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Dutch Retailer Won’t Sell PSP Go Due To Price, Lack Of UMD

When Sony officially revealed the PSP Go at E3 in June, the sleek all-digital unit received a very positive reaction from handheld fans worldwide. However, the announced price – $250 – did seem a bit too high, and the complaints quickly began.

Well, one European retailer isn't just complaining; they're flat-out refusing to sell the PSP Go due to its lofty price tag. According to Eurogamer , the biggest Dutch retailer, Nedgame, has decided they won't sell the remodeled PSP in their stores. The first reason for this decision is the €249.99 price tag; the current PSP-3000 sells for only €169.99, and Nedgme also doesn't believe the smaller screen on the PSP Go warrants that price difference. But perhaps equally important as the price is the fact that the new PSP doesn't support UMD, which means Nedgame – along with any other retailer – won't be able to sell software for it, and if you didn't already know, retailers almost always make far more profit on software than on hardware. You can also forget about trading in your pre-owned titles, too. Therefore, this particular retailer probably doesn't see it as much of a loss to not stock the PSP Go, simply because the money they make from it may be minimal. Other retailers have similar concerns, but you can bet places like GameStop will certainly have it for sale come October 1.

Much like any other new piece of PlayStation hardware that hits the market, there are concerns. And like the PS3, price is a definite issue for some people. …but we see where the PS3 is now, right?

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14 years ago

good call on their part i dont see many businesses making much, if any, money on the psp go

14 years ago

That doesn't stop stores from carrying the Ipod or Zune, neither of which has an aftermarket for software sales.

Accessories are where its at for those stores, and it will be the same for the PSPGo.

You can also expect Sony to release some boxes with vouchers for PSN games, just like it did with Patapon 2.

14 years ago

Oh what a load of Malarky!

14 years ago

It never really crossed my mind that Retailer's wont be making money of games.

14 years ago

I thought one of the justifications for the price was that retailers were getting a larger cut to make up for the lack of UMD sales…

But yeah, it does seem bloody expensive.

14 years ago

Not likely.

14 years ago

also when the ps3 price is reduced now to 299, 249 seems a bit too much

14 years ago


14 years ago

$100+? That is bs. Blatant gouging I'd say. That is what I'd pay for a PSP2. That is near the price of a PS3!

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 9/16/2009 10:55:42 AM

14 years ago

Good for Nedgame. Why should they do Sony any favors? I've said it before, DLC is the start of the Apocalypse.

14 years ago

To me portable games are like music albums. When you are on the go, do you want to carry your entire collection of music CDs with you? Absolutely not. I much rather have one tiny device to hold hundreds or thousands of songs than to have to lug around a CD case along with a portable CD player.

Same goes for a gaming device. A more portable version of the PSP to play movies, music, and games without having to carry any other equipment or discs? Sign me up.

When I'm at home, give me my hard copies. Nothing like having to redownload all your purchased content, if still available, after a harddrive failure.

14 years ago

True, but this is a good way for the chain to be put at the bottom of Sony's shipment list. As is, getting orders last/partial, etc. Could hurt their relationship with Sony and their own business as well.

14 years ago

If Sony wants to sell their games online only (DLC), then maybe they're gonna have to sell their PSP Go online only too!

14 years ago

I can understand the price part. But lack of umd is just weak.

14 years ago

This doesn't surprise me at all. My wife and I run a small business and we have some retailers we provide for in the Netherlands, Dutch speaking peoples etc. They are some of the most arrogant and self obsorbed bunch we wholesale for. Nothing ever pleases them. Customs takes too long to release their parcel, it's our fault, if our product doesn't sell well in their store, it's our fault, etc. They seem to think we exist to serve them and them alone. We have no such problems or complaints from any of our other retailers across Europe. The grief we get from our European retailers seems to be confined to these Dutch retailers. Not sure why but this seems to fit the trend I have experienced working with them. We get much of the same complaints. I think and many of our other retailers across Europe seem to think our pricing and services are great. I'm sure the Dutch in general are very nice people but doing business with some of them is becoming more trouble then it's worth.

14 years ago

Dutch is too broad of a word. Sell to Denmark. Those people are nice. As for business dealings with Netherlands I'd say you're spot on.

14 years ago

Yes too true. Should have clarified. Our Denmark customers are great. Netherlands, not so much.

14 years ago

It's good to know what outsiders think of us-_-

14 years ago

Sooo faraga… you're Danish?

14 years ago

No I'm Dutch

14 years ago

No UMD sales at retail means no money for retailers. Why would they want to sell a very expensive version of a system that already doesn't sell great, and now won't even bring in game profits?

Just another fail for digital downloads.

14 years ago

idk why everyone is bitching. The PSP stands for PlayStation PORTABLE! This is what the first PSP should of been like, except the PSN was in its developement stage, there bringing the PSP where it should of been in the first place, look at the iTouch, $350. Your paying for a touch screen no bigger then the Go's, and the Go has expandable memory, iTouch doesnt. The iTouch has apps, so does the Go, and we get major titles on the PSP, iTouch just gets small app games. So why is everyone whining? $250 or $350?

