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Expect PSP Firmware 4.05 “Soon”

Well, the biggest firmware update of the year is already out – that would be update 2.40 for the PlayStation 3; it added Trophies and the in-Game XMB – but PSP owners can expect more in the way of cool features in the very near future.

According to the Director of PlayStation Network Operations, Eric Lempel, PSP owners should be on the lookout for firmware update 4.05, which "will be released soon." Lempel made the mini-announcement over at the official PlayStation blog (always a great resource for any Sony-related news), but details are slim for now. He did say the update will add new visualizers for music playback, "among other features." Some portable fans have been waiting for more in the way of PS3 connectivity, so perhaps updates down the road will focus on that, but we'll be happy with 4.05 at this time. Obviously, it isn't the firmware updates that sell the system – that would be the software – but significant firmwares really enhance the overall appeal and functionality…and since when is that a bad thing?

As soon as Sony sees fit to issue more details on firmware update 4.05, we'll be sure to let you know. In the meantime, keep it here as we advance into E3. There's guaranteed to be some PSP news coming out of the West coast this week!

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16 years ago

I'm still waiting for the so called firmware for the ability to play divx, should they ever get around to it

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

Maybe it'll be this one. Never know. 🙂

16 years ago

I would like to invest in a PSP sometime in the future, but I fear their will be a hardware update in the future and would rather wait for the new model. No real news on that front, maybe I will just have to keep on wait'n.


"aLL RoAdS LeAd ToO HoMe"

16 years ago

Wellll they just had a hardware update
well recently
I'm sure you can find a good deal on a PSP-slim new or used somewhere

16 years ago

Custom Firmware > All

16 years ago

psp ingame xmb!?! what do u think? lol

16 years ago

i was thinking the same thing.

16 years ago

i havn't noticed much change at all yet. i think there's one new visualization, but that's all i've noticed. Anyone got any more details on anything else in it?

16 years ago

Maybe an attempt to make the PSP more secure, try to stop the pandemic of custom firmware updates… maybe some bricking code of sorts…


"aLL RoAdS LeAd ToO HoMe"

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
16 years ago

When is Sony going to give us more music player visuals on the PS3. I love the options we have with the PSP, but we need more than 2 visuals for the PS3 music player…and a detachable (stay on top) mini music player.

16 years ago

Sony does not want to open the console up to sceners, hobbyists, bedroom coders etc. Once the system is banged open… bye bye business model… my gripe with the non-accelerated Linux tease we have… it could be such a great hobbyist machine!


"aLL RoAdS LeAD toO HoME"

Last edited by Qubex on 7/14/2008 9:57:47 AM

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