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PSP Breaks 10 Million Mark In Japan

Okay, who doesn't own a video game handheld unit in Japan? And at this point, how many don't own the PSP? That thing just keeps selling like mad, and ever since the release of Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G , it has easily eclipsed the DS in sales every month.

And now, according to Kotaku citing Famitsu, Sony's sleek handheld has officially sold over 10 million units in the Land of the Rising Sun. It took them under four years to hit the lofty plateau – December 12, 2004 – August 24, 2008 – and it only goes to show that after a slow start, the Japanese have lovingly embraced the PSP. Perhaps not surprisingly, of those 10 million owners, 2,396,642 of them have purchased the aforementioned Monster Hunter title, and 1,706,387 bought the first Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (yes, the "G" means it's a whole new title). According to the Top 5 games list, the third-biggest title in Japan is Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII while Phantasy Star Portable slides in at #5. At #4…yep, another Monster Hunter ; the original Monster Hunter Portable . Obviously, with the exception of Crisis Core , none of those games can be considered "system sellers" here in the U.S., but hey, different strokes.

The PSP is doing very well just about everywhere these days, but the 10 million sales mark in Japan is a definite milestone. Now, what are those 10 million people going to do about the new PSP-3000? Oh well, all the rest of the Japanese citizens can buy that one; pretty soon, it'll be a customary present for all newborns.

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15 years ago

This is very good news indeed!


"aLL RoAds LeAd ToO HoMe"

15 years ago

Some people, new customers, may buy the 3000 series. I'm gonna buy it and I'll have 2 different PSP's going … I'll give the 2000 series to my brother and keep the 3000. Good excuse to get away with =)

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

I have Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and I just dunno its really hard to get into

15 years ago

we all have different tastes which is a big thing considering a game like monster hunter sell so much more in japan than a game like gta in the states. i honestly love monster hunter freedom 1&2 more than gta… i am korean so does that make me like mh just cause? i dont think so, after all manhunt was a fun game 🙂
oh i dont think the psp3000 will overtake the slims, probably just add to the already awesome sales

15 years ago

Still want to get me the red Kratos psp

15 years ago

Nice. I'm going to buy a PSP next week… I can't miss out on quality games like FFagitoIII and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep coming out next year.

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