14 years ago

Because AT&T get's a monthly payment of about 100+$ for their services (even on the lowest plan alone it's about 100$), and they are the retailers so they're getting money. These stores do not receive anything else after selling the hardware.

14 years ago

idk where you got AT&T, but iTouch is the ipod, not the iPhone, so it has nothing to do with AT&T company.

14 years ago

LegendaryWolfeh beat me to it. How do you think Apple made all that money? Sony may have a retail outlet here or there but overall they rely heavily on retailers selling their products.

14 years ago

There everywhere, we have 2 just in Indianapolis, theres like 26 all over California, there evrywhere. SonyStyle stores that is.i have never seen an Apple retail store with my own eyes.

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 9/16/2009 3:51:14 PM

14 years ago

There's only one in Keystone. But since you mentioned California, there's forty-five there.

Anyways, I wasn't 'bitching' as you say. I was simply 'understanding' the retailers point of view. Digital downloads are nonsense in my eyes. It's for patches, add-ons and the occasional Super Stardust HD game.

14 years ago

I just believe a device like the PSP, should be digital, it truly is the most portable way to go now-a-days. and Keystone Indiana? probably not. But 45 is amazing, damn you Cali.

14 years ago

DLC basically allows a company to sell direct, without any middlemen. They save on packaging and media type costs, and in fact, the media cost is supplied by the consumer when they store it on their own limited hard drive! The prices of DLC hardly reflect any of these savings for the consumer…..and to refer to Apple's gadgets as a legitimate example of good gaming would be a mistake. Those are trashy, barely playable, one-trick-pony diversions that are put out to fool the average cell phone user into thinking their portable telephone is oh so much more than what it is.

Last edited by Hezzron on 9/16/2009 9:19:13 PM

14 years ago

Good point.

14 years ago

good for them, now other retailers just need to grow some balls.

14 years ago

NEVERTHELESS, I'm still gettin' 1.

14 years ago

I am tempted to get one if just for Valkyria Chronicles 2. I can also see the PSX titles I have purchased looking a little better on the small screen. I doubt I will grab one on release though since there are a few too many games to get through on the PS3.

14 years ago

I do wish it had a cheaper price, but I still want one.

14 years ago

The price for the PSPGO is absurd, here in England the PS3 Slim is 250 a PSP Go is 225….. thats only 25 pounds different, a new PSP release is usually around 25

14 years ago

eh… who cares about price. sure its a bit expensive. but have u seen bose or apple? a piece of plastic is $100.

anyways. its not the price thats the issue since its adjustable as time goes, its the umd. i thought microsoft was going to hit the digital market first, but surprisingly its sony.

and i thought there is going to be hardcopy of the software for the psp go? or else thats abandoning all the psp 1000-3000 owners?

14 years ago

Acutally for what you get, Apple computers are priced pretty fair. Same with Boss. Those noise reducing headphones are amazing.

$250 is not a price Im likely to pay for a PSP Go but that could change.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/16/2009 1:18:33 PM

14 years ago

those headphones are amazing but its 300 dollars. compare to sony's noise cancelling headphones which are like 60-100 dollars.

ps3 launched with a 500 dollar price tag. the apple iphone launched with a 600 price tag.

Bose is the most priciest out of the 3. but hey… at least its cheaper than bang & olufsen =)

*i dont need a psp go. but i do kind of want it.

Last edited by kreate on 9/16/2009 3:15:43 PM

14 years ago

I have a pair of SONY noise cancelling in ear headphones, and there pretty good, they were $75, SONY has always been known for there audio devices quality, almost all recording labels use SONY Studio Hadphones.

14 years ago

Why does Sony always feel the need to jam pack an electronic with features and raise the price? Don't they know people are naturally dumb and like to see lower prices, even if it will amount to the same or more after their entire purchase is through. Sony has a horrible marketing team. HORRIBLE.

14 years ago

I'm actually going to agree with you on that, Sony marketing team is a Huge fail. The only place sony's marketing does a good job is in the movies department. The marketing team did extremely well when it came to Sony's movies like District 9.

14 years ago

price is a little much but i still want one i'll be asking for one for christmas especially since i start taking the bus more need something to do

14 years ago

Funny how I (as a Dutch person) have never heard of nedgame, and I'm really sure it isn't the biggest retailer here.

14 years ago

Good to have the local perspective.

14 years ago

faraga there are Dutch people all over Europe. I wouldn't think you represent them all.

14 years ago

Its called Wal-Mart, enough said.

14 years ago


14 years ago


14 years ago

Does Nedgame gain most of their profits from used game sales like gamestop? If they do, then i see where they're coming from, no used games coming in, no "Pure" profit to their company. Thats probably their main motivation anyway because I cant see retailers refusing to sell stuff because they think its overpriced. Im sure they're get a profit when they sell it but not as much as they want. I do agree that the PSP go is over priced, i mean get that or a ps3 for 50 bucks more. Just say the real reason already.

14 years ago

it's an automatic vaccum cleaner too, didnt you know?

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