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FFVII International Suddenly Hits Japanese, Hong Kong PSN

Mere hours after Square-Enix producer Yoshinori Kitase referred to his "strong emotional ties" to Final Fantasy VII , and even mentioned the remake rumor , the classic RPG is in the news again.

Various sources are reporting that Final Fantasy VII International is now available on the Japanese and Hong Kong PSN for 1500 yen and HK$118 respectively. You can download and play it on either the PSP or – we believe – the PS3. As you may recall, the game was three CD-ROM discs in length and once again you'll have to "change discs;" when prompted to do so, press the PS/HOME button and then simply select "Switch Discs" on the next screen. Original PlayStation classics have been filing steadily onto the PSN over the past year or so, and as far as most gamers are concerned, this is the creme de la creme. Most of the hardcore fans certainly have a copy of FFVII (an original copy, not a Greatest Hits copy, right?) sitting in their collections at home, but for the young'uns who never had the opportunity, this is their chance to play one of the best games ever and what we still consider to be the greatest RPG ever. No word yet on whether or not FFVII will show up on the U.S. and European Stores, but as the game was a worldwide phenomenon, we'd like to think it's inevitable.

We'll let you know as soon as we hear anything about FFVII making it to American shores in digital form. In the meantime, one could be crazy optimistic and tie this into the Kitase quote, thereby giving you fresh hope for a FFVII remake. You know, considering how Square-Enix has Cloud on the brain right now…

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy VII

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15 years ago

Ok i guess you guys should just take down the TIP HELP thingy cuz you never give credit to people. this is like the 5th time i've sent a tip.

anyway…. this really should come to NA. Sony would sell so many copies the moment it would be up on the store.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I never saw the tips if you sent them.

From now on, just send them directly to me. But bear in mind that I DO see most of what's going on; it just takes a little while to write the article.

15 years ago

eh it is what it is i guess. i just know there was a few times i sent in a tip and you didnt see the article posted till hours later and no mention.

anyway it's cool. no hard feelings 😀

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yes, but I'm telling you: if you send me a tip and I SEE it, I'll give you the mention. That's why I tell people just to use my e-mail address for this.

15 years ago

what's Ben's email? i wanna send him a link to something…

nevermind found it

Last edited by crapreviews on 4/10/2009 6:55:15 PM

15 years ago

when it comes to PS1 Classics, it all depends on the region. US Sony doesnt focus on PS1 Classics more on PSN Games. in EU they have much more than we do. Japan focuses heavily on them. if you look at US PS1 and then the EU list, EU has double of our list. and Japan well….. theres a small chance that we are getting many PS1 classics like FFVII in the near future.

15 years ago

It's not quite that simple, the Japanese store is better served across the board whether you are speaking of PS3 content, PSP content or PS1 classics.

The pure and simple fact is that the folks in SCEA handling PS Store content either don't give a darn or don't have a clue, or a combination of both of these.

The same is true of the SCEA geniuses who handle PSP and have yet to see fit to give US PSP owners the opportunity to buy the camera or GPS unit. Despite the GPS unit being available in Europe, in English with a US map pack.


15 years ago


Now if i didnt already have FF7 on my psp i'd be incredibly envious.

15 years ago

I'm so gonna enjoy playing FFVII on the move!

15 years ago

Heh, nothing pushes people to violate having multiple PSN accounts, than something like this! Bunch of morons at SCE, swear to jeebus!


15 years ago

thing is people arent sure if the HK is mostly in english or just certain things in the game.

15 years ago

…. nevermind

Last edited by crapreviews on 4/10/2009 11:01:37 AM

15 years ago

HOLY……FU**ING……CRAP!! Sorry for the bad language…but………oh my god – it's here. PLUS IT'S AN INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Meaning that us PSP owners can basically delete our account, create a Japanese PSN account and then get it from there. However we're going to have get a Japanese PSN card first to actually buy it.

But wow it's here. And check out the bright side: It's not on Xbox LIVE LOL!

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 4/10/2009 11:06:44 AM

15 years ago

woah, delte your account? just open another one. haha, don't be hasty!

15 years ago

And just use a credit card, save you some time.

15 years ago

It's only on the psn, yes. But I don't think that means they're going to make a possible remake of final fantasy VII a playstation 3 exclusive. Look at what happened to final fantasy XIII. Even the game taking full advantage of the playstation 3's capabilities didn't stop square enix from porting it to the xbox 360.

15 years ago

This is awesome, as long as it makes it's way across to us in EU and US! On the go FF7, no homebrew!

15 years ago

Still have my original disc baby… but I would buy a PSN version in a heart beat.

15 years ago

My goodness, I am so excited for this! I hope they bring it over to the US! I can't really imagine any logical reason that they wouldn't, though. So, this is awesome.

The international version is basically the US version (with the Ruby weapon and the like, right) that they re-released in Asia because the original Asian version had fewer bosses than the US version, I think. Does anyone else know better than I?

I think when they release it here, they'll just be re-releasing the original U.S. version.

I am so excited. I can only find my disc 2 for FF7, for some reason, and now you can't get it for cheap on ebay. I need to play through this gem again.

15 years ago

IS the Hong Kong Version in English or Japanesse?

15 years ago

Hey Ben I don't know if its my PS3 or not but these advertisements are covering the articles and I can't hardly read them, Can you fix it?

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

me 2… its like that on my internet explorer as well… however, it looks swell on Firefox…

wouldn't mind being able 2 view normally on I.E again…

15 years ago

Me too, I'm having the same problem as isaya85.

There is way too much gobbeldy gook advertisements. Need to clean up this place.

15 years ago

probably just the PS3 browser.

