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PSP 2 Rumored To Be In Development

Sony has already followed up the launch of the original PSP with two more iterations of the handheld device; the most recent is the PSP-3000 – or PSP Brite – and now, everyone is wondering when the PSP-4000 will come around. Well, forget that; how's about the PSP 2?

The latest news comes from a recent EETimes article that talks about a joint venture with Imagination Technologies Group to manufacture a certain chip set for a unit called the "PSP 2." The chip set in question is similar to the POWERVR SGX graphics processor, and you can find the SGX chip sets in everything from palmtops to mobile PCs. It's currently considered to be one of the most powerful available today, so most are assuming it's a good decision to implement this piece of technology into a new portable gaming device. However, Sony will neither confirm or deny that research and development of a new PSP is either currently taking place or coming to a close, so everything is just speculation at this point. Then again, when something carries the title of "PSP 2" with it, it's difficult to imagine the aforementioned joint venture is anything but a team dedicated to a Sony handheld sequel.

So now the question is, what do you want to see in a new PSP? We're sure many owners out there have suggestions for Sony in regards to additions and enhancements, so let's hear it. Bigger screen? Different button layout? Something crazy original like the DS? Or just more media stuff in general?

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15 years ago

I think most people would love the new PSP to have a 2nd analog stick. That's been on people's PSP wish list for a long time…

15 years ago

i'd say they will do a better job of been able to link it with the ps3.
And i hope they put in a second analog,and lets see the FPS role out.
what else????
make a harddrive for it and then make it compatable with the ps3 for easy sharing and stuff.And if your pushing it make it fit in your hands comfortabley like a controller.

15 years ago

I wonder will it still use UMD's. Or somthing new.

15 years ago

I don't expect a PSP 2 to include a UMD drive. I think it has added quite a bit of cost to the unit, not to mention the extra drain on the battery. I think connectivity with PS3 may become the main delivery platform for games direct to your PSP 2.


"i Am hOMe"

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Second analog stick and built in 80Gb hard drive instead of the UMD.

Games and movies would be digital download only. Works for iPod, why not PSP 2.

15 years ago


damn boy!

15 years ago

Why not? Apple is able to fit 160 gigs into the ipod classic.

15 years ago

I don't think it will be out too soon though. We probably wont see it for another year or so.

King James
King James
15 years ago

20gb-60gb hard drives, touch screen, and a 2nd analogy stick.

Oooo, and a customizable XMB bar. similar to what the new Sony Ericson Xperia X1 has.

15 years ago

Atleast a 1ghz processor,256mb ram,128mb of video ram,Better UMD drive,20gb flash drive.

A second analog stick,Scratch resistant Screen n case,Touch Sensivity n vibration[if possible].

15 years ago

Ok guys…if it's from EE Times – it's definitely true, that magazine is the king of information on electronics. Hmmm…

Internal and External –

external…not too much – keep the bright screen (no scan lines), 2nd analog stick, and how about sixaxis motion?? lol

Internal…a lot lol. A BIG HARD DRIVE ok – 8gb MINIMUM, and if they won't do that pack a 4gb memory stick at least. Also make it be able to read sd cards as well. A good amount of RAM, a good processor – and yea.

Software-wise…make sure flash player 9 can be done haha.

15 years ago

Mido Ban?! I love you dude!

15 years ago

Getbackers FTW

15 years ago

a big hard drive, a second stick on the right, and a touch screen as optional choice for some games.

15 years ago

DirecTV satellite receiver 🙂

15 years ago

hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 years ago

with dvr

King James
King James
15 years ago

Wow! Hell yes!

Sony, make it happen!

15 years ago

Ive still got my 1000 series JP psp.. going strong.. no need to update it.

but every time I play an FPS on it a little piece of me dies inside.

The psp NEEDS a second analogue nub.

They can make it sing, make the tea… dance and fart.. if it doesnt have a second nub then I know I for one wont be bothering.

Ok, ok…if it farts its mine.

15 years ago

two joysticks, 80Gb internal memory, d-pad,rumble, sixaxis, like DS3.

2ghz cpu, 256mb ram,256mb gpu

15 years ago

as long as it's better in almost every way than psp-3000, i'll prob get one.

