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Buy PSP Go, Get Voucher For Rock Band Unplugged

Remember the good ol' days when a game came with a new game system? Even if you weren't wholly enamored with that particular title, at least it gave you something to play right off the bat.

This is all the more crucial when the system in question is a little pricey. Take, for example, the PSP Go: we recently heard a rumor that it may actually be one of the PlayStation products that will earn a price cut . But if this doesn't prove true and you still desire to own that sleek little digital wonder, you may want to opt for Best Buy. According to GameSpot , it seems that the retailer in question will offer the unit, USB cable, AC adapter and a voucher for Rock Band Unplugged . The game released in June to decent reviews and currently retails for $29.99 (it did debut at the standard $39.99). Neither Sony or Harmonix offered to comment on this Best Buy offer, so we're not really sure if this voucher is exclusive to the retailer, or if it will be included in any and all PSP Go boxes. We'd like to think they will give you something extra for your $250; although that was the original starting point for the first PSP, it's still a little high in the eyes of many gamers. What say you on the matter?  Too high…?

For our part, we just love the idea of all game systems coming with a game in the box. That's one feature we left behind in the old days that absolutely should return…how's about dropping Gran Turismo 6 into the PS4 box? Yeeeeaaaah.

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14 years ago

How bout buy a PS3 and get a voucher for a PSPGo…

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Having vouchers with the PSP Go would be a very nice incentive. Even if they're some older, Greatest Hits collection, it would still be something to say, "Hey. Here's something to try out with your brand new system." I don't think $250 is a high price point but then I live in area where things do cost more. Housing, for example. I'm not saying we're rich out here. We just consider pricing in relation to what's out there. Look at the DSi. That thing doesn't really offer much of anything compared to the DS Lite and look at the price difference. Now, the PSP Go offers 16GB of built-in flash memory, Bluetooth capable and other assorted features. I really don't think that the price is as bad as people say. There will always be those that want a company to lose money and sell their merchandise in the negative so that the people can be happy.

14 years ago

wow what? his entire post was positive towards the pspgo and not even attempting to be negative, jeez…people ._.

14 years ago

Anyone someone announces a price people always say it's too high. Of course we would all like things to be free, but that's not reality. Everyone was saying fat princess was priced to high. They were working on that game for like 2 years, it took enough money to make. How can you sell it for less than $15. Some people are just never happy and love to complain. Oh well, I'm sure they are miserable.

14 years ago

$250 is what I spent for my Psp back in 2005, and I don't find it necessarily expensive for a new PSP, especially if it has updated hardware. Doesn't mean I'm gonna get it though. I think this is a great idea, using games as an incentive for buying a newer product.

14 years ago

…except it isn't undated hardware; it's mostly a new form factor.

Think of it this way: imagine Sony tried to introduce a "slim" PS3 without a Blu-ray drive (so you couldn't play any of the existing games) and then had the nerve to launch it at $600 again. I don't care how many games they might put on the PSN or how big they might make the HDD, that's just not right.

…and neither is the price of the PSP-Go.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Who's on the rag tonight?

14 years ago

I wouldn't play that game, voucher or no.

14 years ago

They can sell the PSP go for whatever price they want, because I'm not getting one.

Digital Downloads = Fail

14 years ago

Digiatl Downloads is the future, weather you like it or not.

14 years ago

LOL @ "weather"

14 years ago

yeah, im gonna laugh at myself for this one, it was a brainfart, o well, blonde moments happen, u didnt have to point it out, haha

14 years ago

Yes he did have to point it out. This is the Internet. Surely you know that pointing out obvious spealling and grammer bran-farts is mandatory.


14 years ago

Spealling Irony!! 😉

14 years ago

Something tells me that Best Buy knows the PSPGo won't be a hit right off the bat. Good on them, to try to come up with their own way to move some units.

14 years ago

Not biting till they announce a proper plan for transferring previous UMD games to the system – used to own a PSP myself till about a year ago, and I would LOVE to upgrade to a Go! Problem is if I can't play my GOW/FFTactics/Crisis Core in a reasonable (and preferably free) manner on the newish system, then it's back to PSP 3000 for me…

14 years ago

I have a 1000-3000 and they all feel too fragile to me, i just recently got a broken UMD Drive on my 3000 and it has a 3mm shell around it at all times, so i am willing to upgrade to a rugged and more portable device, lets not forget bluetooth and bluetooth tethering. Online anywhere.

14 years ago

what do you mean the good old days.
thats hapening now to, when i bought my 360 i got 4 brand new games with it to.
i finally convinced my cuz to buy a ps3 today for 680 bucks 20 bucks less than the RRP he got 1 80GB ps3 1 copy of infamous 1 copy of killzone 2 1 copy of resistance 2 and 1 copy of ratchet and clank tools of destruction and 1 copy of haze and a HDMI cable and 2 DS3 controllers o and a free edge card.
EB have some pretty good deals from time to time.
5 instead of 4 because the last 2 are platinum games.

14 years ago

Yeah, a PS3 plus AAA titles. A pity the four that the 360 came with were Arcade titles.

What's that? Oh yeah, the apples are ticked about being compared to oranges.

14 years ago

Rock Band/ Guitar Hero on a portable console is just pathetic, i remmeebr watching people in my art class playing it on the DS, they looked like morons. it doesnt even simulate a Guitar more like a babies first keyboard. You cant really get more exploited than that.

14 years ago

i bet you havent even played RB:Unplugged, its actually really fun, and the store is the path to a more digital lifestyle.It introduces the PSP 1000 – 3000 to digital downloads and that alot of people are going digital now-a-days. Just give it a try.

14 years ago

I agree with Mr. Shephard. ALL new systems SHOULD be packed with some kind of game. It sucks having to spend all that money and then having to spend ever MORE money to buy some games to play. Give us some freebies!

This 'deal' would certainly make the PSP Go at $250 a good deal, imo. Too bad I won't be buying a PSP Go. I enjoy psychical media too much, lol. Not only do I play them..I also collect games. A memory card full of games does nothing for me.

14 years ago

You do get a ton of demos for free (even on the PSP), so there are things to play.

Also, where do you get these "psychical" media and do they allow you to see into the future? 😉

14 years ago

I'll buy a PSP Go, but I don't really care if a game come with it or not. I still gonna buy it.

14 years ago

they were not arcade titles.
i got to choose 4 games i wanted for free so i chose gears 1, 2, halo 3 (worst game ive ever played 1 and 2 were so much better) and burnout paradise.

14 years ago

Can't they for once have a really really really good games built into the system like Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Master system?! heck why not a memory stick with a couple of games with PSP Go! bundle

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