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LittleBigPlanet Confirmed For PSP

It has been whispered as rumor and falsely confirmed, but we've never had any sort of official announcement. Well, the mystery and assumption is gone: Media Molecule has confirmed that SackBoy and Co. will be going portable.

LittleBigPlanet is coming to the PSP some time this fall. It was announced yesterday at the Destination PlayStation event, and fans of LBP will be happy to know that this portable version will feature new levels, plus the much-appreciated and hyped ability to play, create, and share with other users across the Network. We don't know if there will be any cross-platform compatibility concerning the PlayStation 3 LBP, but we have to assume it's inevitable. This is the news that PSP owners have been waiting to hear; LBP on Sony's sleek handheld will easily be one of the biggest titles of the year. Can you imagine being able to take this innovative and addictive platformer out on the road? Say you're sitting there, traveling from one place to another, wishing you could be home fiddling around with SackBoy and your freshly created levels…and hey, it's right there in your hand! And considering the downloadable content already available for the PS3 version, can you imagine how much more stuff is gonna be on the Network for both versions? It's a LittleBigWorld of creative goodness, ain't it?

The PSP could use a good year of software, and if this isn't #1 on your most anticipated portable title list, it should be pretty damn close.

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15 years ago

Amazing, but not too surprised! This is a great move by Sony… and may well show off more of the PSP > PS3 > PSP connectability features available for these devices… I will be very interested to see how LBP renders on a PSP…

At this rate, this is going to be an eXpLoSiVe YeAr for Sony… great news really!

…hmmm …3rd person Killzone 2 for PSP anyone?


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 2/24/2009 11:09:33 PM

15 years ago

killzone liberation 2

15 years ago

That's great news to hear. Hope they keep working on the psp-PS3 connectivity. This is pretty exciting.

Offtopic: Anyone else getting that poll of what country your from on every page? I am getting rather annoyed by it.

15 years ago

This can only mean great things to come, as far as psp sale figures go!

15 years ago

Yeah, that "region" pop-up is connected to this site.
Ben or Arnold's doing it, & I'm guessing that they want to see how far a reach PSExtreme is getting around the planet.

@Ben or Arnold,
Just an FYI to let you' guys know that there's a problem with that "Region" pop-up.

FYI, I had submitted once, but since then, I've gotten the same pop-up asking me to submit 3 more times so far.

Soooo, the numbers you get could be corrupted if somebod wants to be a butthead(I can only think of one), I'm thinking that they could submit multiple times.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/25/2009 12:03:05 AM

15 years ago

II think the psp is going to have a big year there is so many games coming out my psp is going to be busy this year.

15 years ago

This is awesome news, the PSP's 09 line up looks awesome.

And yeah that region window is getting really annoying…

15 years ago

This is awesome news, I lent my copy of lbp to the baby momma and I doubt I'll get it back anytime soon.

15 years ago

LBP at home and soon on the go ! Nice news here !

15 years ago

on game informer they also announced a version of rock band and assassins creed for the psp…

15 years ago

@Fatcat3788 and BikerSaint

I too am getting the region pop up everytime i do something, it says to make sure cookies are enabled and yep they sure are. I just keep closing the window.

Back on topic, this to me will be a big seller for the PSP and it's due for a good title for this year, haven't seen anything exciting for the psp lately.

Question how would they use rock band on the PSP? that would be weird. Assassins creed would be cool.

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

i was about to get a psp till i saw the sliding screen of the psp 4000 ,if the pics are true im waiting for it

15 years ago

for some odd reason on my part, i really like the original psp-1000 =)

15 years ago

for some odd reason on my part, i really like the original psp-1000 =)

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

i was about to get a psp till i saw the sliding screen of the psp 4000 ,if the pics are true im waiting for it

15 years ago

Assassins Creed – Ubisoft will be release an exclusive version of their game on the PSP and a bundle pack (The entertainment pack) soon after.

LittleBigPlanet – A PS3 game in my top ten is coming to the PSP (I never thought I’d see the day). Media Molecule is indeed releasing LittleBigPlanet for the PSP using the same create, play and share system.

Hannah Montana – You make not like her but as part of Sony’s plans of expanding to a female audience games like this one will now be appearing on shelf’s. Along with the game there will also be an entertainment pack i.e. a PSP bundle.

Rock Band Unplugged – Wow this just keeps getting better. Rock Band, a PSP exclusive version, this game is surly to be great. MTV Games and Harmomix have announced an exclusive version of the game and will even be taking advantage on the PSP’s wireless capabilities introducing the PSP’s first in game store.

Motorstorm Arctic Edge – Another great game coming to the PSP. This time the festival is set in Alaska and the game is also set to be out on the PS2 in the fall of 09.

Other titles coming to the platform include a line of EA Sports Games and for the girls Petz, the game were you own your own pet and look after it.

15 years ago


15 years ago

I love LBP, I wish they made Sackboy plushies, I'd buy them.

15 years ago

Assassin's Creed

MotorStorm Arctic Edge (PSP and PS2)

Rock Band

Have also been announced for the PSP.

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