15 years ago

Zorigo… you using your mobile to write this? my god man.. stop! lol

15 years ago

UMD Blu Ray, and yes a second analog is A MUST!!!! Better implementation with the ps3

John Shoemaker
John Shoemaker
15 years ago

Second analog is a must.
And do something along the lines of the DS. Make the games fit on a SD card or something along those lines.
You can fit huge amounts of space on those now so it shouldn't be a problem with games for it.

Also, just like you people said, give it a harddrive. Something along the lines of 160GB would do just fine. Especially with all the music, pictures, demos, videos, and games you could put on it.

Touch screen. Let there be some sort of touch screen interface on it. Not something that fully requires you to use the thing during games or just searching through the XMB.

They need to take examples of what Apple did with the iPhone. Something that is along the lines of a multi-function portalable device that plays all the great games we expect from Sony.

Bluetooth as well. Just in case someone wants to use a headset or headphones when playing online or in a crowded area. And it would work well if they use a phone service in it like the first PSP.

Slap a $249 price tag on it and I'd buy it in a heart beat.

Oh and the only problem I can see if they didn't put a UMD player in it is that you couldn't play the PSP games or movies in it. So that could be left for Sony to figure what to do with all of the UMD discs out now.

15 years ago

It would be great if you could copy your umd stuff to the hard drive, but piracy would probably be rampant.

15 years ago

zorgio rules psx extreme dudes

15 years ago

2nd analog stick and a 60-80 gig flash drive would make it worthwhile.No need for a UMD drive cause you can download movies from the PS3 or PSP via the net or a digtal copy from a Blu-ray disc.Can be done with the games too.I can see digital dist. take off here on a hand held.

Last edited by LCF on 11/29/2008 3:52:48 PM

15 years ago

1. 2nd Analog
2. Scratch Proof Screen
3. Harddrive

15 years ago

With all the talk about future consoled potentially offering games only via download, I feel this would be perfect for the PSP2. It would save a great deal of power by not spinning that UMD.

15 years ago

Don't forget the bottle opener.

15 years ago

Haha and the nail file.

15 years ago

there was an old rumour that a touch screen was heading for the psp2…

anyway, the old argument for not having another nub was that the screen was too large for it to fit, personally I would rather lose 1cm of screen for a 2nd analogue nub.. any day.

15 years ago

With handheld I don't think you need graphical performance.
Sony has to consider that most people play their handhelds at home.
Downloadable PS2 games.
Downloadable movies that can upscale to hd for tv output. So having an internal HDD you can be having a portable media HDD player for your HDTV.
Touchscreen mainly for media features and scrolling through the web. Please use firefox.
sixaxis type games like on my sony ericsson.
OLED screens.
All PS3 games have conectivity with the PSP 2, so if you buy a PS3 game it wil connect to the PSP 2 and add extra features for the game i.e. a rear view mirror for the racing car like Sony demoed once, also it the PSP 2 could act as a map (all this can be done with the current PSP.) and/or the PSP 2 could download additional games from PS3 games.
Ovbiously a second analog stick.

15 years ago

second analog stick,hdd of flash drive,trophy support, satellite like sirius or 3g.touch screen,tilt.

15 years ago

Lol, some where up there I read "Slap a $249 price tag on it and I would buy it in a heart beat"

Well… with what you guys are asking (80-160Gb built in, touch screen etc…) how abouts a hell no to that $249… It would cost so much more… Sure, it might not seem like a lot… but money does add up quite a bit.

I would buy a PSP2 no matter what the price is (Thats a lie, no more than $400 MAYBE more depending on how good it is) but a lot of other people wont.

Nice ideas, but muy expensivo! Im not even good at speaking spanish I have no clue why I said it like I did -_-

15 years ago

With this one I'll have to agree with the majority and say that a second analog would ideal. I'm not crazy on touch screen as I was before, but wouldn't mind having it the package. I also want the device to play PS2 games so I could play my favorite games such as Metal Gear Solid 2-3, Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne all the way to Devil Summoner etc. So many games on PS2 that I would find it hard buying new games for PSP2.

I'm not desperate, Sony could take their time making it. It would be best if it came out Summer 2010. I barely have time to play the games that I have now for PS3.

