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PSP Go Battery Life, Plus New Details

Having UMD in the current PSP models drains a lot of battery power…or does it? According to the latest update at the European PlayStation Blog , the battery life will remain unchanged.

Product Manager Adam Grant explained that they've "adopted an embedded battery to realize a smaller and lighter PSP system," which means we'll get a battery life of about 3-6 hours for games and 3-5 hours for playing back videos. He also went on to talk about the aforementioned goodwill program Sony has planned for owners of many UMD titles, which of course aren't immediately compatible with the PSP Go. We'll have more on that in due time, but here's a quick list of the features that Sony's new handheld will boast (just a sampling, mind you):

In case you need a reminder, the unit will be priced at $250 in North America and 250 Euros in Europe, and is set to release on October 1. Many have complained about the price of the new unit – which is the same as the original PSP's launch price – but Sony has still said they're targeting the "early adopter." Gadget gurus will need it, that's for sure.

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15 years ago

I'm gettin one asap. I rather have one of these then the iPoo'd Touch at 50 bucks more. With the Touch, of course you can use touch screen, but you cannot add removable memory, and you can't buy PS exclusive titles… unless you buy a PSP also, then you are 210 bucks over the price of a PSP Go. No contest when it comes to the Touch.

15 years ago

You forgot the fact that when the iPod Touch is jailbroken, you can play PS1, PSP, NES, SNES, Gameboy etc games right on the device.
But I assume you meant more towards the iPod's that aren't jailbroken.

I can see it right now, 200 thumbs down, 1 thumbs up. 😛 lol.
So, before you thumbs me down, I still play my old PSP, I love Sony, I just don't think that the PSPGo can outclass the iPod. … (Yet)

I'm getting the PSP Go in 2010 because I can't buy both Modern Warfare 2 and the PSP Go close to the same time.
Besides, the PSP Go might not have many launch games, so waiting for a few months for the service to get more games seems smart to me.

Okay, give me the thumbs! (Joking, please don't)

Last edited by wiiplay on 6/14/2009 3:36:47 PM

15 years ago

Its basically looks great and worth the cash it's just anti-Sony websites corrupting the internets

15 years ago

I see two buyers of the Anti-Touch! It is smaller then the PSP 3000 so I am buying it for the Mp3 player functionality, calander, clock, portable video player, and portable picture viewer. I have my reasons to stick with Sony when it comes to getting in the market for a device as versitale as the Go. I am keeping my 2000 for now, possibly stepping it up to the 3000. I am keeping my hardware. I still have my PSX (or PlayStation original), my PS2, my PS3, and my PSP 2000. I gave away my PS1 (white midget).

15 years ago

@Vision Divine…

Not necessarily true, if anyone has read this website and seen my comments, which many have, you would know that I am a loyal Sony fan and hate anything ,Microsoft puts out…but I'm sorry this is a waste of money and a stupid idea all around…I think I'll wait for a true PSP2 before I upgrade my hardware…

15 years ago

Lmafo but strongly agree.

15 years ago

I don't mean this website I mean one of them random ones from google news

15 years ago

That IS what he said, but he's also saying that it's not just those websites, it's here and almost anywhere.

15 years ago

The battery life in portable consoles is appauling, i really hope that improves in the next 10 years.

15 years ago

a battery that lasts ten years before a recharge…ohhhhhh, thats amazing…

15 years ago

sarah, you smart ass

15 years ago

"3-6 hours for games"

Huh? I'm almost certain my old PSP lasted longer then that on a full charge. Why is the battery life so low when it no longer has to power a UMD drive? I mean… Why spend extra money on a Go when the 3000 is much cheaper?

15 years ago

Yeah, I'm kinda confused there too. I remember that there was a power comparison between Solid Stat Discs (basically Flash memory configured as a hard disc) and regular hard discs that determined that the power saving for the flash based SSD was minimal.

It's possible that the UMD is very power efficient, and with the 32MB of caching – as in the slim models – it doesn't really use as much battery as we thought.

I kinda figure that the biggest battery eater on a PSP is the screen/backlight, and maybe the processor. Remember that they clocked the processor down to 222MHz initially to help with poser consumption because it uses less power at the lower clock speed.

Still, I expected the battery to last a bit longer.

15 years ago

also: the go has a screen that is 1.5 inch smaller, so it should use less electricity,

i havent found enough reasons yet to ditch my psp 2000 and buy a go, unless it has a playlist option for music, then ill consider it

15 years ago

My guess is smaller battery?

15 years ago

they must have got it rong coz i think mines longer than that (3 – 6 hours) lol stuff that

15 years ago

Maybe I'm getting old (I *am* getting old) but I think I'll miss the "physical" feeling of buying a new PSP game on UMD.
I'll definately keep my current PSP and will browse through my archive with excellent games on UMD before going on holiday for many years to come. And I look forward to expand my collection of UMDs when the prices drop!

End of line
End of line
15 years ago

@ Ultima

They've just discovered a new battery type (Lithium Sulfer)that lasts 3 times as long, is lighter and cheaper to make. We could see it mass produced within the 1-3 years time.

