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New Abilities, Characters In Western Version Of Dissidia

Sometimes, during the long localization process between Japan and North America, games tend to change and fluctuate in certain ways. Just ask Square-Enix.

But in the case of the highly anticipated PSP title, Dissidia: Final Fantasy , the NA version should benefit from this time, mostly thanks to content bonuses. But first, during a recent FinalFantasyUnion interview with Director Takeshi Arakawa, they wanted to address the length of the localization process. If you hadn't noticed, it's a bit long for Dissidia … In response, Arakawa had this to say:

"There are two reasons [for the delay]. The main reason is that it took time to localise the game (the story part) and the second reason is less direct. We wanted to adjust the original Japanese version to create the overseas version by adding on Arcade, battle balance and also additional events."

Ah, well, we can live with that. We're getting extra game modes, a freshly balanced cast of characters, a shorter tutorial (guess we don't need as much help), and other extra content in the U.S. version of the game. Some characters will get new moves and Square-Enix will even toss in a few all-new cutscenes for the storyline. Arakawa confirmed the "new abilities for the characters," and new characters that aren't featured in the Japanese version. Can you say, "special cameos"? See, we don't mind waiting if the game we get is worth the wait, and we certainly don't mind if the development team used the time to make the the product even more appealing.

Related Game(s): Dissidia: Final Fantasy

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15 years ago

Is there a date for the NA release already?

15 years ago

I wish I could buy it but I can't since I don't have a psp and all these psp2/psp4000 talks keep me from getting one…

15 years ago

Its the same for me too..I want to play this birth by sleep,crisis core & agito!

15 years ago

Im playing Crisis Core right now, just one word: AWESOME! If CC is any indication of FFVII quality, then I understand what is all the fuss about that game.

Birth by Sleep is a Kingdom Hearts spinoff.

15 years ago

Can we just have the game now?

15 years ago

Nice, well i for one am glad they're going out of there far to improve our version, yet another example that S-E arent so bad to other reigions. Its funny in a away, yes Japan gets the games early but i guess one way of looking at it is they get Beta versions, and then we get the polished version. Like in Final Fantasy X with the Dark Aeons, that game would be no challenge without them.

I'm very cursious about the new characters.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

World of Warcraft wow,
the Japanese FFX never had Dark Aeons?!

And to that Beta version idea you have..
I've been thinking like that for years. I love getting games later, like Star Ocean 3 got the awesome Director's Cut after.

Last edited by Banky A on 5/9/2009 2:03:43 AM

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

At least SE is still helping one product by Sony.

If this game was reworked/made for PS3 then it'll be the greatest fighting game ever.

I'm so buying this.

15 years ago

That would be awesome!

15 years ago

I dont want Dissidia becomes a PS3 game, it would hit the PS3 on 2014 as earlier. I think SE is doing quite a fine job in the portable market. The psp has been graced so far with two awesome games, Crisis Core and Dissidia (coming soon stateside), while KH:Birth by Sleep and FFXIII:Agito are being working on.

On the PS3 side of things, I think we need to get used to the idea that FFXIII and versus will be the only titles coming from SE this gen, unless, Nomura wants to produce KH3 for it as well. Dunno about that.

Last edited by raztad on 5/9/2009 7:39:56 PM

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Yeah I don't want Dissidia on PS3 either, but if that type of game was made for PS3 it will be awesome.

I must have typed what I meant wrong in the other post =D

15 years ago

This is gonna sound odd but i wanna play as a moogle. I liked the ones from FF6 also id find it hilarious to beatdown Cloud as a moogle.

15 years ago

I want Sora!!!
OR Riku!!!

Last edited by Zephyr_Ex on 5/9/2009 8:28:36 AM

15 years ago

They should throw in an extra 2 characters from each game, and include Sora, Riku, Ansem, and Xemnas 😀

15 years ago

This game is pretty sick, I've been playing it for the better part of the past 2 weeks and all I can say is that its definetly worth the wait, can't wait for it to come out here in the states, then I'll actually noe wats going on in the story loll

15 years ago

I say add auron & seymour!

15 years ago

I think the game needs either Tifa or Zell. They are a perfect fit for a fighting game.

15 years ago

Ramza would be cool. Yeah, he is not main series but still…

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Seifer, Sora, Tifa, Riku, Auron and Goku!

15 years ago

nice. if they were to add anyone else as a playable character, i'd say someone like Kain or Vivi.

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