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Final Fantasy Agito XIII Now Only In Development For PSP?

Let's face it- most avid gamers completely ignore mobile phone titles. They certainly can't stand up to titles on other platforms that were designed to play games, and with all the choices available, something for your phone seems like a colossal waste of time.

Obviously, this is the primary reason why most handheld gamers weren't all that excited when Final Fantasy Agito XIII was announced for the PSP. Most held the viewpoint of, "who cares; if it's being made as a mobile title, how good could it be?" We would agree with that sentiment, but we've just learned something that should come as good news for PSP owners: according to Forever-Fantasy, Square-Enix confirmed at TGS 2008 that Agito is now exclusive to Sony's handheld. Furthermore, the press kit they handed out makes no mention of the mobile version, which leads one to believe they've halted development on that version entirely. Perhaps they realized their vision simply wouldn't work on a mobile platform…? That's what we're hoping for, because we'd suddenly be a lot more interested in this particular game. Given their history, we can't see Square-Enix toning their efforts down enough to fit on a mobile device, so this is making more sense to us.

We'll try to have more information for you over the next few months. But for now, let's just say you shouldn't dismiss Final Fantasy Agito XIII as a throwaway title any longer; PSP owners could be in for yet another role-playing treat.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Agito XIII

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16 years ago

That's pretty awesome, I look forward to owning all three version. PSP and PS3 wise, this is pretty cool.

16 years ago

Oh yea getting this game for sure. And I hope the graphics and gameplay are like either God of War: CoO or FF VII: Crisis Core. I bought Valhalla Knight yesterday and it was horrible. I honestly think 3D is very hard to make look really good on PSP, so far God of War is the only noticable game that achieved such thing. Crisis Core is right behind it.

I'd buy a new PSP with better graphic/memory/processor. I'm a graphic and gameplay freak honestly.

16 years ago

They said that they'd canceled development for the mobile a few months ago. When Agito was first announced for the PSP at the Square Conference, they said that they had canceled development for the cellphone because the technology wasn't good enough and they wanted to expand on it. I'm really looking forward to this game, and apparently it has a monster sized storyline.

16 years ago

Old news, but good news for PSP fans. You can bet your PS3 that the only reason it's coming to PSP is because there's no XboxMobile.
SE = backstabbers

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/11/2008 3:04:23 PM

16 years ago

I hope so. I need a good reason to pick up my PSP again.

16 years ago

Deleted by a moderator .

16 years ago

forget this trailer has been leaked

16 years ago

Leaked, link please.

I'm so happy its on the PSP, instead of a mobile phone, Phone games should either stay at the quality of Snake, Chess & Tetris or be BANNED, FFVII: Before Crisis would have been fantastic on the PSP & now we've all missed it 🙁

16 years ago

I hear ya on that. I wanted to play Before Crisis, but I hate cell phone games. So Im stuck wondering what it was like.

Last edited by Reccaman18 on 10/12/2008 2:49:55 PM

16 years ago

I totally agree. Phone games should be just limited to those games like PacMan, Tetris, Chess or Bowling type of game. It is a platform with no future and potential for video games, especially cool and long games with stories. Just think about it, who will play a 40-50 hours game on a phone by turning the phone vertical to horizontal and stick with it to play, that alone is aukward.

16 years ago

I am very excited to know this news. I will buy all three games, FF13, FFv13 and FF Agito 13. I am counting the time every single day!!!

16 years ago

I've always looked down on handhelds but it seems lately that they have been picking up. If I had to choose I'd get a psp, but with all the cool little electronic gadgets that I carry around (Cell phone, Ipod) will I have room in my pockets!?

16 years ago

DuDe!!! that was awesome can't wait to play that game, hope it has a good graphics like crisis core or dissidea…whoooooo final fantasy XIII on psp!!rock dude… can anyone inform me when will it be out on psp?

15 years ago

Awesome!!!!!!Final Fantasy XIII is on psp!!!???can't wait to play that!!!Hope it will arrive here soon enough on Philippines hahaha square enix should ralease more Final Fantasy on psp!cause no matter how hard it is im gonna finish it!!!HA!!!!!this is my third best game i played on psp first Final Fantasy Crisis core and Second is God Of war and now!!!This awesome!!!!