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PSP-3000 Will Have “Equivalent Batterly Life To Current PSP”

It's always good to clarify comments that may have a direct impact on a consumer's purchasing decision, however small the detail may be.

Not long after Sony unveiled the new PSP-3000 at the Leipzig Games Convention, we heard from one source (citing GameSpot) that the enhanced LCD screen will drain more power from the unit, thereby causing battery life to dwindle by "20-30 minutes." Supposedly, this came from SCEA Director of Hardware Marketing, John Koller, but Koller just recently went on record over at the official PlayStation blog to clear things up:

"Hi, everyone, there have been reports about the battery life of the new PSP system (PSP-3000) being shorter than the current model (PSP-2000), following an interview we recently did with Gamespot. I’d like to make a correction and clarify that the new PSP will have equivalent battery life to the current PSP, about 4 to 6 hours for games and about 4 to 5 hours for UMD videos. While the enhanced screen of the new PSP draws a little more power, our engineers in Japan worked to reduce the power consumption of the overall system including its components, so you won’t have to worry about losing any time when enjoying the more vibrant visuals displayed with the new PSP."

Isn't that PlayStation blog a great source for information, straight from the horse's mouths, so-to-speak? It's certainly fantastic for any owners or would-be owners of any PlayStation-brand products, and while it's not quite as informative as good ol' PSXE, it's still a darn good resource, gamers. And as you can see, there really is no downside to the new PSP model.

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15 years ago

I guess I don't have an excuse for not getting it, then.

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