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Full Dissidia Character List Revealed

The demo is currently available on the PlayStation Store and it's one of the most anticipated PSP titles of the year.

If you're not already familiar, Dissidia: Final Fantasy is a flashy, fast-action fighting game that features many of your favorite characters from the legendary franchise. In fact, there will be over 28 characters included in the game; check out the full list over at VideoGamesBlogger . You will see names from just about every last FF title ever made, and that includes three characters from the very first FF (Warrior of Light, Ninja, and Monk), Cecil and Paladin from FFIV, Terra from FFVI, and all the main characters from the latest FFs (Cloud, Squall, Zidane, Tidus, Shantotto, and even Gabranth from FFXII). Obviously, there's a bit of fanservice going on in this game, but then again, there's nothing wrong with that. Perhaps it would've been interesting to see an action/RPG with all these familiar faces, but we can live with what is supposed to be a highly polished and ultra-entertaining brawler. PSP owners are getting plenty of sweet games very soon, and remember, Dissidia releases in just a few weeks time.

Maybe if you take a really close look at the upcoming hanheld lineup, you might be interested in purchasing the new PSP Go on October 1. There are plenty of reasons!

Related Game(s): Dissidia: Final Fantasy

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14 years ago

I still think it would have been an obvious choice to put either Tifa or Zell in there

14 years ago

even if I had a PSP, no Tifa=no sale.

14 years ago

No Balthier, wtf? FAIL!

14 years ago

Oh wellz, getting this game with the PSP bundle. I already have 2 on preorder 🙂 one for me and one for my gf haha. and the biggest fail on my part…didn't even realize it's been out in japan for almost a year now 😐

14 years ago

"plenty"= Gran Tursimo =D

14 years ago

I want something like this for PS3. I bet if Square, Namco, and Tri-Ace collaborated they could make something incredible! I'd love the chance to use Lenneth in a fighting game. It's too bad really, I can only dream.

14 years ago

Final Fantasy vs. Suikoden ftw.

14 years ago

Good god no! te Final Fantasy Series is too good to have there characters mix in a game with other characters. They're to good to be mixed up in one of those stupid capcom vs marvel styled games.

I have ehrgeiz on the PS1 a fighting game where you could play as Clous, Sephiroth, Tifa, Vincent, Yuffie and something that resembled Red XIII, the other characters were pitiful in comparison. They even made a game on the PS2 with one of those characters with the lead called God Hand…… yes it flopped.

14 years ago

Han was awesome in Ehrgeiz FYI. So Kingdom Hearts was awful because it mixed your precious FF characters in a Disney styled game? What makes you think it would be a Marvel styled game?

Give it more thought and don't pretend Final Fantasy is reliant solely on one small-minded fanboy's opihion. That's why I said Tri-Ace. If Tri-Ace handled it the battle system could be superb. If you tried versus in SO3 you'd understand, but I'm talking about something deeper. With Tales characters from Namco, SO characters from SE/Tri-Ace, etc. Like I said, Tri-Ace in particular handles battle systems very well. A Versus type game would come from Capcom, and I ain't talking bout' them. You know something more along the lines of Super Smash Bros but I mean WAY better than that. Plus, Lenneth > all RPG heroines, PERIOD. And I'd love to use her Nibelung Valesti as some type of special move.

Besides, Dissidia uses your beloved FF characters and this game is only decent. Not dissing it, but it's not deep at all.

14 years ago

Actually to be honest, i didn’t like the FF cast being in Kingdom Hearts, it was really inappropriate. Though i do enjoy KH, but i much prefer it for the Disney aspect, but even the KH story characters were actually pretty good. The FF cast were really misplaced, but on the odd occasion it was nice to see.

I didn’t mean the gameplay of the capcom vs, just the idea, it kind of degraded all the characters. Smash Bros works though, probably because most of Nintendo’s Characters are light Hearted, so you can’t really complain.

A game like this isn’t really suppose to be 'deep', i in fact see it as a celebration for the series. to make a game like this you have to have a good cast, which originates from strong material.

From what i played of Dissidia the gameplay was very strong, its a fun game to play, which is what you want on a portable console, 'deep' games should be left to mainstream consoles as a spectacle.