Oh and I wouldn't pay more than $400 for it and I'm sure many gamers are on the same boat with me.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 11/29/2008 7:17:08 PM

Papa Burgundy
Papa Burgundy
15 years ago

Better graphix, hard drive, and a second analog stick, a touch screen would b nice as well

15 years ago

Analog sticks and hard drive are a MUST, bluetooth would be nice, especially for connecting to the ps3. I would like if they could improve upon the umd, instead of totally abandoning it, because I would like to play my psp 1 games. Or maybe they could implement a system of copying umd games to the hard drive.

The hard drive would do so much for digital distribotion. I think people would download stuff like crazy with a big hard drive.

A touch screen might be nice, but not if it enabled crappy ds-like games to be made.

I wonder what sony thinks about adding cellular capabilities to it?

15 years ago

Hmm I dunno I'd be happy with a bullet/scratch proof screen and smudge proof to. Finger prints run rampant on my PSP. And of course another analog stick. And maybe make the analog sticks so that you can click them (kinda like L3 and R3) and then they pop out of the PSP more, so it's more like the dual shock instead of the stub.

15 years ago

They'll need to do a complete overhaul of the design if they want to get it right with 2 Analog sticks…

15 years ago

a second analog
bluetooth, and maybe phone functionality…..
then probably a mini blu ray disc!

Last edited by jerocarson on 11/29/2008 9:47:48 PM

15 years ago

Give it an HDD with at least 20gb., 2 joystics, L1,L2,L3,R1,R2,& R3 buttons, touch screen, optional big screen (at least 7"), UMD version of Blu-ray, the PS3's version of the XMB, memory-stick and SD card slots, Downloadable features like a GPS, or maybe even internet service from verizon or any other company, Better Flash coverage, high definition (between 480p and 720p), Sixasis, vibration, and a price tag under $500!

15 years ago

Better sound system for sure.
Why not have the PSP 2 be like the Dualshock 3 controller with a large 50' (I kid) pop up window with a wi fi system and a hard drive – 100 gigs ( one can dream), but no touch screen, hate that for the Ipod.

15 years ago

What everybody above just said….
Oh, and a built-in Swiss Army Knife. lol

15 years ago

An HD (1080p) OLED screen With a mini Blu-ray drive. And everything above 🙂

15 years ago

I agree with more or less everyone when I say a 2nd analogue stick. It's just so much easier. I wouldn't agree on the touch screen though…that would ruin the idea of the PSP in my opinion. A Hard drive would be cool, but then could be heavy, which is not what you want for a handheld. I'm happy with the old memoey stick duo. Just buy a big memory stick if you don't wanna run out of room. Mini Blu-Ray would give us more bragging rights, but I don't deem it necessary. The only other thing would be more games and more connectivity between PS3 and PSP like joint trophies or somethint 'cos at the moment, my PSP is going unused due to lack of quality games out there and the amount of quality games in PS3

15 years ago

I want to see a 2nd analog stick and a better game support from third party game makers. A mini Bluray would cost way to much. I don't care that much about a hard drive. Flashcard will do.
Keep the price down under $200 for mass market, learn from nintendo. Load it up with unnecessary crap and charge over $400 only the hardcore will have it. This time focus on the games!!!! Go to the major game makers and ask them what do you want to see in a handheld. Instead of telling them.

15 years ago

Bluetooth, 2nd analog stick, enhanced web browsing capability, and built in digital ATSC/QAM tv since the PSP features the 16:9 screen… just saying…

15 years ago

something that would be great for the PSP 2 would be a touch screen.

15 years ago

Built in mini cam, Skype (or similar communications device with an onboard mic would give it some edge. As it stands right now, Sony is all about multi-functionality and with nintendo still having a pretty good grip on the hand held market, sony needs to expand its capability. A large part of the problem is that a lot of the software isnt there for the PSP. If youre crafty, a hombrew psp is great but you dont get that expanded functionality with what Sony currently wants to allow you to do.

The machine itself is relatively solid. Technologically its almost leaps and bounds better than the DS. An extra analog stick where both are just slightly raised (i personally get more control out of tilting the stick than sliding it around) would be kool. More onboard memory and bluetooth. Blah blah blah. It has to be smart and not packed full of things that make us pay 300 dollars for it.

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