So how does 9 – 18 hours sound?

@ Oyashiro

The battery was scaled down to get the overall size down. Smaller battery, smaller charge.

Last edited by End of line on 6/13/2009 1:12:39 PM

15 years ago

Still waiting for ultra-capacitors and fuel cells too….

The only thing about saying it's because they shrunk the PSP is that the UMD drive is missing, and it took a huge amount of the space inside a PSP, it's gone, leaving space for a bigger battery….

15 years ago

yea but once we get into fuel cell territory then we gotta worry about skynet and the terminators taking over…lol

15 years ago

I'm wondering whether the XMB and Clock/Calendar applications are specific to the Go, or if that functionality is coming to the regular PSP? I honestly can't understand why we've never had clock/calendar functions on the PSP before now, it seems like it's tailor made for some basic PDA functionality in addition to the gaming.

15 years ago

I think the only mistake they've made with the Go is once again no dual analog sticks.

Some day they're going to put dual analogs on it, their sales are going to triple, and they'll be kicking themselves why did they never do this before?

It's not like it would break older games or anything. There's just a lot of games I think about buying on the PSP and then don't because they're the kinds of games that need dual analog to work, and they have gimped controls on the PSP.

15 years ago

I keep hearing about adding a second analogue stick. Why do you want a second analogue stick anyway? For first person shooters?

End of line
End of line
15 years ago

@ Highlander

Logically the battery would have to be smaller if the total charge time is on par with the slim. The only other explanation is older battery tech or a less energy efficient screen, either seem unlikely.

15 years ago

Just another reason to not get this joke of a handheld console. Come on Sony, you should do better then that.

15 years ago

I dont think the psp3000 has a 4 hour battery life. i used mine the whole DAY without charging. Never died :). I was also able to watch the whole season of Gunparade March without charging! go psp!

15 years ago

I hope the PSPGO turns out to be awesome and not disappointing(even though I highly doubt it will be disappointing)

15 years ago

I mostly use my PSP(1000)to hear music so I don't understand why Sony hasn't put a custom music playlist with shuffle all and all the basic things of a mp3 player. Why?

15 years ago

they seem to have been just "off" in the psp department for the last few years…don't know what it is…

15 years ago

*cough* PS3 *cough* xD

15 years ago

Until Sony makes a PSP with 2 analogs, L1, L2, L3, R1, R2, & R3 buttons, along with a touch screen, I am not going to upgrade to a new PSP! For now I think I'll just stick with my PSP 1000 & buy a 16gb. memory stick pro duo when the Go! comes out.

15 years ago

but i think 16gigs is only compatable for new psp

15 years ago

ahahaha i habe 69 songs on mine so preety much im with u

15 years ago

Actually there is a 16gb. memory stick pro duo (it's just hard to find). It would take several THOUSAND songs to fill up 16gb. of memory, so good luck trying to fill it up (if you ever get one)

15 years ago

Or you could simply buy 2 16gig micro sd cards and a memory stick adapter that has slots for the 2 micro sd cards. Your psp will read it as 32 gigs.

15 years ago

I'll have to try that out some time 🙂

15 years ago

ahahaha im 12 and my mom is holding me back from getting one i dont no why ncoz i got the ps3,xbox 360,ps2,psx and wen i was little me and my sister had a ps1 but whh cant i get that its cooler than my psp and ds grrrrrrrrrrrr

15 years ago

Embedded battery! Sounds like something the user may not be able to replace, and might be expensive to replace if it ever goes bad.

15 years ago

I think the PSP Go! has the most epic Sony fail ever. Even after all the feedback and consumer desire for two analouge sticks, they still don't do it!? What is wrong with those people, you have to be blind to miss all of the talk about wanting another stick! Its not that hard to do Sony! Focus! Besides that I think its pretty cool though

15 years ago

I would bet that Sony has some stupid excuse for why they haven't added an extra analog stick yet (production cost? Yeah sure!)

15 years ago

Have you seen the PSP Go ? Put a second analog on there and your thumbs would be side by side. Talk about cramping. I'll keep my fat.

15 years ago

My guess is the bluetooth functionality on the PSP Go! will allow it to work with a PS3 controller! This is probably the reason there is no second analog stick.

15 years ago
15 years ago

I'd be happy if they just slapped a SD card slot and LCD screen on a Dualshock3. The battery life is great, dual analog sticks, blue tooth and easily portable.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

Can you imagine the possibilities with that? Cram the guts into the DS3, add an SD or microSD slot and plug in the LCD monitor through the mini 6-pin USB port? Wow. That would be very impressive.

15 years ago

The one thing I don't do with my PSP is take t with me when I go out, I find it to be too bulky for that. The PSP GO is the answer for me but hearing about the short battery life has probably put me off wanting one. On one full charge I can take it out with me and only get 3 hrs? Kinda defeats the object of calling it PSP GO when you can't go anywhere with it for long.

Buy PSP Go
Buy PSP Go
15 years ago

It looks good I reckon!

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