programs for owners who have previously purchased UMD titles and want to exchange them for digital versions. It's something we are still hammering out the details. As soon as we have solid plans in place we will make an announcement."

We've heard whispers about a plan that would include kiosks in retail locations around the world, where everyone could turn their UMD games into digital files that would work on the sleek new portable. Of course, this is only of concern to those who have supported the PSP thus far; if you've never owned one and are considering purchasing the PSP Go, this doesn't affect you at all. But hey, for those who wish to upgrade, this is a definite issue and we'll keep an eye on it for you.

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15 years ago

I will only be getting a Go if it has UMD to Digital software. But i have to admit, it does look very sexy 😉

15 years ago

its the ugliest thing i have ever seen.
almost looks like something that came from gabe newells family!

15 years ago

Well that's just your opinion. I didn't like the design at first, but after a while I liked it.

15 years ago

man son'ys making history here

15 years ago

Not surprising that the TGS conferences came and went with only a blurb like this to Kotaku. IMO it just goes to show where Sony's priorities are… think about it, if they really WERE planning this alongside the creation of the PSP Go! they would probably have had something more substantial to tell us than they do now.

I'm sure the process is a complicated one – worries about rental UMDs, swapping with friends, the usual piracy, etc. – but I highly doubt the whole UMD-to-digital conversion was high on Sony's to-do list.

Last edited by DragonSphere on 9/24/2009 10:56:24 PM

15 years ago

Hope they can work it out. Buying a Go depends how this program works.

15 years ago

I will wait for the PSP2… and I don't mind waiting, even if it is for a few more years 🙂


"i am home"

15 years ago

trading in umd's for download codes? Could work but what would they do with all those umd's I mean if they just threw them away that would be a huge waste

15 years ago

Yeah! And why would I want to get rid of my UMDs? Maybe I WANT my UMD but still want to play my game on the PSPGo. Bah! For 250 bux they had better think twice about how I can use MY games.

15 years ago

so does that mean i can buy a PSP go and buy UMD games for it, and convert them with whatever doohickey sonys cooking up?
if the answers yes i may think about getting one.
once the price drops. 450AUD IS FU***NG INSANE!
seriously who in the hell is going to spend 50 bucks less than a PS3 for a hand held.
sony, just because M$ gets away with ripping their customers off does not give you the right to follow suit.

15 years ago

You will never be allow to that. But i agree with you no one in hell is going to buy the ugly PSP Go over the hideous looking PS3 Slim. I'm a proud owner of 1 fat 2 slim and 60gb and 80gb ps2 both play ps2 games. I always hated the slim PlayStations.

15 years ago

Well i only used the PSP slim 2001 without needing UMD. I would never bother paying to download any over price PSP game, Manhunt is $29.99 on the PSN store now.

15 years ago

Isn't sony finding a solution for existing umd games to be transferred to the psp go without having to buy the same games again?

15 years ago

Ummmm… Did you even READ the article?

Shakes head. Palms face.

15 years ago

Wow. Haven't seen such a bad comment fail in a long time.

15 years ago

So $170 for a PSP 3000, or $250 for a PSP Go with a smaller screen, no UMD drive, and a promise that maybe they'll let me give them my old games in exchange for digital versions? At the rate that PS1 titles (some of which sell a million copies at $7 each) are trickling out on the Playstation Store, I can just imagine how long it will take them to make downloadable versions of the whole PSP library. Especially since this would not be a profit making endeavor for them.

Hmmm…decisions decisions.

15 years ago

I'm on the fence on this one.

My inner early adopter wants the PSPGO.

"Oooohhhhhh, shiny pretty thing… must have… drool."

On the other hand, the other part of me thinks I should go out and buy a couple of 32G, or four 16G, Memory Stick Pro Duos and save the rest of the money I would've spent on this.

15 years ago

Soooo… is there a list of games that WILL be available on Oct 1 for the PSPGo or is this a gameless system?

15 years ago

gran turismo psp, R&C: size matters, kilzone liberation, socom, echochrome, flow, everyday shooter, final fantasy games, any ps1 game they have on the store, all the rest of the psp games they already have on the store….

yeah its a gameless system

15 years ago

Sony has given up on the UMD goodwill program in the US. Once again the folks at SCEA crap on the PSP market in NA. Nice goin' guys.