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PSP-3000 Battery Life Shortened Due To New LCD Screen

Ever since the new PSP was unveiled at Leipzig, many a consumer has started to ponder a purchase. If you don't already own Sony's snazzy portable, that newly enhanced LCD screen might be enough to coerce you into buying, but there is one negative aspect that didn't get a lot of press.

According to Exophase, SCEA product marketing manager John Koller has confirmed that due to the brighter screen, the battery life of the unit will decrease by "20-30 minutes." This may be a minor deal, but it is something every consumer should be aware of, right? We keep ya up to speed. Here's the official statement from Koller:

"Battery life will decrease by a small amount, it's about 20 minutes maybe 30 minutes and that's because there's a larger power draw with the brighter screen."

At the same time, there have been some nasty rumors floating around that Sony plans to discontinue the PSP extended battery life pack. However, this isn't true; the peripheral will be available this holiday season and will offer the player an additional 8-10 hours of entertainment before the batteries finally conk out. Handhelds have come an awfully long way in the past 20 years or so, but in the end, as they are portable, they still have to rely on battery power. But at the very least, we can have much fuller experiences these days, despite the added power draw. Hell, what would be the point of the extra power if the experience wasn't better?

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15 years ago

hmmmm… well i guess thats the trade off. i think they should re design that damn battery all together

15 years ago

worth the trade imo. Like really other than flights and cross country road trips you will always find some place to plug in your charger.

15 years ago

I stick with my original Fat PSP. Even though I can't use Skype and don't have brighter screen I think the original Fat PSP screen is still brilliant. The only reason I will buy a new PSP is if mine breaks or I can't play new PSP games anymore.

15 years ago

Definetly getting the battery too, knowing myself ima need it lol

15 years ago

"20-30 minutes."

That's no big deal. Barely even worth mentioning.

15 years ago

the only reason i haven't upgraded to a slim is because it took me forever with my VERY limited code knowledge to get my homebrew to work like i want it, and i REALLY dont want to do that again.

if i was a legit guy with money to buy every PSP game i wanted, i'd upgrade in a heartbeat. The problems in the cash.

alarming trend…

15 years ago

Hey man that's not bad. I played most PSP games for long periods of hours without charging it.

15 years ago

hey guys, i bought a psp about 3 years ago. it broke after like 4 months. It wouldn't play games or do anyting. it even rarely turned on! Are the psp's still unreliable??

15 years ago

I had problems with my psp too, i cant even find it now! lol but it doesn't mean they are unreliable, if you want another one go get it!

15 years ago

My PSP 1000 still works, and in perfect condition. ^_^

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

My original PSP has 3000 hours on it and still works flawlessly. I think it is time to upgrade, so I can't wait for the new version. Love those portable movies…I have 50 of them now.

15 years ago

The DSLite came with a new brighter screen and at the same time increased the battery life by a significant amount, why can't the PSP do the same. Perhaps give us the option to dim the screen as lighting allows us to conserve its life.

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