14 years ago

I'm talking the potential of a very good game. What you're saying is FF characters are too good to be placed in anything but their own game. It's not like these characters are real lol. I'm asking we think about the potential, not pretend these characters exist in a 4th dimension that we haven't explored lol.

Dissidia will satisfy most gamers, but to say it's more of a celebration to FF? Give me a break. It's a celebration to SE's wallets, is what it is. Again, I like it personally, but I and many others would really like something more on PS3. If you've seen one of the recent interviews, you'd know that fans asked for something like this on PS3.

Just don't act like you speak for all FF fans when you go off pooping on the idea because you're partial to Cloud or something. I think SC4's character customization says there are a lot of gaming fans who'd like it too. If you've seen all the stuff people have made, I mean.

14 years ago

No, a game like this shouldnt be made on the PS3, If you havent noticed they've been focusing on far better projects for the PS3, FFXIII is looking like it shall excell every other RPG this gen. A game like Dissidia isnt a mainstream game, its fun ,its not something they should be mainly focusing on, though they have done an excellent job. Its just more suitable on the PSP.

As the FF cast being to good for other series, i personally believe so and no im not a cloud fanboy, i personally prefer FF8. but thats not my main point. My point is collaorations dont work! Its a stereotpyically thing comic books used to do and they were taky and when this effects bigger media we get crap like Alien Versus Predator. I think we all know that we dont need any more of them films.

14 years ago

Collaborations do work, and you more or less admitted it yourself. *cough* Kingdom Hearts *cough* Also Ehrgeiz was a solid collaboration between Namco, Squaresoft, and Dream Factory. Capcom vs Snk is a very fine example as well, which was received very well by fans. The only problem was they (Ehrgeiz and CvSnk) suffered sub-par console ports that the media did not approve of. Which is the ONLY reason for the discontinuation of those games. The collaborations themselves were fun and exciting and gamers wanted more.

I mean something LIKE Dissidia. And since when has SE become some charity case that they simply can't do something fans are asking for? Like I keep saying, they could essentially give the project to Tri-Ace/Namco and avoid this doom they'd suffer for a side project that you keep preaching against lol.

One more thing ummmmm. Dissidia not mainstream? Were you around when the news hit about Dissidia sales numbers in Japan? Not to mention the commercials they aired for the game over there?

14 years ago

Well you can have your opinions, While i think the collaboration of FF characters in KH adds nothing to the game. i think of it as Disney mixed with Sqauresofts own designed characters. The Disney Characters are potrayed have better.

Ehrgiez was not a good game, it was an avarage fighting game, with a sloppy extra RPG and mini games. the only appealing thing was the FF7 cast, but that showed to be bland after a short period of time.

Sure Dissidia is a success, and rightfully so, its a good game. but its only a spin off title, its not got a number of the offical adventure, I feel the same with Crisis Core, It was far better being on the PSP than on the PS3.

14 years ago

so what two extra characters is europe getting then?

14 years ago

wow i have the jap version and it only has 20 char 2 from each ff1-10, and i dont see anyway to unlock more,could be but my jap not that good. so i guess i have to get this version for sure i feel cheated lol
p.s Zidane kicks ass

14 years ago

actually europe is getting the better version if i remember

14 years ago

of course =D ff9 pwns

14 years ago

god damnit no zell ??????? at least give me auron or sabin

14 years ago

The link is a load of twaddle.

There are only 11 playable characters from each side. Luneth is not a playable character. Monk and Ninja are forms of the Onion Knight. The Cecil characters are 3 forms of the same 1 character (if I remember correctly, there are only 2), and Cosmos and Chaos are not playable.

14 years ago

There is no monk in the game. That's actually a Sage. Onion Knight has the ability to become a Sage and a Ninja during his EX Mode.

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Poor poor Vann. It's like an enormous high school reunion, and they purposely "lost" his invitation lol.

All kidding aside, I have the game pre-ordered. I'm really looking forward to it.

14 years ago

Plenty = Dissidia + GT PSP + Little Big Planet + A lot more = me happy!

14 years ago

That list is inaccurate, and the actual list has been known for a few months now. So why is this news? :/

14 years ago

WTF!!! no Seymour!!!!!!!!!!!

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