15 years ago

Just for once, and just for kicks, I'd like it is someone from the gaming media (hint, hint) would ask John Koller or some other 'knowledgable' SCEA executive what the hell they're playing at? The excuses given for the poor rate of PS1 releases in the US are utter crap. Copyright issues? Hello? If Squenix can release the game on PSN in Japan and Asia – it's because they own the copyright on everything on the game disc. That's no different in the US, and the software clearly works, so where is our opportunity to buy?

Honestly this makes a total mockery of the supposedly region free nature of gaming on a PS3 or PSP. If it's region fraking free why can't I open the Japanese PS Store and purchase something with my perfectly good and valid PSN account and VISA card? Does Sony not want my money?

Region free? How's that so when you can't purchase content from other regions?

So, as I said at the outset I'd love for some gaming journalist (HINT, HINT – Ben, I'm sure you could do a good job on this) to ask the real and tough questions and not accept the run around or non answers. Press these guys hard for real answers.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/10/2009 12:32:55 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I could try, but I can pretty much guarantee I'll get the stock PR reply. You know, how Sony is "forward thinking" right now and focusing on certain aspects of the business.

You make a valid point, of course, but Sony is basically like this- they don't talk about something until THEY want to talk about it.

15 years ago


I know. You're right. They'll give the standard PR answers. Still it's very poor of them to do so. They'd gain far more friends by being frank and clear than they will by being obtuse and borderline misleading.

15 years ago

Well that is nice, just need to bring it to the west, wonder why they wouldn't.

15 years ago

Long Live FFVII and yes Mr. Benster my copy is old school and non-greatest hits 🙂 It sits alongside FFVIII and FFXI on my PS1 shelf in a place of reverence.

Ahem, well back to the point. Yeah if they don't release this in US/EU that would be pretty bad business tactics because as it is the people who are willing to pay exorbitant prices for FFVII aren't actually paying Sony since most are used or held for ransom by collectors.

I REALLY don't wanna do this to myself but I'm a masochist so here goes: Maybe they want to test the waters with this release to gauge whether or not they want to do a remake?

ooh, that made me feel dirty.

15 years ago

SO does this mean the article with the ff7 remakae is confirmed and se is only doing this to see how much money they can get

15 years ago

Wonder why it's not on xbox live. Not that I want that to happen, but still.

15 years ago

It's not on Xbox live, and never will be because it's an original PlayStation (PS1) game and requires a PS1 emulation in order to run. All PS3 and PSP systems come with original PS1 emulation built in, so they can play these PS1 classics from PSN. Of course all PS3 models can play PS1 games from game discs as well.

But this will not ever appear on XBL unless Sony decides to license the PS1 emulation for XBL.

Boy, wouldn't that be ironic, some of Sony's old classics running on Xbox 360, and Sony taking a cut of every sale…LOL!

15 years ago

Well there is symphony of the night on live so that is something to consider.. unless it was also released for another system or pc?

15 years ago

This news is a great time to bring up a complaint I have — why can't we import our original, paid-in-full PS1 black discs to our PS3 hard drives, a la audio CDs and iTunes? With iTunes, of course, you can take any audio CD you have and quickly and easily convert the tracks into MP3 format and play them in your computer, your iPod, and so on. With PS3, a LOT of us ALREADY OWN ALL OF THE CLASSICS and are annoyed the only way we'll get to play, say, Final Fantasy VII on our PSPs is to buy the damn game again.

I paid 50 bucks for FF VII the first time around. I would great appreciate it if Sony let me import the game to my hard drive instead of making me buy a game twice.

That is all.

15 years ago

You said it telly. I bought this game for PS1 and even the PC version with the retarded triangular box. For those who own this already I highly doubt buying it a second or third time is worth it. Anyone who really wants to play this old classic on the PSP is probably already doing it.

15 years ago

This would make me happy:

One, just one extra character, new materias, extra items,… just something plainly revitalizing.

Oh ya, and better graphics, too. :]

15 years ago

I disagree with everything you just said.

15 years ago

this is great for someone who doesnt already own FF VII

but i already have it…. so its whatever

but i do wish that i had the international version
i hate how Square would always come out with an international version that has more content in the game

prime examples
FF X and kingdom hearts 2 final mix +

both of which had lots of extra content
the latter of course in fact had a boat load of cool new things

lol 😉

15 years ago

I lost the last 2 disc so this would definitely be welcomed. If they ever bring it state side, just wonder if you could start from the save points you already have saved in my ps3?

15 years ago

Qwarktast1c the ff7 international is just basically, the USA version but with more stuff in an extra stuff

15 years ago

i know that

but if your a die hard FF fan, then i think you'd want that extra content

15 years ago

So is it in English? Has anyone downloade it in the US yet? Can you use your US wallet funds or do you need a brand new account?

15 years ago

NO its not in english its japanese but does any one know about the korean version?
and you need to live in japan for to use funds, or get a gift card promblem solve

15 years ago

What is SCEA's problem with getting PS1 classics for the US store? I now they said licensing issues, but I no longer buy into the excuse. Sony has quiet a few PS1 IPs that they own themselves that are not on the store.

15 years ago

I think I just seen FFVII for Playstation for 25 quid at Forbidden Planet!!! So I'm not worried

15 years ago

Now here's a question I'm really curious about. Should Square-Enix decide to come up with a remake for FF VII, would the fact that SCE published the original PS1 version prevent them from coming up with an 360 version? I'm really not sure how the entire publishing thing goes, but I'm curious if this would be the case.

15 years ago

I wish this woulfd come to the US along with some more PS1 classics like the original Final Fantasy Tactics and Legend of Dragoon

15 years ago

I don't see how Final Fantasy VII is a "classic RPG". It bears little or no resemblance to Dungeons and Dragons.

15 years ago

Ditto on that.

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