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Sony: No PSP2, Focus On Software

Although it has been in the rumor bin a lot lately, Sony says they currently have no plans for a "PSP2."

According to MCVUK, SCEE president David Reeves has clarified the situation, and instead of another handheld unit, Sony is focusing on "continually improving the current generation of the handheld format." We already have a couple upgraded versions of the original PSP, anyway, resulting in a unit that's lighter, thinner, sleeker, and even more visible thanks to the latest addition of an enhanced LCD screen. At the same time, Reeves admitted the PSP needs more software – although 2008 saw several amazing titles like God of War: Chains of Olympus and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII – and they remain dedicated to garnering more support for their handheld. The only problem is, the competition is quite stiff. Said Reeves:

"The PSP is as successful in numbers as PS2 it tracks its numbers in a cumulative basis. Its weakness, however, is its software. And thats because developers, when it comes to placing their bets, have to choose PS3 and 360, then Wii, then DS, maybe even PS2 before PSP. Its the same at our internal studios, where the focus has been on PS3. Theyve also focused a lot on PS2 as well because we have to get the SingStars out for that format. So PSP games will come they just take a while longer."

The PSP is one hell of a little machine, and provided Sony can drag in more high-profile titles, things should be fine. After all, the PSP just enjoyed its best year ever in terms of overall sales in Japan, and despite the odds, it has risen up the ranks. The DS is still king, of course, but the PSP is certainly holding its own. Now, about that software…

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15 years ago

So is that screen issue fixed yet?

15 years ago

There is no issue; it's a design feature easily visible in close-ups of the pixel arrangement. Unless they change the screen again, there will be no fix.

15 years ago

Well, we are still waiting for Kingdom Hearts, a few FF titles, Resistance Ret, and some others I'm sure I forgot. So if they all release next year on top of some others, they'll be doing just fine imo. And what the heck happened to Gran Turismo portable??

Last edited by Daedusian on 12/11/2008 11:44:56 AM

15 years ago

I think the software focus is a good idea, but if they would release a PSP with two analog sticks, I would definitely fork over the money!!!

15 years ago

yea stop with the psp2 bullcrap and come out with more games. give us some of those weird quirky asian games. give us more final fantasy related games b4 it shows up on the ds, not after it shows up on the ds.

remake some of the ps2 classics. how the hell did crono trigger make its way to the ds? ignoring psp? psp sales has been good. make some announcements of some new games for the psp. lets mix games of asian and western taste.

target the female audience. make some of those dating sims so girls can get into the psp.

target the kids as well. nintendo has mario and square enix. come on psp! lets do this thing!

15 years ago

Of course they have to say there is no PSP2 right now, if everyone thought there was one coming in the next year or so sales would most likely tank. I think Sony need to release a PSP2 though to attract more developers since the current PSP is lousy with piracy.

15 years ago

makes sense, i read an entire article in play-mag about lack of software. and i think that the psp is getting owned by the DS

15 years ago

it most be in development for it to be out between 2010-2011.

15 years ago


If sony allows the execution of unsigned apps, registry hacks, and plugins on the PSP officially, I guarantee you that the PSP will skyrocket to the forefront.

Movement to an open platform will give all kinds of crazy freedom to the people, which when well marketed, means the fence sitters jump right on over.

15 years ago

Well, if David Reeves says it, then it must be true. I mean, all his promises about how we would be blown away at GGC were accurate, right?

N a S a H
N a S a H
15 years ago

When I bought my PSP at launch I didn't think I'd be using it for games a lot, and i was right.

I only have had 6 games for it ever. (FTB1, FTB2, Wipeout Pure, World Cup 06, God of War and one more can't remember name of it, but it was rubbish.

I don't download games although I easily could because if I think a game looks good i just buy it. So what do I use it for? Homebrew and all these clever little applications. I LOVE seeing what people can come up with. It's just fantastic. Sony should let people make their own games and applications for PSP.

15 years ago

Damn. I really wanted to play a FPS on a PsP with an extra joy stick aaawell

15 years ago

i want PSP2 to be released, then PSP1 price go to 70USD, and i finally can buy a handheld that i always want to have.
the homebrew scene is great in PSP ( DS too)

15 years ago

You guys should be happy you even have a portable.

How does MS plan to break into the Japanese market without one! HELLO!?!?

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