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PSP Go More Capable Than Originally Expected?

While we're not big tech guys – as far as I'm concerned, these things could run on magic, and I wouldn't care – we can understand numbers. As in, which one is higher than the other.

According to Sony Insider , the PSP Go may be more powerful than we initially believed. The article turns your attention to recently filed FCC documents that outline the sleek new PSP; these documents list the processor speed as 480MHz. …well, this is in stark contrast to the earlier announced 333MHz. It's more than possible that the unit will be locked at the latter speed, but if we remember our history, the original PSP-1000 was locked at 222MHz, but firmware update 3.50 allowed developers to have access to the maximum 333MHz. So even if the PSP Go hits store shelves with the estimated 333MHz, we can likely expect an update to release the full power of its FCC-rated 480MHz, which should come as good news to prospective owners. If you're wondering what kind of difference the enhanced processor speed can make, ask anyone who has owned a PSP from the time of its inception: after the upgrade to 333MHz, the lighting was better, the overall picture was better, and in general, it just made for a better portable experience.

We'd like to think that a new PSP would certainly be more capable; it's only logical. The only question now is, when might they unlock the system's full potential…?

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15 years ago

thats nice i guess

15 years ago

the thing is the psp go is supposed to be backward compatible.. upping the proc gives not much to the dev.. creating a game that fully utilizes 480mhz would be suicide

15 years ago

yeah so what does that mean for old psps? Maybe the apps will be the only things to use the full power.

15 years ago

So it makes the system run smoother?

15 years ago

In theory yes, but in practical use it won't be a remarkable difference.

15 years ago

Wasnt God of War one of the first few to run at 333? It was gorgeous for a psp game. Idk how they are going to handle 480mhz though, seeing as any earlier psp wouldnt be able to play the game. Perhaps it will just be extra stuff like Flash 10 in the browser or something.

15 years ago

I would love to see a digital sequel to GOW:COO

15 years ago

sigh…this is making me rethink purchasing a Go or the 3000 model…I really want the Silver PSP-3000 with Dissidia bundle, but if the psp go is assured to be superior to the older psps then I might have to give in. But either way, I want an Iphone 3GS first =)

15 years ago

Right on the money! LOL

15 years ago

The iPhone is mans greatest invention. Typing this post on mine right now.

15 years ago

Im using my 3g sidekick. :]

15 years ago

DarkAlex FTW!

End of line
End of line
15 years ago

I dont actually have an opinion on piracy but for some reason I dont want the Go to get hacked…weird.

15 years ago

Piracy? I'm more into the Homebrew and Emulators.

15 years ago

PSP running on magic. How awesome would that be?

15 years ago

I think ill spring for one. I prefer not to have the umd's. less stuff u have to carry. Plus 16GB onboard is awesome.

15 years ago

im not really familiar with how all this works, but i want to get a psp, because ive heard you can download the ff7 from the psn, and play it on psps? if this is so, then ill certainly pick one up.

15 years ago

Any PSOne classic from the PSN can be copied and played on the PSP.

15 years ago

Don't you just love technology?

15 years ago

It would be really nice if you could take your existing psp titles on disc, insert them into your ps3, and copy them to your psp without having to f'ing repurchase them. I already own FF7 and MGS but am forced to download them if I want them on the go. It sucks really. Remote play just doesn't respond well enough for my taste.

15 years ago

I bought my daughter the Ratchet and Clank psp bundle, and bought my nephews psp 3000 for $100. In order to play in ad-hoc mode with her, I bought the psn download of Ratchet and Clank as well. I was thinking future purchases for the psp as a digital download instead of discs would be cheaper on me for ad-hoc play. Unless of course they lock them like other software with serial #'s. Does anyone know if they plan on doing that?

15 years ago

Still not getting it.

15 years ago

i cant believe how freaking expensive those things are.
on ebay atleast.
a friend of mine just got back from the US today, he bought a 3GS 16GB for 400 USD.
then i have a look on ebay and there going for 1200 USD.
WTF i thought ebay was supose to be cheaper not more expensive.
god dam it i should of asked him to get me one, i dident know he got his so cheap.
but why are they so expensive i mean its faster so what.
because its faster your going to pay a extra 400 bucks?
i picked up my 3G one 2 months ago on a optus prepaid for 700 bucks.
and when they announced the 3GS apple said it was going to cost less than the 3G.
400 bucks extra because the CPU is faster youve gota be nuts.

End of line
End of line
15 years ago


15 years ago

Uh…wtf, we are you getting yours from? You can go to the Apple Store or AT&T and it's only 199$ for the 16gb 3GS and 299$ for the 3GS at retail price. and no ebay has never been the cheapest place, what lead you to believe that?

15 years ago

This added boost isn't enough to see any drastic improvement. I'm fine with my original PSP with 32 gig's of memory.

15 years ago

I already pre-ordered mine anyway. The main reasons are portability, no more UMDs to carry around, and the biggest feature to me is bluetooth. I plan to use my A2DP bluetooth stereo headset with it and tether the PSP Go to my phone via bluetooth. Having a PSP that always has internet connectivity wherever I go is a very big feature to me.

Last edited by xStatiCa on 7/4/2009 12:35:21 AM

15 years ago

im in australia so i can only get it online.
for some gay reason there only offering it on plans ATM.
and ebay few years ago use to be extremly cheap.
i picked up a sony ericsson W900 i think it was for 300 bucks less than what the shops were selling it for.
or 2 years ago i got a nokia N76 for 500 bucks the shops wanted 800 for it.

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