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Famitsu Unveils Valkyria Chronicles 2

Pat yourselves on the back, because this was a true group effort: the critics insisted upon the game's unique quality, and while it took some time for the gamers to respond, they have finally proven that Sega should deliver a sequel. …you may be disappointed when you learn of its targeted platform, though.

Multiple sources have stumbled upon the latest Famitsu issue, and without a doubt, it clearly depicts Valkyria Chronicles 2 . For visual evidence, take a gander at this magazine scan ; if you can read Japanese, you'll be better off. But before all you fans of the original go jumping around the room for joy, we should probably tell you that this sequel is set to arrive for the PSP. Yeah, that's right. We're not sure if this is a mistranslation and the game is coming to both the PS3 or PSP, or if Sega does plan to bring CV back to the PS3 in some other way. Perhaps they're working on another entry for the PS3 but they want to target a new demographic first; after all, the game is scheduled to drop this winter, so it'll be available when the PSP Go is on store shelves. All we know about the plot right now is that it will take place in the year 1937 and the main character will be a soldier who wishes to make his deceased brother's wish come true. This holds no relation to the original VC storyline – as far as we can tell – so this "sequel" might just be a brand new title in the new franchise. PSP owners certainly ought to be psyched, especially if they never got a chance to play the first game.

As soon as we can dig up more information on Valkyria Chronicles 2 , we'll be sure to let you know. In the meantime, PS3 owners, keep your collective chins up…this doesn't mean you'll never see VC again. We hope.

Related Game(s): Valkyria Chronicles 2

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15 years ago

I would have preferred it to be released on the PS3. At least Sega is continuing the franchise.

15 years ago

I think they switching to the PSP is because of how poor the sales were in the first one. They probably didnt want to make that mistake again. I think the wanted to build the Valkyria Chronicles name up first with a larger install base, then bring it back to the PS3.

15 years ago

The PSP is far easier to pirate so I doubt it has anything to do with sales. I look forward to the game though, this past year has been great for PSP.

15 years ago

The move to a PSP version might have more to do with the utterly insane sales numbers for Monster Hunter games on that platform compared to the non-handheld devices.

15 years ago

I just started playing VC yesterday and I love it!
Feels turn based and at the same time you can move and it works great.
The art style is beautiful and the way they present the game is awesome!
Will recommend it to my friends and buy as gifts to some of my cousins.

15 years ago

I just started Valkyria Chronicles last week myself. I love it and it's now in my top 5 PS3 exclusives. About the sequel coming to PSP though, it is a shame. I don't have a PSP and don't plan on getting one anytime soon, but this is not a complete surprise given the sales of the first one. Hopefully they bring the sequel to the PS3 at some point.

15 years ago

Shocking news actually! Good for Sega. It will make up slightly for the Aliens Game flub..

15 years ago

RPGs keep going to handhelds cuz it's cheaper to make, that makes me sad 🙁

PSP deserves the love, but so does my big screen.

15 years ago

OK I fail to see how this'd work on handheld unless they change the format over the first one.
The first game was made up of skirmishes which – now this may just be me as I consider myself as someone what of a latecomer to the RPG party and therefore not the best at them – but some battles could take 30 minutes+ Anyone with me on that? So if you want a handheld game you can pick up and play when you have a few minutes to spare, this isnt gonna tick those boxes

15 years ago

It can work on the PSP. Not every game on a handheld is just a pick-up and play game. I understand where you are coming from on that, but there are several RPG's on the PSP.

15 years ago

BEST NEWS of this summer for me.

Why? I love the fact that there are more RPGs coming out especially for the PSP. I hope it does come out for the PS3 – since as everyone says…the PS3 could definitely use some RPG loving! =) (Although most are soon on their way).

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
15 years ago

I'm trilled to hear about the sequel, but disappointed the franchise has been moved to the PSP. I'll still be getting it day 1 though.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Oh gawd daymmmmm.

K I'll definitely try buy this. I've already sold my only 2 PSP games so far.

15 years ago

Just went on the Escapist apparently they have a translator and it translates as "Battlefield Valkyria: Galia Royal Military Academy". If that's the case then, I have no idea why there is a huge "2" on the magazine page. Sega will probably tell everyone something in the US eventually. I bet they're testing the waters to see if the franchise will last by releasing a new title on a cheaper-to-develop-for platform

15 years ago

This is messed up. People saying VC is an RPG and others saying Fallout 3 is not. The new generation won't even know what RPG means anymore.

Bandit King
Bandit King
15 years ago

Well, my feelings are a bit mixed on this but if they bring it here I will buy it, not that I need anymore PSP games I have 30. Alienange, this is just my opinion but having played Valkyria Chronicles and Fallout I can say that I agree that Fallout is not an RPG, one is a strategy game like FF Tactics but with a third person action mode and the other is clearly a 3rd person shooter with RPG elements thrown in. Back on topic, I just hope Sega doesn't start pulling a S-E on me and only make handheld RPGs, though I will say that seeing this released on PSP is a hell of a lot beter then DS (FF12:RV anyone)at least Sega is smart enough to keep the series within the same console family.

15 years ago

no psp…. this makes me sad…. in more ways than you may think D:

15 years ago

Oh I am praying and praying I see the second installment on the PS3 if not i'll be getting a PSP ASAP…

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